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LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Edueation Program Student's name: Maci Dyer ‘Cooperating teacher and school: Maddie Holt; Wenonah Elementary Schoo! Date and time lesson is to be presented: April 21, 2014 @ 9:20 Date written plan is submitted to the practicum teacher: April 14, 2014 A. TITLE/TYPE OF LESSO DAY IN THE LIFE OF FARMER USING SIMPLE MACHIN B. CONTEXT OF LESSON: Comprehension is « fundamental purpose of reading. From beginning readers who struggle to decode print to skilled readers with fluent skills, understanding the meaning motivates readers to interpret and analyze the text. Comprehension includes making sense of words, connecting ideas between text and prior knowledge, constructing and negotiating mes ing in discussions with others, and much more, My students have been struggling with reading all year Most of the readings my students have been reading were irrelevant to them. I wanted to find something that they were interested in, while going over something they have already learned. That is when T came acro s A Day in the Life of Farmer Ben, which is an article that talks about a farmer using simple machines to get through his day. My students have learned about simple machines in science, The students were fascinated about farming in my lesson on Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, Therefore, I thought this was the perfect article for student at this time to work on their comprehension skills as well as reviewing for the near by SOL testing. C, LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand - what are the broad ‘generalizations the students should begin to develop? (These are typically difficult to assess in one lesson.) Know ~ what are the facts, rules, specific data the students will gain through this lesson? (These “knows” must be assessed in your lesson.) ‘Do ~ what are the specific thinking behaviors students wall be able to do through this lesson? (These will also be assessed in your lesson.) ‘Students will be able 10 understand the reading that I provide. Students will interact with group ‘members by asking and responding to questions and explaining what has been said or learned TThe students will be able to go back in the passage to find evidence. D. ASSESSING LEARNING ‘What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your objectives? Remember ~ every objective must be assessed for every student! (men Read & Recognize the main. idea of the passage eer Discussion: I will have each member of the ‘group read part of the passage out loud. Then Twill ask, “what is the passage about?” The students will then be able to work together as a group to come up with what it was about and evidence in the passage. Then one person will write down what the group comes up with Students will «Read the passage out loud * Recognize the main idea of the passage + Reread the passage highlighting simple machines and underlining how they were used. ——_| Data Collected Collect one sheet per group of what the main idea was and their reasoning behind it. Re-tead the passage highlighting simple machines Passage: fach student will have a copy of the passage; they will be highlighting the simple Twill collect the passage from the students to see if they highlighted the ‘and underlining how they | machines and under lining how they were | simple machine and how it was used were used, used E, RELATED VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING 3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group activities. a) Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and summarizing what is said. b) Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members, c) Explain what has been learned. d) Use language appropriate for context. c) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. 3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading £) Use vocabulary from other content areas. 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry 'b) Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections. ©) Make, confirm, or revise predictions. 4) Ask and answer questions about what is read. 2) Draw conclusions about text h) Identify the problem and solution i) Identify the main idea. 4) Identity supporting details. k) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. F. MATERIALS NEEDED Passage: A Day in the Life of Farmer Ben (provided by Maci) * Scrap paper (provided by Maci) * Clip boards (provided by Ms. Holt) G. PROCEDURE Preparation of the Lear ‘each spot. Engage — I will hand out the passage and ask the students what they think the passage is going to be about. The students will then predict what it is going to be about. The students will respond, “farming.” ‘The student will then be interested in reading the passage, ing Environment: | will set up on the carpet in a circle with a clipboard at Implementation of the Lesson-I will ask for volunteers to star to read. The students will start to read and they will switch off for each paragraph, Once we have read the passage. The students will work together to come to a common agreement of what the main idea of passage and reasons to support the work, Once the students have finished doing that I will collect the paper ‘Did you happen to notice anything different about this article?” The students should recognize there were a lot of simple machines throughout the passage. From their I will explain that I am going to re-read the passage, but this time I want them to highlight the simple machines and underline how they were used. I will tell the students that we are going to take it sentence by sentence and if they notice one to raise their hands. Once the students find a simple machine [ will follow up with how was it used? Then the students will read what it said in the passage. Then I will ask stucents to underline how the simple machine was used for. Once we go through the whole passage students will receive another scrap piece of paper to write their findings on, They will write the simple machine, what kind of simple machine, and how it was used. For example the students will write ax, wedge, to cut the tee into smaller pieces. Closure- Once students have finished they are to come up with a simple machine that would make their lives easier Clean-Up- Collect papers and put clipboards away. H, DIFFERENTIATION (eee aioe ‘The product is the sheet with the passage om it and two pieces of scrap paper. When thinking how to. | One with the main idea of [Allof the students have been | 8° @bout this lesson I] the passage and one of all ee aerae wanted to stay away | the simple machines. What S from working 2 tool itis to have the lessons that mentioned : Interest pevetenticrans individually and} passage in front of you and farming. Therefore, the : worksheets, Therefore, } to be able find answers in students will be interested in | Mette eae it was based off of the text, Students will discussion, highlighting, | probably be able to tell me, and underlining the answer, but the underlining and highlighting are tools to find evidence in what you read Tchose an article that hada [ Tehose for the stadents | 0 say high readin few challenging words based | to read aloud as well as, peau tad : group they will be able to ‘on the readiness of my | myself, because a few of eae ae aoe cl 10. | __ this with time to spare, esainais students. have diverse class |'my students ean barely | 2) 0g create tlt ean ‘and I felt as if this would be } read. Ifthe students hear Paeuieaa possible forall levels. Some | and see the words it can | Simple Machine and tome would take longer than | help them become more | UP Wi Narrative how 7 would they use it others, familiar with the words, 1, WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITII THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT 7? ‘The students may not remember what simple machines are. I will go over the six types of simple machines after the reading. One or two of the students may not be able to read, but the read aloud ean help with that Lesson Implementation Reflection As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience, Use the questions/prompts below to guide your thinking. Be thorough in your reflection and use specifi examples to support your insights. 1. How did your actual teaching of the lesson differ from your plans? Describe the changes and explain why you made them, Students didn't get to come up with their own simple machine, The assignment took a little more time than expected, I read aloud twice to the lower readiness group. The lower readiness group didn't write anything down, but we went through as a group highlighted and underlined. I was able to hear the discussion and they were able to identify the main idea of the passage. A, Student Work Sample Analysis: Based on the assessment you created, what can you conclude about your impact on student learning? Did they learn? Who learned? What did they learn?) What evidence can you offer that your conclusions are valid? Based on my assessment each one of my students leaned. They showed me that they could comprehend the material as well as identify simple machines, Students were able to tell me what the main idea was as well as, write it down on a serap piece of paper. Students were able to highlight each simple machine: ATV, ax, wheelbarrow, hammer and nails, ramp, wrench, shovel, tractor, and flagpole. Look at the assessment data and identify 2 students who appear to fall into these 3 categories: (1) Gets it; (2) Has some good ideas, but there's still room for learning and (3) Does not get it. Organize your responses to the following questions in a chart/table form similar to the one below. Gets it Has some good ideas, but, Does not get it ‘Student A Student B | Student C ‘Student D Student E Student F a. Nike fully Jay ‘Understands. understood the | comprehended article, and knew his Predicted simple correctly machines. He based on the | was able to title and the | highlight pictures. Then | simple was able to | machines and highlight underline how simple they were machines and | used, underline how they were used. . Confused Work screw about. was not a simple machine. Even though a simple machine, What was the | He asked, “Is ask to clarify | main idea of _| screw a simple what know | this passage? | machine?” He How a farmer [knew it was a uses simple | simple machines machine, but throughout his | he didn’t day. How do | know if it was you know based on the that? Because | context of the first he uses | sentence. He his ATV, then | was able to ax, hammer | comprehend and nails, the whole wheelbarrow, | passage telling tractor, me that is was wrench, about a farmer shovel, ramp, | who used and flagpole. | simple machines to | do his job everyday. Ideas to work | How do you | How do you on next use these use these simple simple | machines? | machines? Write a Write a narrative on | narrative on how you use | how you use simple | simpie machines in| machines in | yourlifeto | your life to ML make it more | make it more productive, | productive | a. What does each student appear to understand? Each student appeared to understand the main idea of the passage as well as all of the simple machines. I didn’t have any students that didn’t understand what they were doing, unable to identify the main ideas, or unable to identify simple machines. b. What does each student appear to be confused about? Thad a few students question the word screw and how it was used, because they weren't use to seeing the word in different contexts, ¢. What questions might you want to ask each student to elar understanding? Explain how they use simple machines, because this is applying the information they just read and went over d. What ideas does each student need to work on next? My students hiave a good grasp on simple machines. My lower readiness students still need to work on their teading skills. Overall, the students are ready to apply what they have leamed and move on. fy what you know about the student's a better or Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice more thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again. could provide different articte for different groups based on their developmental stages, Like there was ‘one student that was finished early, so then we discussed how we use simple machines in our lives. This ‘would have been a good class discussion. If I were teaching the class after reading groups I would allow Vv. v. Vi vu. time for discussion to make sure that the students could relate what they are leaming to their lives. This, will help their understanding at whatever developmental stage they are. Based on the assessment data you collected, what would you do/teach next if you were the classroom teacher? T would teach this lesson again I think this could be a great introduction to simple machines as well as review. I just love integrating subjects, because the students are able to work on multitask like working on comprehension and simple machines at the same time. AS a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what haye you learned or had reinforced about young children as learners? My students are smarter than my teacher gives them credit for. The way information is presented will determine what they Jearn or do not learn, By finding an article on their level that had some meaning to them they were engaged and excited, One of the students was so excited that he remembered what a simple machine was. We came across flagpole and he yelled, “Oooo....Pulley!!” This just brighten my day that they were having this much fun. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about teaching? Teaching is all about knowing your students and their interests. With this knowledge you can prepare meaningful and effective lesson plans. I have leamed that you have to allow time for information to sink in, I's okay to prepate a lot (0 do, but allow time for students to take their time on the assignment as well, Asa result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforeed about yourself? Lam patient. I love to see my students excited and engaged in learning, Taso reinforced that I tend to plan too much for my student, which in most cases is not a bad thing. In this case it worked out fine thet the article and simple machines review was just enough for my students

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