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Mid-Term Exam Review

Study Guide
Chemistry I
Mrs. C. Henderson
Directions: You must complete ALL of the questions from this study guide. This will be a
great help to your preparation for the mid-term exam. On the day that you take this midterm exam, turn this in with every answer completed and may receive 15 extra credit point
added to your final exam score. This must be done on a separate sheet of paper and turned
into to Mrs. Henderson before the exam begins.
Chapter 1-Introduction to Chemistry
1. What is chemistry?
A branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is
composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact,
combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.
2. Why is the scope of chemistry so vast?
Because living and nonliving things are made of matter, chemistry affects all aspects of
life and most natural events.
3. What are five traditional areas of study in chemistry?
Organic, inorganic, biochemistry, analytical, and physical
4. How are pure and applied chemistry related?
Applied chemistry is the application of the theories and principles of chemistry to
practical purposes. Pure chemistry is the study of only the theory of chemistry. You need
to know Pure Chemistry in order to use Applied Chemistry. Applied chemistry, is often
the bridge between chemistry and chemical engineering (large scale-process industries).
5. What are three general reasons to study chemistry?
1. It is a part of everyday life.
2. It helps you understand the mechanism of everything that is going around you.
3. It tells you how reactions occur and bonds are formed, new substances are formed at
the microscopic level.
6. What impact do chemists have on materials, energy, medicine, agriculture, the
environment, and the study of the universe?
- Chemists design materials to fit specific needs
- Chemists play an essential role in finding ways to conserve energy, produce energy, and
stores energy
- Chemistry supplies the medicines, materials, and technology that doctors use to treat
their patients

- Chemists help to develop more productive crops and safer, more effective ways to
protect crops
- Chemists help to identify pollutants and prevent pollution
- To study the universe, chemists gather data from afar and analyze matter that is brought
back to Earth
7. What are the steps in the scientific method?
Ask a Question
Do Background Research
Construct a Hypothesis
Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
Communicate Your Results
8. Tell the difference between the physical properties and chemical properties of matter.
A physical property is an aspect of matter that can be observed or measured without
changing it. Examples of physical properties include color, molecular weight and volume.
A chemical property may only be observed by changing the chemical identity of a
substance. This property measures the potential for undergoing a chemical change.
Examples of chemical properties include reactivity, flammability and oxidation states.
9. Tell the difference between changes of matter as physical and chemical with examples.
Chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances.
At the molecular level, chemical change involves making or breaking of bonds between
atoms. Physical change rearranges molecules but doesn't affect their internal structures.
10. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties.
Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of matter that is present. Extensive
properties do depend on the amount of matter that is present.
11. Explain what a gas, liquid, and solid states are in terms of particles.
Gas are well separated with no regular arrangement, gas vibrate and move freely at high
speeds. Liquid are close together with no regular arrangement, liquid vibrate, move
about, and slide past each other. Solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern,
solid vibrate (jiggle) but generally do not move from place to place
12. Distinguish between a mixture and a pure substance.
A pure substance has a definite and constant composition like salt or sugar. A pure
substance can be either an element or a compound, but the composition of a pure
substance doesnt vary. Mixtures are physical combinations of pure substances that have
no definite or constant composition the composition of a mixture varies according to
who prepares the mixture.
13. Describe the arrangement of the periodic table.
The chemical elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The rows are
called periods and the columns are called groups.

14. List the characteristics that distinguish metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
Metals are generally shiny, malleable, and hard. Metals are also good conductors of
Non-metals do not conduct heat or electricity very well.
Metalloids share characteristics of both metals and non-metals and are also called
Chapter2- Atoms: Building Blocks of Matter
1. How can properties used to describe matter be classified?
Properties used to describe matter can be classified as extensive and intensive
2. Why do all samples of a substance have the same intensive properties?
Every sample of a given substance has identical intensive properties because every
sample has the same composition
3. What are three states of matter?
Liquid, solid, gas (vapor)
4. How can physical changes be classified?
Reversible ex. melting
5. How can mixtures be classified?
6. How can mixtures be separated?
Differences in physical properties
7. How are elements and compounds different?
Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means but elements
8. How can substances and mixtures be distinguished?
If the composition of a mixture is fixed, then it is a substance (homogeneous)
If the composition of a material varies, then it is a mixture
9. What do chemists use to represent elements and compounds?
-chemical symbols to represent elements
-chemical formulas to represent compounds
10. What always happens during a chemical change?
The composition of the matter always changes

11. What are four possible clues that a chemical change has taken place?
1. Transfer of energy
2. Change in color
3. Production of a gas
4. Formation of a precipitate
12. How are the mass of the reactants and the mass of the products of a chemical reaction
During any chemical reaction, the mass of the product is always equal to the mass of the

Chapter 3-Scientific Measurement

1. Describe the purpose of the scientific method.
The purpose step in the scientific method is just a restatement of what you want
2. Describe the differences between hypotheses, theories, and models.
Hypothesis is a limited statement regarding the cause and effect in a specific situation,
which can be tested by experimentation and observation or by statistical analysis of the
probabilities from the data obtained. A model is used for situations when it is known that
the hypothesis has a limitation on its validity. A scientific theory or law represents a
hypothesis (or group of related hypotheses) which has been confirmed through repeated
3. Distinguish between a quantity, a unit, and measurement standard.
Quantity- magnitude, size, or amount. Units- compare what is measured with defined
4. Name the SI units for length, mass, time, volume and density.
Length- meters
Mass- Kilogram
Time- Seconds
Volume- Liters
5. Distinguish between mass and weight.
Mass- measure of the amount of matter in an object
Weight- Measure of the gravitational pull on matter
6. Write down the formula for density.
7. Calculate 250 kg converted into g.

8. Tell the difference between accuracy and precision.

Accuracy a measure of how close a measurement comes to the actual or true value of
whatever is measured (correctness of measurements). Precision a measure of how close
a series of measurements are to one another (repeatability of measurements)
9. What are significant figures in measurement?
Chemical calculations involve numbers representing actual measurements. In a
Measurement, significant figures in a number consist of: Figures (digits) definitely
known + One estimated figure (digit)
10. Tell how significant figures in mathematical equations.
Addition or Subtraction:
The last digit retained is set by the first doubtful digit.
Multiplication or Division:
The answer contains no more significant figures than the least accurately known number.
11. How are scientific notation used in measurements?
Leading zeros are never significant.
Imbedded zeros are always significant.
Trailing zeros are significant only if the decimal point is specified.
Chapter 4- Atomic Structure
1. How did Democritus describe atoms?
Tiny individuals particles
2. How did John Dalton further Democrituss idea on atoms?
By proving that polyatomic ions are the center of an atom therefor using the Pythagorean
Theorem he has proved that all atoms are a linear equation in the universe
3. What instruments are used to observe individual atoms?
Pythagorean Theorem
4. Summarize the five essential points of Daltons atomic theory.
Elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms.
Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of
different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.
Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed
5. Summarize the observed properties of cathode rays that led to the discovery of the
Electrons accelerated to high velocities travel in straight lines through an empty cathode
ray tube and strike the glass wall of the tube, causing excited atoms to fluoresce or glow

6. Summarize what the physicist, J.J. Thomson did to discover the electron.
Researchers realized that something was traveling from the anode when objects placed in
the tube in front of it could cast a shadow on the glowing wall. Cathode rays carry
electronic currents through the tube. Electrons were first discovered as the constituents of
cathode rays
7. Summarize what the physicist, Robert A. Millikan carried out with finding information
dealing with the charge of the electron.
The oil drop experiment was an experiment performed by Robert A. Millikan and Harvey
Fletcher in 1909 to measure the elementary electric charge
8. Summarize the experiment carried out by Rutherford and his co-workers that led to the
discovery of the nucleus.
In 1909, two researchers in Ernest Rutherford's laboratory at the University of
Manchester, Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, fired a beam of alpha particles at a thin
metal foil.
9. List the properties of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, making up the nucleus.
Electrons surround the nucleus.
Protons have a positive charge.
Electrons have a negative charge.
The charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite.
Neutrons have no charge.
Since opposite charges attract, protons and electrons attract each other.

10. Define atom.

The basic unit of a chemical element.
11. Explain what isotopes are.
each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but
different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but
not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element.
12. Define atomic number and mass number, and describe how they apply to isotopes.
Atomic number = no. of protons and no. of electrons
Mass number = no. of particles in nucleus
No. of neutrons = Mass number Atomic number
Some elements contain different numbers of neutrons, but have the same number of
protons (these are what specify an element remember). These are called Isotopes
13. Given the identity of a nuclide, determine its number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Chapter 5- Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms. (Most questions will come from this
1. Explain the mathematical relationship among the speed, wavelength, and frequency of
electromagnetic radiation.
Speed = wavelength x velocity
Where for electromagnetic radiation velocity = speed of light.
Wavelength * Frequency = 3*10^8 m/s (speed of light)

2. Discuss the significance of the photoelectric effect and the line-emission spectrum of
hydrogen to the development of the atomic model.
Photoelectric effect: photodiodes, phototransistors, image sensors, electroscope, moon
dust and photo electron spectroscopy. For line spectrum: Identifications of elements in
the mixture under investigation, Identification of elements in the heavenly bodies very far
from earth, it is a blue print for a particular type of atom of elements
3. Describe the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom can be described with a positively charged nucleus
and negatively charged electrons orbiting the nucleus
4. Compare and contrast the Bohr model and the quantum model of the atom.
The Bohr model depicts a nucleus of neutrons and protons with electrons orbiting in
different energy levels or shells, this is proven to be inaccurate as in the quantum model
you cannot pin-point position any sub-atomic particle - only a probability sphere can be
generated to where it "might be". When using the quantum model remember to use the
quantum uncertainty principle
5. List the total number of electrons needed to fully occupy each main energy level.
2 electron
6. State the Aufbau principle, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and Hunds rule.
Pauli Exclusion Principle states that in order for 2 electrons to occupy the same orbital,
they must spin in opposite direction.
Hund's Rule states that an electron is placed into each orbital of the same energy level
before a second electron can be added.
Aufbau Principle states that an energy sublevel must be filled before electrons move onto
next orbital.
7. Describe the electron configuration for the atoms of ANY element using orbital notation,
electron-configuration notation, and when appropriate, noble-gas notation.
Electrons fill orbitals in a way to minimize the energy of the atom. The electrons in an
atom therefore fill the principal energy levels in order of increasing energy (the electrons
are getting farther from the nucleus). When writing the electron configuration we first
write the energy level (the period) then the subshell to be filled and the superscript, which
is the number of electrons in that subshell This method of writing configurations is called
the noble gas notation in which the noble gas in the period above the element that is

being analyzed is used to denote the subshells that element has filled and after which the
valence electrons (electrons filling orbitals in the outer most shells) are written.

Chapter 6- The Periodic Table

1. How did chemists begin to organize the known elements?
When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic
repetition of their physical and chemical properties
2. How did Mendeleev organize his periodic table?
Mendeleev arranged the elements in his periodic table in order of increasing atomic mass
3. How is the modern periodic table organized?
In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
4. What are three broad classes of elements?
Three classes of elements are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
5. What type of information can be displayed in a periodic table?
The periodic table displays the symbols and names of the elements, along with
information about the structure of their atoms
6. How can elements be classified based on their electron configuration?
Elements can be sorted into noble gases, representative elements, transition metals, or
inner transition metals based on their electron configurations
7. What are the trends among the elements for atomic size?
Atomic size increases from top to bottom within a group and decreases from left to right
across a period.
8. How do ions form?
Ions form from elements when they gain or lose an electron causing the number of
protons to be unequal to the number of electrons, resulting in a net charge
9. What are the trends among the elements for first ionization energy, ionic size, atomic
size, and electronegativity?
From left to right across a period of elements, electronegativity increases. The ionization
energy of the elements within a period generally increases from left to right. Atomic
radius increases from top to bottom within a group.
10. What is the underlying cause of periodic trends?
In Chemistry, periodic trends are the tendencies of certain elemental characteristics to increase or
decrease as one progresses along a row or column of the periodic table of elements.

Chapter 7 The Moler

1. What is a mole?
The SI base unit for measuring the amount of any element or compound in a chemical
2. What are the 6 conversion factors that are used on the mole map (for MM use H2O)?
Find the mass, times it by the number on the bottom right of the element will help you
find the mole
3. What conversion factor will you use if you are converting from g to mol?
(g) Divided by molar mass= Moles
4. What conversion factor will you use if you are converting from mol to L.?
When going from moles to liters you multiply by 22.4
5. What conversion factor will you use if you are converting from molecules to mol?
When going from molecules to moles you divide by 6.02 x 1023
6. How many molecules does 10g of H2O contain?
10g H2O x (1 mole H20/18.02 g H2O) x (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/1 mole H2O) = 3.34
oxygen molecules
Chapter 9 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
1. List the steps for naming ionic compounds. Provide 1 example showing the steps being
As a rule of thumb, ionic compounds generally consist of a metal and one or more nonmetals. The main exception to this are those ionic compounds that contain the ammonium
ion (NH4+).
2. List the steps for writing formulas for ionic compounds. Provide 1 example showing the
steps being followed.
Identify the Cation. Cation is written first in the name of the compound. Write the correct
formula and charge for the Cation. Identify the anion. Anion is written last in the name of
the compound. Write the correct formula and charge for the anion. Combine the Cation
and anion to produce an electrically neutral compound. Make sure that the subscripts for
the Cation and anion are the smallest whole number ratio. The final formula is Na2CO3.
3. List the steps for naming covalent compounds. Provide 1 example showing the steps
being followed.
The first element never uses the prefix mono-, but does use all others. The second
element uses all prefixes and ends in -ide ending, as it would in an ionic compound.
Example: CO2 is named carbon dioxide

4. List the steps for writing the formula for covalent compounds. Provide 1 example
showing the steps being followed.
The prefixes are used to indicate the amount of each atom in the compound. Example:
phosphorus pentachloride is written PCl5
5. List the steps for naming acids. Provide 1 example showing the steps being followed.
The name of the binary acid consists of two words. The first word has three parts: the
hydro prefix the root of the nonmetal element the ic ending. The second word is
always acid. Example: HCl = hydro chlor IC acid = hydrochloric acid
6. List the steps for writing formulas for acids. Provide 1 example showing the steps being
You need to know their names, formulas, and charges. If you learn the nine that follow,
you can get many others from applying two simple patterns. EX: Ammonium ion= NH4+
7. Draw the VSEPR geometries and list their bond angles, number of bonding/nonbonding
pairs of electrons around central atom, and give examples.

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