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Language Observation

Language Observation
Rebecca Staub
CSD 467, Section 02
Professor Hall
October 9, 2014

Language Observation

Client: Bob

Date: 09/25/2014

Time: 11AM Thursday

Clinician: Sarah

Long Term Goal:

The client will improve expressive language skills to enhance communication abilities in adult
daily living.
Short Term Goals: The client will1. Produce sets of sounds (/eI/, /i/, /aI/, /o/, and /u/) and correctly complete sentences with
the sounds with 90% accuracy and minimum cues.
2. Read a sentence to themselves and pick up/point to an object with 80% accuracy and
maximum cueing.
3. Hear one-step and two-step directions from the clinician and point to the object/s the
clinician is referring to with 80% accuracy and maximum cueing.
4. Correctly spell words when given letter tiles and a description of an object with 80%
accuracy and maximum cues.
5. Verbally communicate wants/needs with sentences with 90% accuracy and moderate
PROMPT (tactile cueing system to retrain speech skills)
Letter tiles
Building tools (wrench, nails, screwdriver, etc.)
Index cards with descriptions of tools

Procedures: The clinician will-

Index cards with directions

Language Observation

1. Assist the client in producing the sound sets in order to say the word with the phoneme in
a sentence.
2. Encourage the client to read the sentences about the tools to themselves and cue the client
when necessary about which tool matches the description.
3. Help the client find the correct tool after hearing the direction/s given, and repeating the
direction if needed while giving maximum cues.
4. Help the client spell basic words independently using the letter tiles, and assist the client
with using the correct letters in the correct order to spell the words when needed.
5. Have the client produce the target word with maximum cueing and have them use the
word in a simple sentence with cueing to communicate daily wants and needs.
S. The client looked happy at the start of the therapy session, and appeared to be in a good
mood. He was willing to talk about his trip to the Grand Canyon, and seemed to be engaged
in all activities during the therapy session.
O. Aim 1: Sound sets (/eI/, /i/, /aI/, /o/, /u/) and complete sentences- Current: 90% accuracy.
Aim 2: Read sentences and choosing the correct tool according to the description:
Current: 85%
Aim 3: Hearing one-step directions and choosing the correct tool- Current: 90% accuracy.
Aim 4: Spelling words with the letter tiles- Current: 85% accuracy.
Aim 5: Producing the target word and using it in a sentence- Current: 90% accuracy.
A. Overall the client performed well during this therapy session, however, there is still
difficulty with aspects of expressive language. For word retrieval, the clinician produced
the target word in order for the client to complete the sentence. Once the clinician
produced the sound and gave cues, the client was able to produce the sound

Language Observation

independently, and was able to complete the sentence given. Afterwards, the clinician
held up an index card and had the client read the description on it to himself and pick up
the correct tool. The client did well considering the fact that he had worked in
construction and was familiar with some of the tools, but maximum cueing was still
needed. After this activity, the clinician read the client one-step directions, and the client
needed to point to the tool that the directions indicated. Once again, maximum cueing
was needed. For spelling, the clinician placed letter tiles in front of the client in order to
spell simple words. The client was able to spell some words independently but required
maximum cueing at times regarding the correct letter or where a letter should be placed
in the word. Finally, the clinician produced a target word, and had the client use the
words in a sentence to communicate daily wants and needs. During this activity, the
client was able to produce most of words independently several times but still needed
moderate cueing.
P. Therapy plan will continue for next session. The goals will remain the same and cueing
will still be used in order to improve expressive language skills so that the client can become
more independent.

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