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1. Throughout UWRT 1103, I have been able to dig deeper into my own thought
process. If I were to teach this class, I would emphasize how important it is to
continuously ask questions. Sometimes, questions arent able to be answered and on
the other hand, there are multiple answers. I think inquiring is a big part of becoming
a better writer. I would also express that writing is a very powerful way to get your
point across. One thing that has really been helpful to me during this class is peer
editing. I think peer editing is one of the most useful ways to receive feedback on
your work and it also gives you insight that you may not have been aware of before.
Peer editing allows for you to receive different perspectives on your work and it
allows you to broaden your view of the topic at hand.
2. Dear Marcus Zusak,
I wasnt really fond of your book The Book Thief. The Holocaust was a very tragic
time in history, and I think at some points in the book, Leisel finds a little too much
happiness in books with what is going on. Although I think it is very interesting how
you chose to let Death narrate it, I didnt really like the book overall.
3. If I was in a class that required a lot of writing and didnt have time allotted for
feedback, I think that starting a writing group would be a good idea. I would explain
the importance of getting feedback from peers and how helpful it is to have peers
inputs. I would tell how gaining different perspectives helps us grow as writers and
also gives us more knowledge.

4. I dont think I really had a process for writing any of my papers. I think I struggle
with introductions the most because you have to give enough information so that the
reader will know what youre talking about, but at the same time you cant provide
too much information. Once I get past the introduction, I believe that the paper is
easier to write. One important piece of feedback I received on my literacy narrative
was to add more images to better help the reader see my experiences, to show my
experiences rather than just simply tell about them. I think this feedback will help me
when Im writing in the future.
5. My time in this class has taught me the importance of peer editing and gaining a

broader view on the topic in which you are writing about. Throughout this class, I
have learned that the more perspectives you have on a topic, the more diverse and
open the paper will be. Another big thing that I will take with me throughout my
writing career is to always ask questions. Inquiry is a big part of not only writing, but
also in life. As we ask questions, we bring about more questions and I think thats
whats so great about it. Inquiring never has an ending.

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