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Whitney Amato

Lesson 3-Literacy
Daily topic: Rainforest Animals
Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and
definitions to develop points and provide a concluding statement or section
Students will be able to identify animals that reside in the rainforest based on a picture.
Students will be able to name facts about the animals we discuss in class such as their
habitats, diets, and unique characteristics.
1. Students will be sit in quietly in their desks prepared to watch a prezi to introduce
the lesson.
2. The prezi will be interactive. I will ask students to give any knowledge they
previously have about the rainforest or the animals that live there.
3. The prezi will discuss general facts about the rainforest and general facts about
three different animals.
4. I will then explain directions to the directed browsing activity and explain how
students can access it on the school computers.
5. We will then all head to the computer lab where we will spend the rest of the
period working on this activity.
6. The activity requires students to read four websites (accessed through direct links
given to them) that have kid-friendly educational information about the red-eyed
tree frog. Students will type answers to the questions.
7. When they finish the activity, students will print out their responses and turn them
8. When the unit is complete, we will watch the movie Madagascar as a fun recap!
Specify the materials needed for that day.




How do you accommodate students with: special needs, non-native, and gifted.
Special needs students would be provided extra time and extra explanation. A para
can also assist them with the activity in the computer lab.
Non-native students will hopefully have a translator available to help them read
the information on the websites.
Gifted students would be asked to answer more abstract and extra questions.

Daily evaluation should be related to the lesson taught that day Use a Rubric

Amount of

All topics are

addressed and all
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about

All topics are

addressed and most
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about each.

All topics are

One or more topics
addressed, and most were not
questions answered addressed.
with 1 sentence
about each.

Internet Use

Successfully uses
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.

Usually able to use

suggested internet links
to find information and
navigates within these
sites easily without

Occasionally able to
use suggested
internet links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.


No grammatical,
spelling or
punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, A few grammatical

spelling or punctuation spelling, or
punctuation errors.


Needs assistance
or supervision to
use suggested
internet links
and/or to navigate
within these sites.
Many grammatical,
spelling, or
punctuation errors.

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