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Teacher Candidate __Joyce Jacox____________________________________________________________

Grade Level _10-12th__ Subject/Content:_Choir___Title ___Group Voice_____________________

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
/ Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests. Student #2
has had some behavior problems with other teachers
Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and
be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives
Students will use body, voice, and instruments as
means of musical expression.

Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum

Objective: Discover techniques to produce a
beautiful singing tone.
Techniques such as: Posture, low breathing, and
raising the soft palate.
Reading/Language Content Walk-Away: They sight read a
new song and learned it in just a few run-throughs.
The music of that of common folk tunes that are
useful for auditions, festivals, and commonly known
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for
learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) They are required
to do assignments such as a weekly Journal Entry
with pertinent questions that apply to their solo
performing and assessment. They are required to do
peer Reviews where they listen to one another sing

Big Ideas
How does the body exert
enough air while singing to
create nice tone quality?
How do we prepare the body
to sing?
Essential Questions
How often must you practice
these techniques?
Why is breathing low in the
abdomen important? Visual
Distractions, Audible
distractions, and beautiful

Modifications/Accommodations (ELL,

IEP, GATE, etc.)

The students are given music
that is at their beginning
level to accommodate for

in an informal setting and critique one another with

positive feedback and constructive criticism.
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the
lesson): While they sing I watch for their shoulders
raising up, which means they are breathing
superficially instead of deep and low. I help them with
their posture as they hold their music, so they can be
focused and listening to instruction.

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Preparation for their


their abilities.

Ask Student #2 & #9

questions that they can
answer to ensure
participation and hope for
stronger engagement. Look
them in the eye when I am
speaking and make them
aware that I know they are
part of our group.

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): They submit a

journal entry at the end of the week about the
techniques we discuss in class. They have to make
comments about professional singers and be
responsible for their personal practice time.


Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences

Object Demonstration: Put a balloon inside of a toilet
paper roll and draw little ribs on the cardboard. When
the balloon is blown up its like the abdomen inhaling
air into it.
Focus Lesson (I do it)
I demonstrate for them how the abdomen fills up with
air slowly and then slowly releases the air as we sing. I
demonstrate a warm up exercise and then they do it
Guided Instruction (We do it)
Have the kids lie on their stomachs on the floor and
feel how they intuitively breathe from their abdomen.
Have them sing in that position for a bit. Transpose
that sensation to standing. We sing a song together
that they have never seen before and focus on
breathing and posture while we sight-read it.

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
They are paired with
students who can help them
increase their knowledge
and raise their selfconfidence. The students
are held accountable for
their homework being in on
time and preparing for class.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
We discuss informal peer reviews where they sing for
one another and give positive feedback with
constructive criticism.
Independent (You do it alone)
The kids find music that they would like to sing in front
of the class. They start learning it with proper
breathing and tall posture.

Revisit Essential Questions
Have the kids discuss anything they learned today and
how it can be a benefit to them. Discuss the reality of
implementing these techniques into their music. How
long until they become proficient at these ideas. Even
if they do not become incredible performers, how else
can this class be a benefit to them?
Demonstrate their homework assignment and how it is
suppose to be
online through the Google
How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning? For my first formal lesson, I should have done as Dr. Wheeler suggested
which was re-instating my rules as a teacher and express my expectations. I should have asked them to sit in a specific
area of the classroom because now I am sick of asking them to move every class period to a better placement. I should
have told them that I expect them to be working and if I catch them lazily hanging out while they should be taking
advantage of every minute available for homework and practice, I will lower their participation points for the day from
5-2. Taking half their points I should have introduced participation points and extra points for people who made
comments and volunteered to help with activities. I could have created a participation sheet/ Calendar that the kids have
to fill out and hand in to me at the end of every week. They have to write down the kinds of things they did to participate
in class and volunteer or the work they have been doing that pertains to their practicing/ peer reviews. This would hold
them more accountable for their work. Right now I feel they are taking advantage of the system and not being
accountable for their efforts.

Teacher Candidate __Joyce Jacox__________________________________________________________
Grade Level _10-12___ Subject/Content: Music___Title __Group Voice______

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests.
Student #2 has had some behavior problems with other teachers
Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.

WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and

be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives
Students will use body, voice, and instruments as
means of musical expression. They should know
what the definition of intonation is and some
techniques to help achieve good intonation.
Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum
Resonant Sound
Anatomy of the Vocal Tract
Discover a sharp tone vs. a flat tone
Reading/Language Content Walk-Away:
Diaphram/Abdomen/Vocal Tract Anatomy
Vibrations of objects from air particles
Mouth roof/human cathedral

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for

(Match the Content Walk-Away)

Big Ideas
Science of air and sound waves
Technology of singers formant
4 Object lessons
Essential Questions
How afraid are you to be full
voice in front of an audience?
How does a soloist sing over
an orchestra?
What physical factors make us
sound different when we sing?

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the

They do a Journal Entry online about the lessons learned in class.
We sing a song together by learning it on the spot. We apply the
techniques of breathing, posture, resonance, diction, and emotion
that we have discussed in class.
Looking for their attention and asking them for their feedback
after the students participate or I give an example.

Challenge my NIL students to sit

with the group and introduce
themselves to one another. Help them
in their groups to find a place of
friendship, so they feel they serve a
purpose. They will learn that in this
class I always take notice of their

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Asking questions that

invite them to expound upon how resonance will help them in their
singing goals. What is hard about resonance? What is awesome
about resonance?

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Journal Entry on

Google form.
Compare the roof of your mouth to someone else that is willing
to show you theirs. Tell me whose is taller and whose is shorter.
Tell me any observations about your voice and your friends
voice that are different when speaking or singing.


Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences

Remind them about the breath and posture we are habitually using
as we sing. What physical factors make us sound
different when we sing?
We have different size bodies with many different size
muscles, for instance, our lung capacity is different,
our tracheas (Air Pipes) are different lengths, and our
vocal folds are different sizes. Our heads are different
sizes causing for different kinds of space for
resonance. Our faces cause unique individual

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
They are paired with
students who can help them
increase their knowledge
and raise their selfconfidence. The students
are held accountable for
their homework being in on
time and preparing for class.

Guided Instruction (We do it)
Skip to 4 minutes in:
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
Independent (You do it alone)
What do I need to remember to do? Set up websites before class and make sure sound is connected to
large speaker, reflect on previous Journal Entries.
Materials to have ready? Glass bottle with water, varying sized tubes
Approximate time needed for lesson? 1 hr. 15 min


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?
More hands on time with the objects. More time getting them to make a resonant sound in front of the class in a game
fashion, so its a comfortable vulnerable environment. Find an animal head to demonstrate my example of resonance.
Find a better opera over orchestra (formant) example.

Teacher Candidate _Joyce Jacox___________________________________________________
Grade Level _10-12th_______ Subject/Content:_Music___Title: Group Voice_________

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
/ Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests. Student #2
has had some behavior problems with other teachers
Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and
be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives
Demonstrate productive rehearsal habits.

Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum

1-Committing to a specific amount of time that they can practice
everyday. 15-30 minutes typically. Not going on Auto Pilot mode
where nothing that we talk about in class is being applied to their
practicing. Looking in the mirror or recording yourself on a movie
is an amazing way of self- reflection. We are usually unaware of
all the problems we need to fix until we watch ourselves. Record
your self practicing with a pianist. Record what other people say
about you, so you dont forget and can still apply that feedback in
your practicing. They have to think about what they are doing that
is NOT good.
2-Finding a place that is productive for them to feel they can
express their emotions and resonant sound without being judged
or criticized.
3-Prioritizing their time, asking what things in their life are less

Big Ideas
How to Practice
Rehearsal/Listener Rehearsal
Finding self-Confidence in
Time Management
Essential Questions
Do you think that you will be a great
performer within a short amount of
time or and extended amount of time?
How can practicing everyday help
this situation?
Is there anyone in your life that
should know what your goals are, so
that they can help support you in any
way possible? Ex: Parents, Siblings,
Friends, grandparents, teachers..etc
How much of your day is wasted not
being productive?

important than practicing like TV, Excessive socializing, video

games, Social Media.
4-Making the most of their time. Can they practice in the car? Do
they carry their homework with them in the instance that they
have to wait for a longer amount of time than anticipated and they
can take advantage of the wait time
5-Get the students to be able to multi-task and sing at the same
time because when they perform they will need to be able to act
and sing well together.
6. When you rehearse with your accompanist, make sure you have
any notes in the music that they need to know before-hand like
ritardandos, special breath marks, and any worries that you may
have. When singing for someone who is giving you feedback,
they will need something to take notes on. A copy of the music is
best, but a lyric sheet is very useful also.

What does it take to truly have a song

memorized and ready to perform?

Reading/Language Content Walk-Away:

Journal Entry
Give the specifics and unique answers to all the essential

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for

learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the
We sing a song together by learning it on the spot. We apply the
techniques of breathing, posture, resonance, diction, and emotion
that we have discussed in class.
Pop Questions pertaining to content to make sure they are
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Making a Calendar,
Facing the truth of wasting time and writing down ways to be
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Journal Entry Assignment

Modifications/Accommodations (ELL,

IEP, GATE, etc.)

Ask Student #2 & #9
questions that they can
answer to ensure
participation and hope for
stronger engagement. Look
them in the eye when I am
speaking and make them
aware that I know they are
part of our group.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)

They sing for one another while doing an activity in class. (Multi
tasking) They recognize just what it takes to sing their song while
doing another physical activity. They realize they should know their
song so well that they can sing it subconsciously.
Independent (You do it alone)
They practice at home while doing a mundane activity like washing
dishes or folding laundry and share their experience on their Journal
entry. Making sure when they practice they dont go on autopilot
and not applying all the work we have done in class.
Revisit Essential Questions
Revisit the moments that seemed to stand out for this particular
group, where light bulbs turned on. Recognize those who went out
of their way to participate. Get them to commit to do these things
that will help them succeed.


What do I need to remember to do,

Materials to have ready? ? Bring different kinds of examples of calendars
Approximate time needed for lesson? 1 hr 15 min


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning? The objective of this lesson boiled down to HABITS! Good habits can help
us succeed. I think I should have initially dressed like a punk to introduce this day, so they would remember it better.
Talking about good habits of going bed at a responsible time and washing our clothes, brushing our teeth are habits that
help us. Now transition into rehearsal habits. I could have had them write down their goals as musicians, so as to open
up the realm of unique personalities in this class. I should have had them role-play their peer reviews because they are
still not quite sure how to make them happen. Some of the kids are so awkward that its hard for them to even sit by
someone they do not know yet alone sing for them! We need more shy kid interventions to get them to be more
comfortable. We should have played a multi-tasking game that could help with the socializing part of the class. I should
demonstrate the effectiveness of watching ones self in the mirror and recording self because it is the fastest way to

Teacher Candidate _Joyce Jacox__________________________________________________________________
Grade Level _10-12th_ Subject/Content:_Music__Title Group Voice__

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
/ Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests. Student #2
has had some behavior problems with other teachers
Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and
be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives

Big Ideas
Emotional Involvement while
performing live

Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum

Students find the unique emotions that they want to express in
their songs. They walk away with the tools to find freedom of
I want them to walk away with a greater appreciation for an
expressive performance and just how much thought and energy
goes into it.
Fear is a great acronym for FALSE. EVIDENCE. APPEARING.

Essential Questions
What are some characteristics of a
great performer?
What emotions are the hardest for you
to express? Everyone is different
What might you do to enhance your
ability to access those hidden
What do you feel when you get up to
perform in front of an audience?

Reading/Language Content Walk-Away:

The students write their chosen emotions for each phrase of their
song. They tell me which ones they will struggle with the most.
We trouble shoot some ideas of overcoming the difficulty of
expression for them.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for

learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Journal Entries
and Peer Reviews that pertain to lesson plans and
current music they have been working on.

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the

When we break for groups they individually come up and check off
their emotions and I give them feedback on some of the struggles
they may encounter with those emotions and their song.


Modifications/Accommodations (ELL,

IEP, GATE, etc.)

They are paired with students
who can help them increase
their knowledge and raise
their self-confidence. The
students are held
accountable for their
homework being in on time
and preparing for class.
Challenge my NIL students to sit
with the group and introduce
themselves to one another. Help them
in their groups to find a place of
friendship, so they feel they serve a
purpose. They will learn that in this
class I always take notice of their

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences

Ask them about their fears. Have them share some experiences of
extreme emotion and how those feelings can be channeled into for
their songs.
Focus Lesson (I do it)
I demonstrate some general emotions like anger, fear, and
Guided Instruction (We do it)
We sing a song together by learning it on the spot. We apply the
techniques of breathing, posture, resonance, diction, and emotion
that we have discussed in class.
I have volunteers and kids interact with one another as they sing
their songs in front of the class with a specific scenario in place.
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
I have them sing for one another as help to do their Peer Review
assignment. They must pick an emotion and tell their partner what it
is. Then try to accomplish the emotion while singing, then name
specifically what kinds of gestures, movements, or expressions,
totally aided in that motion.
Independent (You do it alone)
Homework is assigned and they have been given the tools to
practice effectively. Journal Entry with Youtube links
Nat king Cole
?What can he do that you would like to be able to do?
Nancy Wilson
?How is it possible for her to have good resonance with such a
small mouth? If you don't know we will talk about this, but take a

Revisit Essential Questions
Reflect on what went well today and thank the students who went
out of their way to participate.

Ask Student #2 & #9

questions that they can
answer to ensure
participation and hope for
stronger engagement. Look
them in the eye when I am
speaking and make them
aware that I know they are
part of our group.

What do I need to remember to do? If I had a pianist who was going to be helping me I could give her the
music in advance.
Materials to have ready? Props for role-play
Approximate time needed for lesson? 1.5 hours


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning? I had a conversation after class with a boy who has a lot of potential, but
he has no desire to be a better performer. He keeps trying challenge me in saying he doesnt want to apply any of the
techniques that I am requesting of him. I havent found a way to reach him. Ive tried asking him about his family and
siblings, and goals, and even relating to past emotions. I havent found the thing that motivates him to be better. I told
him that when he wants to be better, he should let me know because I know he has the ability to inspire others if he
wanted to. The kids love role-playing. They are so silly, but they need a lot of direction in order for it to be successful.
Very few of the kids can be responsible to do group work. Groups have to have good leaders. I need to be careful of
assigning a group who will all slack off.
Students may end up with curious questions like, Is it ok to close my eyes when I sing? We spent a good deal of time
straying away from the lesson and answering that question, which they seemed to enjoy, so it was fine.

Teacher Candidate _Joyce Jacox__________________________________________________________________
Grade Level _10-12th_ Subject/Content:_Music__Title Group Voice__

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
/ Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests. Student #2

has had some behavior problems with other teachers

Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and
be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives
Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum
-Evaluate how the study of music expands the ability to
communicate with and understand others.
-Describe how making music together helps develop skills and
success in working with others.
-Describe how we can use music to be of service to one person or
an entire community.
-Explain how participation in music can become a lifetime pursuit
and helps develop analytical and creative thinking skills.

Big Ideas

Essential Questions
What country are your ancestors
What instruments/ musical styles are
prevalent to that area?
How can you perform a service using

Reading/Language Content Walk-Away:

Have the assignment of discovering what kind of racial heritage
they come from and what kinds of characteristics make their
cultures music unique.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for

learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Journal Entries and
Peer Reviews. Questions pertaining to lessons and work so far on
their solos.

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) Certain
students are able to hand in Journal
Entries and Peer Reviews late. I keep
inquiring to students who have not
yet submitted their assignments on
time to make sure they understand
how to do it.

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Vocabulary Words:

Nationality, Ethnicity, Origin, Ancestry
Culture, Tradition, Melting Pot, bi-lingual


Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences

Inquire about them and their families
Focus Lesson (I do it)
Prezi Presentation: I show them 2 countries that my ancestors came
from, which happens to be Austria and Sweden. I demonstrate music
from both of those areas. Yodeling from Austria and Pop Music
from Sweden.
Guided Instruction (We do it)
We discuss some characteristics of Yodeling and attempt to do it
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
They get in pairs and exchange one activity that their family does,
which is unique whether it be a cultural activity or just something
they do.
Independent (You do it alone)
They go to the library to research music from their ancestry.
They plan to present something they learned next time.
Revisit Essential Questions
Talk about something that stuck out for them that day and how this
can help them. How does this apply in their life? What difference
does it make what nationality they are?


They are paired with students

who can help them increase
their knowledge and raise
their self-confidence. The
students are held
accountable for their
homework being in on time
and preparing for class.

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Challenge my NIL students to sit
with the group and introduce
themselves to one another. Help
them in their groups to find a place
of friendship, so they feel they
serve a purpose. They will learn
that in this class I always take
notice of their efforts.

How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning? After finding out what kinds of heritage they come from I could put them
in groups to present a little bit of information about a specific culture. They could incorporate a special artistic activity
or song that the culture does in their presentation. Bigger assignment that needs to be on the syllabus

Teacher Candidate _Joyce Jacox__________________________________________________________________
Grade Level _10-12th_ Subject/Content:_Music__Title Group Voice__

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need
differentiation in instruction and assessment.
Hispanic 3, Asian 1, Caucasian 16
/ Females =14 Males = 6
4 Basss 2 Tenors 2 Altos 12 Sopranos
Student #8 &3 get extensions on assignments and re-dos on tests. Student #2
has had some behavior problems with other teachers
Student #9 has had some attitude issues when she is pushed to do things she
doesnt want to do.
Environment=The Choir Room where there are a couple pianos and practice
spaces, not nearly enough places for them to practice individually on their music.
The room is close to the Auditorium, which is an exciting performing space for the
kids, where they often go to practice.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and
be able to do?)
Include: Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
State Standard/Objectives

Content Walk-Away: Unpacked Curriculum

enjoymentoflife. A positive attitude towards learning
Reading/Language Content Walk-Away:
Define Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings,
tastes, or opinions.
Subjectivity: refers to how someone's judgment is shaped by
personal opinions and feelings instead of outside
influences. Subjectivity is partially responsible for why one

Big Ideas
Life Long Singers
Intrinsic Rewards
Subjectivity of Art
Essential Questions
What are my strengths as a performer
and what are my weaknesses?
If you decided to never sing again,
what parts of this class are still
helpful to you?
What do we like about popular
culture with singing tv shows and
what do we not like about it?

person loves an abstract painting while another person hates it.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for

learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the
Journal Entry for the week pertaining to our weekly assignments
and lessons. Asking for in-put. Asking if they will share an
experience where they failed, but now they have learned from that
experience. They can write down the experience instead of share in


Modifications/Accommodations (ELL,

IEP, GATE, etc.)

They are paired with students
who can help them increase
their knowledge and raise
their self-confidence. The
students are held
accountable for their
homework being in on time
and preparing for class.

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences

Ask them who or what inspires them.

Focus Lesson (I do it)

I share an experience about when I felt like I failed in music, but I
from it.
We do it together
I role play with them singing a song and someone volunteers to give
me positive feedback and constructive criticism.
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
We sing a song together by learning it on the spot. We apply the
techniques of breathing, posture, resonance, diction, and emotion
that we have discussed in class.
I have them sing to one another in groups and offer positive
feedback with constructive criticism.
Independent (You do it alone)
They practice at home
Revisit Essential Questions
We re-visit any topics that seemed to stand out to them. I emphasize
the subjective nature of artistic performing.

Ask Student #2 & #9

questions that they can
answer to ensure
participation and hope for
stronger engagement. Look
them in the eye when I am
speaking and make them
aware that I know they are
part of our group.

What do I need to remember to do?
Materials to have ready? Youtube
Approximate time needed for lesson? 1 hour


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning? After talking about intrinsic rewards, some of the ones they wrote down
were, Friendships, Creativity, Emoting, Comforting Others, Relaxation, Self-confidence, Accomplishments, and
Happiness. I will bring these up next time because they pertain to all of them and are great life motivators.

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