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After viewing the case study here- LM-8 DISCUSSION BOARD CASE STUDY.

pptx , please respond to

the following prompt that is also at the end of the case study: How is the product of instruction
differentiated in the case study lesson? More specifically, is it by readiness, interests, and/ or
learning profile? What is the rationale for your response as to how the product is being
differentiated? What did you find most appealing about the differentiation of products in the

The Tomlinson way to differentiate product is for the teacher to select one product
format and then adapt it for student readiness, interest, and learning profile
(Soffer, 2015, slide 7). The case study provided on a high school art lesson focuses
on the tiered process based on the readiness of the students. There were three
groups given a specific assignment based on their artistic abilities. The first group
was assigned to creating flip-books as a way to compare and contrast the artistic
styles. The second group is creating individual pop-up cards, which requires artistic
skills beyond the first group. In the third group they are required to create pop-up
books. This assignment was the most challenging of the three assignments.
Although there were three different assignments, each student content were to
remain the same. Each group produced different ways to display their artistic
abilities. There will be three different rubrics used to assess the three assignments
(Soffer Case Study Slide 1).
What I found most appealing about the differentiation of products in the lesson is
how each group complements each of the other assignments. Students were to
begin with a flip book to creating pop-books. These assignments, cause students to
think about, apply and even expand on all the key understandings and even expand
on all the key understandings and skills of the learning span it represents
(Tomlinson, 2015, pg. 85). By creating building assignments, it is likely other
students can move up to the next level of the assignment, if they has graps the
concepts. It is possible if the student can grasp the given assignment, it is likely the
teacher could promote the student to the next lesson. This will make students work
harder on their project with the anticipation of advancing to the next group. This
would help prevent negative behaviors in the classroom.

Soffer, R. (2015). Learning module 8: Differentiating product. PowerPoint, retrieved from course
Soffer, R. (2015). Case Study PowerPoint: A high school art lesson. Learning Module 8
Discussion Board.

Tomlinson, C.A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. (2nd ed.).
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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