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Daniella Chavez

LBS 400/ spring 2015

Spanish Option Reflection

As a child I was curious to know why and how I learned two languages. I grew up
learning Spanish and English concurrently. When I took Spanish courses in high school I learned
the writing rules, accents, proper pronunciation, and how to read. I wanted to improve my
reading, writing, and pronunciation skills in order to help students who are transitioning into the
English language. Spanish is difficult to learn just like any language as a future educator I know I
will have second language students and I can aid them by talking to them in Spanish or by
having a bilingual conversation with them. Parents will also need help if they dont speak or
understand English, I will be helpful because of my bilingual skills.
Spanish 280, 435, 455, and 351 have helped me improve my Spanish vocabulary and
syntax. I learned the rules for applying accents marks to the proper vowel in a spanish word.
Now, I can maintain a full conversation in Spanish without turning the conversation into a
Spanglish one.
The artifacts I will demonstrate from SPA 455 will show my writing skills, and my syntax
skills. One artifact is from SPA 341 where I had to present to the class why exercised and healthy
habits leads to a better life.

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