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Dillon Powers

Christie Bogle
Exploration Final
The Pros and Cons of Marriage
In this issue exploration will I be discussing the pros and cons of a marriage in a number
of different scenarios and situations ranging as far as heath and well being to general happiness.
Even the relationship between marriage and crime rates on a county level as well. To begin there
are marriage conflicting views in almost every aspect of marriage. The most popular debate in
recent happening would be that portraying to same sex marriage, especially in the United States
and Canada. A far as conflicting viewpoints on the same sex subject, religious beliefs have a lot
to do with the opinion of same sex marriage in the U.S. That is especially prevalent as far as
many of you know here in Utah regarding the Mormon Church.
But to the main purpose of this text is to give an idea about the general conciseness and
opinion of being married or not, and if there are pros and cons to either side, helping understand
conflicting views on the subject. Its mainly up the reader to decide their final stand on the
subject. To some it may be a no brainer to what they believe is the better route to others that may
be on the fence about the general quality of life that comes with or without marriage may be
interesting in the information that I have looked into over the past number of weeks. Another
main viewpoint staying away from religious beliefs would be the relationship between crime
rates and marriage. The Journal of Research and Crime and Delinquency did an extensive
research study before publishing an article on the subject. It states that a substantial body for
research has been negatively associated with marriage on a individual level. (Sampson and Lamb

1993:161) A lot of theoretical opinions on the subject may be that marriage will help settle one
down, understand longer term consequences for one's actions. Being a regular routine of life, or
"growing up" essentially.
In the conclusion of this particular article. The researchers had found that marriage had an
inverse relationship with crime on a county level, It also stated that the relationship between
these crime rates and marriage had been suspected since the 1970's (Knight Osborn and West
For this specific example an opposing view is not really present. and it mainly falls upon the
ready to draw a conclusion for this particular body of research.
Another source of information comes from Alexandra Sifferlin, an article based upon
research of married people, more specifically married people live longer. The text discussed the
relationship between age longevity and stable marriages. In the opening paragraph she stated that
Benefits from a stable marriage are present in both male and female partners. And listed
specifically that males seem o show a better effect from a stable partnership. Along with this
information the author also presented information that one who never marries is more than twice
as likely to die "early" as oppose to those who again. have been involved in a long term
consistently stable marriage.
But there is another side to this topic however. some believe in a large amount of
situations data can always be manipulated or presented in a way that makes it sound or appear
more attractive to the audience it is intended for. For example, data figures like the "twice as
likely to die early," seems like a rather vague figure to base a statement off of. What age is
considered "early?" Well in the article it never really specifies. But at the same time the author

seems to be on a research standpoint rather than a persuasive, or advertising one. Another

example of evidence that opposing views could exist is the fact that the author very specifically
lists that the research is based off long term stable marriages. Now many are aware that a very
large percentage of marriages do not end up being long term, stable. at times seemingly less
likely to be both.
In the next source of information "The Single Christian Life," the author, Kate Wallace
Discusses how one can life a full and satisfying life without ever being married. She also goes
into how members of the church and the church itself should be more open and reach out to its
unmarried members. She describes how a lot of people just would rather live their lives without
that sort of long term commitment with another individual. Which she has a strong opinion about
spreading a more open opinion towards the issue. Now going way back The former president of
the Mormon church, Brigham Young stated that "any man who is over the age of 27 and unmarried is a menace to society." and it probably goes without saying that a number of church
goers, and perhaps even outside the Mormon church agree. Or somewhat agree with these kind
of opinions based upon marriage.
A recent heavily documented issues in required to same sex marriage has been prevalent
in the media as well as political and religious issues a number of states voting to legalize the
action. along with a number of states voting to in its opposition. A number of religious groups of
also spoken out about the topic.
So in conclusion to all the research i have done the whole subject seems to be somewhat
one sided towards marriage. most of the articles i had found had relatively positive information
or opinions to the pros of marriage far outweighing the cons with the exception of a few articles.

Works Cited:
Wallace, Kate. "The (Single) Christian Life." Mutuality 21.3 (2014): 4-7. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
Drefahl, Sven. "Do The Married Really Live Longer? The Role Of Cohabitation And
Socioeconomic Status." Journal Of Marriage & Family 74.3 (2012): 462-475. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
Bauso, Dario, et al. "Mean-Field Games For Marriage." Plos ONE 9.5 (2014): 1-15. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 18
Rocque, Michael, et al. "Marriage And County-Level Crime Rates: A Research Note." Journal Of
Research In Crime & Delinquency 52.1 (2015): 130-145. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18
Apr. 2015.Apr. 2015.

"Religion, Rights, And Relationships: The Dream Of Relational Equality." Hypatia 22.1 (2007):
71-91. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.

Denike, Margaret. Hawkins, Alan J., and Theodora Ooms. "Can Marriage And Relationship
Education Be An Effective Policy Tool To Help Low-Income Couples Form And Sustain Healthy
Marriages And Relationships? A Review Of Lessons Learned." Marriage & Family Review 48.6
(2012): 524-554. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.

COMER, JOHN MARK. "Marriage With A Meaning." USA Today Magazine 143.2832 (2014):
30-31. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.

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