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When it comes to protecting future generations there is a big problem: apathy.

When we consider
the potential harmful effects on people 25 years from now, its difficult for us to become actively
involved in protecting our children. Reducing genetically modified organisms, having pets and
protecting animals future ecology, performing biomedical research and testing on non-human
primates, and reducing carbon emissions are some important actions people can take to protect our
future generations; in other words, being environmentally responsible. The problem is that people
generally arent conservative in their use of water, electricity, gasoline, and recyclables. In
America society is becoming insatiable, which is leading to living in excess, this lavish living is
having an impact on people in third world countries who dont have any choice they are
forced to live a meager life. The solution for this world is shaped by government policy. However,
there is a more immediate and tangible solution at hand that each person can fulfill, that is, living a
conservative lifestyle. In order to encourage the policy makers of tomorrow to live, and support,
conservation movements and in order to decrease levels of apathy we will be distributing trifold
pamphlets to students at the SLCC campus which will inform the students about the pressing and
imperative need to live a minimalistic lifestyle.

At first we thought of being really plain and have a peaceful protest. Have a silent protest.
Walk around campus with signs or pamphlet that gives the audience some material to read over
and think on. In actuality we figured it best to be outrageous with our information to really catch
the eyes of our audience. As Michael researched PETA and how they protest it was simple to see a
spark light in his eyes. Michael suggested walking about with signs and painting our bodies to
represent the animals affected by animal testing animal cruelty. As effective and scary that might
be, we had to go for a more subtle approach. By moving from a scare tactic we took ten minutes
and walked through campus asking people what they would like to see or how to attract attention.
Many said visual aid, others said being punctual and giving people a small bit of information and a
pamphlet. Our group then moved ahead and added color to our pamphlet and are finding ways to
interest people to come and learn.
Jared is the lead writer he will be in charge of asking us to write or rewrite our papers. Michael
has a brilliant imagination he is great at giving feedback and punctuation, he is our editor and
chief he will review each document to make sure all of our information is relevant. I am behind
visual aid. I provide pictures that are relevant to the text subject. Bryan is our computer aid and
assistant writer. Bryan is great at computer design; he will help create the pamphlet that we will
give out to the public. We are all in charge of writing a small article on our individual topics each
will be printed on the pamphlet.
Our group had selected a wide variety of issues of protest/struggle. The issues in question are:
climate change, genetically modified organisms, medical testing on non-human primates, and the

humane society. It was a challenge to uncover a unifying theme for these issues. After much
discussion we determined that the most appropriate unifying theme for our issues of
struggle/protest is protecting future generations. If nothing is done to curb human driven
climate change this planet will become uninhabitable. If emissions arent cut by 2050 up to 40%
of species could become extinct, corn and wheat yields could be reduced by as much as 40%,
coral could be dead and oceans could become up to 150% more acidic, sea levels could rise by as
much as 1.43 meters, and the earths temperature could increase by as much as 6 degrees
Celsius. (Beautiful Information) Genetically modified foods are poisoning our bodies and causing
health effects in millions of people, this will ultimately lead the human race to self degradation.
Animal abuse (which is the reason we have a humane society) will eventually lead to an
ecological imbalance. With the smallest shifts in the Earths ecological system there could be a
dramatic impact in the quality of life for future generations living on this planet.

This is an important unifying theme and it is worth protesting about. If the ecosystem is thrown
off balance there could be dire consequences for civilization, as we know it. The preservation of
natural food sources, keeping the ecosystem in balance and reducing emissions will reduce a
myriad of afflictions faced by humankind. For example, climate change is causing a loss of
seasonal shore ice, which has caused polar bears to change their food source from seals to
migratory bird eggs. With the increase in the seal population other ocean life increases, damaging
oceanic necessities that support all forms of life. (LA Times) In Africa, a decrease in the leopard
population has caused an increase in the baboon population. They are now competing with
humans for food and children are staying home from school to guard the crops. Preserving the
balance between nature and humans is imperative. In order to protest properly, we want to leave
something with the people we will be informing.

As a group we decided to create a tri fold pamphlet containing information about each
individual group members issue of protest/struggle. On the front of the pamphlet will be an
attention grabbing picture and title. On each of the inner folds an example of an issue of
protest/struggle will be highlighted. There will be brief descriptions of the issues and related
photos. On the back of the pamphlet will be a fourth issue of protest and a mission statement with
contact information. We will be using SLCCs printing services. We will be printing 80
pamphlets. Our protest will on April 14th from noon to one. We will be setting up a table in the

student center near the cafeteria. We will have a bowl of candy on the table to attract people, and
noon to one on Tuesday is one of the busiest times on campus so there will be many people to
potentially interest. A lot of students are not aware of the issues weve researched this semester
and we feel that it is important to educate students at this college because they will be the leaders
of tomorrow.
The intent of our proposal is somewhat dual sided. Not only are we setting out to change the
idea of environmental effects we produce as the human race, we also want to propose an idea for
change. Because of our stance, our intended audience is in itself double sided. Our goal is partially
obvious, we want a change. Hundreds have gone before us to educate the people, but if they
arent given a solution, what are they to do? Weve seen it tried without a call to action, it
didnt work. We want to address the people we interact with and inspire them to act for the
better. As we interact and mingle with the good folks there milling around the illustrious
Taylorsville Salt Lake Community College campus, we want to bring about a revolution of sorts.
Our goal is to educate the masses on select actions that can damage the environment, which intern,
are a danger to our posterity. To protect future generations, we need to convince the people.
Thanks to our own inability to sway political figures, however, our secondary objective is to reach
those in power and help them understand our cause. A small scale event wont save the planet.
This is an international issue that affects the world we live on. We arent doing this for us, but
for those to come. Too long have we changed the mindset of the average American from the ideal
to, what can my country do for me?. Now it appears weve even gone so far as to say,
what can the planet do for me?. This mindset is what brings our weakness to fruition. As
such, weve settled to focus on the four matters at hand stated previously. For the planet to be
sustainable for future generations, we plan to influence those in our American government.
Inevitably, we seek to bring the world into a change of mind on the environmental matters at hand.
With protest comes struggle. As the majestic butterfly must struggle to free itself from the cocoon,
so must an idea fight for freedom. However, the resistance may be seen negatively, but the fight is
natures way of strengthening the weak. Only an ideal that puts forth the required effort will
survive. The idea, is to hammer out the weaknesses found within to make them strengths.
Obviously a group of college students with an idea wont change the world. We need to evoke an
idea of change.

As a group that firmly believes in the importance of preserving our planet for the next generation
we hope to achieve the following outcomes.
1. A more aware and vigilant society.
2. A more efficient society regarding waste and pollution.

3. A restored and balanced ecosystem.

4. A better tomorrow for those that are here and those to come .
We realize that causing major change is not easy, but we also realize that change can happen with
just a small group of firm believers as history has shown us. We see great value in spreading this
awareness to those that are blinded by ignorance and see that we need to wake up as a society and
take responsibility for our childrens future. Which is why we need to awaken our vigilance and
awareness on the real issue that face our planet. We must change to alternative method by which
we run the many necessities of the world, regarding energy, fuel, food and overall sustenance as a
species that shares the Earth with millions of others. By addressing the above points from climate
change and pollution to becoming more aware and vigilant as a society regarding we treat our
plant we will be able to live in a place that is primal for the sustenance of future generations,
which is the most important objective if we want further our species. Our kids will be able to
breath of fresh air and fish in the ocean and not suffer horrid health conditions that we are likely
setting the stage for. We thought about how all of these issues from climate change to GMOs
affect the planet and realized that putting all of this in perspective In terms of where we are likely
headed as a species if we don't change, lead us in seeing the value of raising awareness for change
for the benefit of future generations. We see how everything is interconnected and it will all
contribute to either progress or the perpetual destruction of our planet. We thought of a way that
might help us in spreading his awareness and we came up with the idea of handing out pamphlets
containing his information on campus. It may not be as creative as other methods of spreading
awareness out there, but instead of seeing that we see it as a great opportunity by which we can
accomplish our mission of awareness which is the first step in causing change. Students can take it
and share it with classmates, friends and family contributing to our mission. This will also allow
us to talk to students if they have any questions about what we stand for and why.
Its not for us its for our children and childrens children. The decisions we make now
will impact them and its important that we change today. So the problem is for the future
generations, but the responsibility lies on our generation. The four of us wont necessarily
change the world. But if we just change one persons world as a result of our protest all of the
effort will have been worth it. There are a lot of benefits to living conservatively: you feel good
about how youre contributing to society, you manage financial resources better, and you
become more grateful and content with what you have. Changing one persons quality of life
through our protest will have a ripple effect for the future generations that people are so apathetic
about. They may raise their children to live more minimalistic and conservative lives, and their
grandchildren will follow suit and as time passes the balance between humankind and earth may
be restored.
"How Many Gigatons of CO2?" Information Is Beautiful. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.
"Decline of Earth's Top Carnivore Species Damages Broader Ecosystems." Los Angeles Times.
Los Angeles Times. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.

This young man was very easy to talk with. He loves the idea of working together to preserve the
We had so many extra pamphlets at the end of our time in the Student Center that we thought
perhaps they could be used as good reading material. As our group was all male, the pamphlets
were placed in male restrooms only.
I knew this girl from last semester's biology class. She is in the student government and helps
spread awareness of many causes throughout the campus. After the filming we spoke with her
about getting the word out and having people contact us and gave her a few more pamphlets to
give to some of her cohorts.

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