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Presenter: Wesley Richard

B. History, Social Studies Education (Secondary)

1. Essential Standards
1. Analyze the increase in economic and military competition among nations in terms of
the influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialism. (History)
2. Explain the impact of social organizations (such as families), social structures (such as
marriage), and social institutions (such as schools) on individuals and groups within
society. (Sociology).
3. Analyze the moral development throughout the lifespan. (Psychology).
All three of these could be reflected by the episode that I plan to use. The historical
aspect of the show deals with British imperialism in Borneo. The characters are British
colonials who have settled in Borneo to work on a tobacco crop. This will illustrate the
history of imperialism.
The sociology connection relates to two of the British colonials in the episode, since they
are married to one another. Another man believes the woman to be unhappy in Borneo,
but she professes to deeply love her husband and her willingness to follow him anywhere.
The psychological connection relates to the single man who has just moved to Borneo,
Stephen Macy. He is unhappy there and is jealous of the other man due to his beautiful
wife. Some harsh words are stated, temptations are made, and the rest is history. There
is one excellent quote in the episode that I believe will tie into this quote.
2. Information and technology curriculum
Use appropriate technology tools and other resources to design products to share
information with others (e.g. media presentations, Web 2.0 tools, graphics, podcasts, and
audio files).
I may do a presentation as an example of the model that can be used in a classroom. This
presentation will explain some aspects as well as provide background info on imperialism
and sociology/psychology.
3. The NC Professional Teaching Standards
Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
With the presentation, I will encourage careful analysis and thought about all three
aspects of the television episode clips in relation to imperialism, the characters, etc.
C. I will be showing portions of a television episode of the series Night Gallery called
The Caterpillar.
D. The media is a series of clips from a television episode.
E. I have a DVD I could show, or perhaps I could show it from the Internet.

Media communicate values and ideologies.
1. What is the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Warwick?
2. What is the relationship between Mrs. Warwick and Stephen Macy?
3. What are the motives behind Macys interest in Mrs. Warwick?
4. How is Robinson similar to Macy?
The media have social and political implications.
1. What are the consequences of imperialism?
2. Do you think imperialism was a good or bad thing?
3. Can you see a possible solution to the effects imperialism has had on the world?
4. What are the consequences of sending convicts to a colony?
Media forms are related to content.
1. What was behind the main idea of what I showed you?
Audiences are involved in the process of creating media.
1. What do you think about the characters of Macy, Robinson, Mr. Warwick, and
Mrs. Warwick?
2. How would you feel if someone openly criticized your marriage/relationship?
3. Judge the effects of genetics vs. the tropical environment. Which, if either, is
more important to someones character?
4. Can you think of a way to incorporate this episode into the subject you plan to
All media are constructions.
1. What do you see as possible outcomes in this episode?
2. What was the turning point in this media?
Possible answers (in order)
1. Mr. and Mrs. Warwick appear to love each other very much. Both appreciate one
another and seem genuinely concerned with one anothers well being.
2. Although Macy may seem appeasing at times, he remains a negative influence on
the Warwick marriage. However, Mrs. Warwick forgives him and is willing to be
his friend.
3. Macy is lonely and is jealous of Mr. Warwick due to his lovely wife. He is only
interested in Mrs. Warwick for this lustful reason.

4. While Macy distances himself from Robinson, the two nevertheless appear to
share a number of qualities. In fact, both may be described as men on lifes
wrong road.
5. Imperialism has many consequences for those involved. While some nations may
be economically assisted by imperialism, this would not be the case with all.
6. As to whether imperialism itself is good or bad, I feel the best answer depends on
the nation being discussed.
7. One of the worst effects of imperialism has been seen throughout the Middle East.
Many Muslims are bitter towards Europeans as the result of the imperial presence
in their homelands. It would probably be very difficult to erase the effects
imperialism has had on these nations.
8. This question refers to Robinson, who was a deported convict. Britain also sent
convicts to the American colonies, particularly Georgia and Virginia. The effects
are debatable, but some have speculated (going back to the genetic theory) that
the criminal genes were passed on to future generations.
9. I believe that the main idea is that Stephen Macy is unhappy with his
surroundings and may do something in order to gain control of Mrs. Warwick.
10. While all these characters are unique, perhaps it is best to break them into three
groups. The good (Mr. and Mrs. Warwick), the bad (Robinson) and the man in
the middle (Macy). However, it will become obvious that Robinson will convert
Macy to the bad aisle.
11. I feel like most people would be offended and perhaps even angry if someone
criticized their marriage/relationship with their lover. Some, like Mrs. Warwick,
might be more forgiving than others during the aftermath.
12. This question is very debatable, and the answer depends on the persons opinion.
Many feel strongly about one or the other, and some believe that choices
determine almost all situations. It is interesting to note that many believed that

Europeans could not handle tropical climates, which may explain Macys
behavior, but then what about Mr. and Mrs. Warwick? They are doing just fine,
so there remain a lot of unanswered questions about personality.
13. Art majors could find Night Gallerys paintings to be of some use for future
assignments. Some science majors could be interested in the remainder of the
episode, which is another story in and of itself.
14. Most people would probably feel that Macy would do something drastic, perhaps
with Robinsons help, in order to win Mrs. Warwick over.
15. I personally believe the turning point in this media was when Robinson entered
the room. There is something about his demeanor that was very eerie.

G. I created a PowerPoint as a way to show what students could do for this assignment.
A presentation like this could come in handy for all students in that it provides a great
visual to follow.
Other ideas:
1. Students could be assigned a PowerPoint presentation to do themselves. Perhaps
each student could select one topic (history, psychology, or sociology) and do a
presentation from that angle. This method could provide a deeper and broader
idea of how the media related to so many topics.
2. Students could be shown a map of the world under imperialism (in the 1920s) and
be asked to use a blank map and color in what they expect the world to look like
100 years from now. This would make them appreciate the concept of history for
as a way of better predicting the future.
3. The question of whether genetics, environment, or choice has a greater impact of
human behavior may be used in an assignment. Students could be required to

write a paper explaining their opinion and use first hand experiences when doing

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