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Name: Alex Crump

PART A: Describe how students could create and publish an original movie, audio file, podcast, or vodcast in order to achieve
required learning standards. Challenge: For an A provide an idea where the learning activity reaches a LoTi level 4a or
above. To do this you will have to design a project where students engage in higher-order thinking and publish their work to an
audience that will use or care about the results. Broad feedback for their work is also a great way to boost interest and
Grade Level: First Grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:


X Podcast



SS1H1 The student will read about and describe the life
of historical figures in American history.
a. Identify the contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/ statesman),Thomas Jefferson
(Declaration of Independence), Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration), Harriet Tubman
(Underground Railroad), Theodore Roosevelt (National Parks and the environment), George Washington Carver (science).
b. Describe how everyday life of these historical figures is similar to and different from everyday life in the present (food,
clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation).

Brief Description of Learning Experience: The students will do a research project on the famous
American Benjamin Franklin. They must identify the contributions that he made, general facts about
him, and how his life is similar to and different from everyday life in the present. Once they have
compiled all of their information, students will create a podcast that allows them to tell all that they
have learned about Benjamin Franklin. With parent permission, the podcast would then be posted on
the classroom blog so they can share with their family and friends.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: What LoTi level would this lesson be and Why?
Which indicators of Engaged Learning are strong and why? The LoTi level for this lesson would be a 4. This is
because they are creating something that tells the world information about their topic. They are able to publish it on the
classroom blog and it demonstrates that they are experts in their subject area.
Importance of technology: Why is using a multimedia authoring tools critical to the project? Could
the project be completed without this technology? What would be lost without using it? What other
types of technology, if any, are going to be used in the learning experience? This project could not be done
without this technology. We could execute it with pen and paper, but there would be no way to share it with the
community or make the kids excited about it. Creating something on their that they are able to listen to and share with
their family and friends motivates the students so much more than a regular pencil and paper could do.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing multimedia projects as a model for your project (whether
in part or whole), include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you borrowed from
others. I borrowed this idea from Ms. Bookers example that she used in class.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding internet
safety and student privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain
how youd minimize risks to students/yourself, alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and
follow school districts Internet Safety/Use Policy. Some students may be in dangerous situations if they are
located by someone else, so making sure that you have parent approval to post the students name, work, or picture is
incredibly important. If a parent does authorize that anything may be posted on the internet, I would use first name only
and put no pictures or identifying information on the website.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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