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Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 4/17/13

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: Hannah Finch____________________________ Date: ____10/13/13___

Title of Lesson: _What are fossils? _______________Grade Level: _3rd___
Time Frame: _30min__hours/minutes - Lesson #_1___EDR/EDU _380__
Rationale / Purpose for Lesson: (Why is this lesson important?)
The purpose of this lesson is that students will learn what a fossil is.
Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)
I will introduce fossils to the class, what they are and any vocabulary
associated with fossils. I will read a book introducing fossils and then
discuss them afterwards.

(Circle the one that applies)

3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils to
provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they
lived long ago. [Clarification Statement: Examples
of data could include type, size, and distributions of
fossil organisms. Examples of fossils and
could include marine fossils found on dry land,
tropical plant fossils found in Arctic areas, and
fossils of extinct organisms.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not
include identification of specific fossils or present
plants and animals. Assessment is limited to major
fossil types and relative ages.]


1. S3E2. Students will investigate fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
a. Investigate fossils by observing authentic
fossils or models of fossils or view
information resources about fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
b. Describe how a fossil is formed.


Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs.)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a. Students will be able to tell what a fossil

a. . I will listen for students to tell me

b. Students will know vocabulary

b. Students will be able to tell me what the

associated with fossils.

words mean and will be able to use the




descriptions of assessments.

orally what a fossil is

RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

I will also need a poster with vocabulary words and pictures to help students learn the
vocabulary needed for the lesson. I will also use the book, Fossils.

MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

Im going to read a book to you all today called, Fossils. Can anybody tell me what a fossil

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1. First I will start with the KWL. The students will fill out the first two sections of the KWL.
2. Then I will read parts of the book, Fossils. (Students had a vague understanding of fossils
as seen in the pre-assessment, but it was very superficial knowledge.)

3. Once I finish reading the book we will go back to the KWL and finish filling it out. Then
we will begin discussing the vocabulary in the book. Does this give the students a better
understanding of fossils?
4. I will make a list of the vocabulary words I want the students to know and we will go
through definitions of the words. Have students try to figure out what the words mean,
either through context or with their dictionary. (If I decide to use dictionary, give each
group a word and have them find the definition)
5. After making the list of vocabulary words, they will add the vocabulary words to their
KWL. (Paleontologist, trace fossil, resin fossil, mold fossil, body fossil, fossil, sedimentary
rock, erosion)
6. We will finish the lesson by discussing what can be fossilized. Animals, plants, bugs,
people. We will discuss the differences between extinct animals and non-extinct animals.
7. I will ask if animals have to be extinct to be fossilized. Can animals that are still living
today be found in fossils?
meet the requirements of all students (including special needs learners, gifted learners, and culturally and
linguistically diverse learners)?

Students who may need extra help will be in groups so they can ask help from classmates. Also
we will be doing a lot of work as a class so I will be able to sit or stand by the child to help them
along if necessary.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
I will end the discussion by asking if students have any questions about fossils. We will discuss
the fact that plants, animals, people, bugs can all be fossilized and animals do not have to be
extinct to be fossilized. I will discuss that tomorrow we will discuss how fossils are formed and
we will look at some examples of fossils.
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.
Students will fill out a vocabulary worksheet to be sure they understand the vocabulary. They may use
their KWL which was filled out in class to help them with their homework if necessary.



Directions: Choose the word from the word bank which fills the blank in the
sentence best. Each word will only be used once.
1. A ______________________________ is a scientist who studies fossils.
2. The remains of living things that have been transformed into stone over millions of years are
called _____________________.
3. Most fossils are found in ___________________________________________.
4. Fossils become exposed through __________________________ caused by weather, wind
and water.
5. ________________________________________ are things like footprints which can tell us
about an animals behavior.
6. Fossils including bones, claws and teeth are called ______________________________.
7. __________________________________ are created when an imprint is left on sediment
which then hardens and becomes rock.
8. ____________________________ are formed when small creatures get caught in a trees
sticky sap. The sap usually hardens into amber and the creature is fossilized inside.

Trace fossils

Sedimentary rock

Body fossils

Resin fossils
Mold fossils

Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 4/17/13

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: __Hannah Finch__________________________ Date: _10/13/13__

Title of Lesson: __How are Fossils Formed?________Grade Level: _3rd__
Time Frame: 40 min__hours/minutes - Lesson #_2____EDR/EDU 380/255
Rationale / Purpose for Lesson: (Why is this lesson important?)
This lesson is necessary for students to learn more about fossils and
how they were formed. This is also important because it fulfills part of the
fossil standard.
Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)
I will start by showing a video about how fossils are formed. Then we will
discuss the process through which fossils are formed and the fact that
conditions have to be just right for a fossil to form.

(Circle the one that applies)

1. 3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils

to provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they
lived long ago. [Clarification Statement: Examples
of data could include type, size, and distributions of
fossil organisms. Examples of fossils and
could include marine fossils found on dry land,
tropical plant fossils found in Arctic areas, and
fossils of extinct organisms.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not
include identification of specific fossils or present
plants and animals. Assessment is limited to major
fossil types and relative ages.]


1. S3E2. Students will investigate fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
a. Investigate fossils by observing authentic
fossils or models of fossils or view
information resources about fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
b. Describe how a fossil is formed.


2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design,
develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop
the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS.
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to

promote student learning and creativity

b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their
individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals,
managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles,
working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with
content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching

Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs.)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a. Discuss the process in which fossils are

descriptions of assessments.

a. Students will look at examples of fossils


and will write what they believe the

creature is and how it may have become a



RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

Video about fossils and how they are formed. PowerPoint to further illustrate how fossils are
formed. Examples of fossils and a worksheet for students to write down what they think their
fossil is and how it was formed.
MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

Yesterday we learned what fossils are, today we are going to learn how they are formed. First
we are going to watch a video that reviews a little of what we learned and is going to show how
some fossils are formed.

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1. First we will watch the video about fossils and how they are formed.

2. Then I will review the vocabulary we discussed previously in class to make sure everyone is
on the same page. (we will go over the different types of fossils, trace fossils, mold fossils, body
fossils, resin fossils) I will show some images from the book Fossils to go along with this
vocabulary. (p. 25-29, p. 8-9)
3. I will then open up the PowerPoint and we will discuss what we learned in the video about
how fossils are formed. There will be a few questions in the PowerPoint for students to answer
4. After going through the PowerPoint I will hand out examples of fossils, (one to each student,
group or partners depending on how many fossils I can get)
5. Students will examine the fossils and fill out an observation sheet.
6. Then students will switch fossils with other people or groups and as groups will discuss what
they believe their fossil is of, how it became fossilized and where this creature may have lived
and anything else they believe they can learn from the fossil.
meet the requirements of all students (including special needs learners, gifted learners, and culturally and
linguistically diverse learners)?

Again we will mostly be working in groups so students will be able to help each other. Students
will also have some independence when observing and gifted learners could go farther with
their observations.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
We will finish up with the group work, the students will discuss what they observed about the
fossil examples that they looked at.
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.
Bring in items, leaves or toy animals (small items), shells, anything we can use to create our own fossils.
(Extra: For a ticket, anyone who can find out what Georgias state fossil is)

Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 4/17/13

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: __Hannah Finch__________________________ Date: _10/13/13__

Title of Lesson: _What can fossils teach us?_ Grade Level: _3rd__
Time Frame: 45 min__hours/minutes - Lesson #_3__EDR/EDU _380
Rationale / Purpose for Lesson: (Why is this lesson important?)
The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand why fossils are
important and how much we have learned and what we can learn from
Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)
We will discuss the importance of fossils and what they believe they can
learn from their fossils. At the end of the lesson students will make their own

(Circle the one that applies)

1. 3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils

to provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they
lived long ago. [Clarification Statement: Examples
of data could include type, size, and distributions of
fossil organisms. Examples of fossils and
could include marine fossils found on dry land,
tropical plant fossils found in Arctic areas, and
fossils of extinct organisms.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not
include identification of specific fossils or present
plants and animals. Assessment is limited to major
fossil types and relative ages.]


1. S3E2. Students will investigate fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
a. Investigate fossils by observing authentic
fossils or models of fossils or view
information resources about fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
b. Describe how a fossil is formed.


Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs.)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a. Make observations about the fossils and
make educated guesses about the fossils
history and what the fossil can tell us.

b. Create fossils with plaster of Paris.

descriptions of assessments.

a. I will know students have achieved these

outcomes through listening to their

b. I will know they have achieved this

because I will have their fossil.



RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

Examples of fossils, plaster of paris, items to fossilize. Students groups will be the groups in
which they are seated at.
MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

So far this week we have been talking about fossils, what they are and how they are formed.
Why are we talking about fossils? Why are they important?

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1. I will review what we have already learned this week. I will ask students what they have
learned so far and why they think this is important. I will write on the board some facts that
students say they have learned so far.
2. Why would we be learning about fossils? Why are they important? Why do some people
dedicate their lives to searching for and digging up fossils?
3. If students do not say because we can learn from them I will direct them to this answer, why
are fossils important, because they are piece of the past. Would we know about dinosaurs if we
never found any fossils?

4. Once students know that fossils tell us about the past, what can they tell us about the past?
Can we learn about what animals ate, what the environment was, how big the creature was, etc.
5. After we have discussed the importance of fossils, I will tell students that we are going to
make our own fossils.
6. I will explain my expectations, follow all directions, no playing with the plaster of Paris, no
putting plaster on other people, students who do not follow directions will not be allowed to
make fossils.
7. We will finish the lesson once everyone has made their fossil, we will allow them to dry
8. I will discuss that tomorrow we will look at our fossils and pass them around and people will
observe the fossils to determine what created the fossil, where the creature could have lived or
eaten etc. Students will learn what they can from the fossils and this simulates what fossils are
used for in the real world. Students can imagine what people in the future might learn from the
fossils they created.
meet the requirements of all students (including special needs learners, gifted learners, and culturally and
linguistically diverse learners)?

Students will be working mostly in groups during the lesson so I will be able to walk around
and help students who need extra help.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
We will discuss what we talked about in class, they will discuss what people in the future could
learn from the fossils we make.
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.
No homework


Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 4/17/13

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: __Hannah Finch__________________________ Date: _10/13/13__

Title of Lesson: _What can fossils teach us and why is this important?
Grade Level: _3rd__
Time Frame: 45 min__hours/minutes - Lesson #_4__EDR/EDU _380
Rationale / Purpose for Lesson: (Why is this lesson important?)
The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand why fossils are
important and how much we have learned and what we can learn from
fossils. Students will also learn how long it takes fossils to form.
Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)
Students will begin the class by looking at the fossils they all made. I will
hand out fossils randomly and students will write a brief paragraph about
their fossil.

(Circle the one that applies)

1. 3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from fossils

to provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they
lived long ago. [Clarification Statement: Examples
of data could include type, size, and distributions of
fossil organisms. Examples of fossils and
could include marine fossils found on dry land,
tropical plant fossils found in Arctic areas, and
fossils of extinct organisms.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not
include identification of specific fossils or present
plants and animals. Assessment is limited to major
fossil types and relative ages.]


1. S3E2. Students will investigate fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
a. Investigate fossils by observing authentic
fossils or models of fossils or view
information resources about fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
b. Describe how a fossil is formed.



Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs.)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a. Observe the fossils they created and
decide what people in the future could
learn from the fossils.

descriptions of assessments.

a. I will know students have achieved these

outcomes through the short paragraph that
students will write.

b. Know how long fossils take to form and

b. I will know they have achieved this

can see the difference between how our

fossils were made and how fossils in real
life are created.

through class discussions.



RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

Fossils that students made, again students will be in the groups that they are seated in.
MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

Last week we made our own fossils, today we are going to look at those fossils and decide
what they could teach somebody in the future and what they could tell us about the past if they
were real.

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1. I will hand out the fossils that students made back to them.
2. Students will observe the fossil they get and will write a brief paragraph about what this
creature could have been in the future. What could it have eaten, where would it have lived? If

we found them out on the playground, what would that tell us about what the environment
around there had been millions of years ago?
3. Once students have done this we will discuss their responses as a class. Students will have the
opportunity to share what they wrote.
4. Then we will put the fossils away and discuss how the creation of our fossils was different
from how real fossils would be made.
5. This discussion will reinforce what they have already learned about how fossils are formed. It
will be review from last week.
6. I will go back to what the students learned yesterday, what creatures would we not know
existed if it were not for fossils.
7. Then I will show them a page in the eyewitness book Fossils about remarkable remains.
8. We will discuss events in history and societies that we know more about because of fossils,
showing what fossils have taught us.
meet the requirements of all students (including special needs learners, gifted learners, and culturally and
linguistically diverse learners)?

Students will be working mostly in groups during the lesson so I will be able to walk around
and help students who need extra help. It will be good for linguistic learners because they are
writing. It will work for bodily-kinesthetic learners because they will have the fossil they made
that they can touch, the fossils will also work for visual learners because they will be able to
look at the fossil and visualize what it could have been in the past or what the environment may
have looked like in the past.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
I will end the lesson by discussing what we have learned from the fossils we have looked at and
what we believe paleontologists have learned from the fossils they have found. We will have a
brief discussion where students will have the chance to share what they have learned about
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.
No homework


Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 4/17/13

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: ____Hannah Finch________________________ Date: __10/13/13__

Title of Lesson: __What have we learned from fossils?_Grade Level: __3rd_
Time Frame: __30 min_hours/minutes - Lesson #__5__EDR/EDU _380_
Rationale / Purpose for Lesson: (Why is this lesson important?)
This lesson is important because it wraps up the unit and evaluates what the
students have learned.
Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)
We will discuss where fossils are found and then we will review what the
students learned by playing jeopardy, after the students have played the
game, they will write two paragraphs on what they learned.

(Circle the one that applies)

1. 1. 3-LS4-1. Analyze and interpret data from

fossils to provide evidence of the organisms and the
environments in which they
lived long ago. [Clarification Statement: Examples
of data could include type, size, and distributions of
fossil organisms. Examples of fossils and
could include marine fossils found on dry land,
tropical plant fossils found in Arctic areas, and
fossils of extinct organisms.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not
include identification of specific fossils or present
plants and animals. Assessment is limited to major
fossil types and relative ages.]


1. S3E2. Students will investigate fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
a. Investigate fossils by observing authentic
fossils or models of fossils or view
information resources about fossils as
evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
b. Describe how a fossil is formed.



Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs.)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a. Tell where fossils are found.

descriptions of assessments.

a. I will know students have achieved this

through oral discussions.

b.Review what they have learned and

implement their knowledge in a game.

b. I will know students have achieved this

through their participation in the game and
the two paragraphs they write afterwards.


RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

The book, Fossils Tell of Long Ago, PowerPoint jeopardy game, teams will be the
groups the students are sitting in.

MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

Now that you guys have become experts on fossils, what can you tell me about them, where do
you think fossils are found? What can they teach us? How are they formed?

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1. Now that students know more about fossils, I will ask where they believe they can find
fossils. Are they only in deserts? Jungles? The Ocean? What about their own backyards?
2. I will discuss that fossils have been found all over the world in all sorts of different

3. I will wrap up that part of the lesson and move on to reviewing what students have
4. We will play jeopardy and then students will write two paragraphs about what they have
learned. They must list one type of fossil and how define that type of fossil, tell me the
process of fossilization and tell me at least two things we can learn from fossils.
meet the requirements of all students (including special needs learners, gifted learners, and culturally and
linguistically diverse learners)?

I will read questions on the PowerPoint out loud so that all students know exactly what the
question is.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
Students will write two paragraphs, which have a minimum of five facts that they learned about
fossils. This will be there post-assessment.
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.
No homework.


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