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Academic Dishonesty

By: Nicole Fleischmann

Questions to think about...

1)What are some examples of cheating?
2) Which quote from the students do you
agree with?
3) What are the reasons that people cheat?

What is Cheating?
To act dishonestly or unfairly in order to
gain an advantage.

The Issue
Cheating or academic dishonesty is a growing problem in education.
Studies have shown what students do and do not consider to be cheating.
I have copied from another student
I have used unauthorized materials (cheat sheet, writing on hand)
I have used an unauthorized electronic device for assistance
I have submitted as my own, an assignment that was either entirely or
partially written/completed by someone else
I have submitted as my own, an assignment that was either entirely or
partially copied from the Internet or another source, without using
proper citation
I have given test/quiz questions or answers to another student who will
be taking the same test/quiz at a later time

Is Plagiarism Cheating?
Many schools have adopted academic honesty policies because many students
take information from the internet that is not theirs and pass it off as their own.
Internet has grown 151.6% since 2000
A lot easier for students to plagiarize in todays society.
Some students feel that because information is public and free for people to look
at and use that it is public knowledge.

Cheating in a University of Central Florida

Agreed that the student cheated:
The students had access to the test without the professors
permission and that is a violation of the code of ethics. Even
though the internet provides you with access to multiple things
does not mean you should not do the right thing. The fact that one
student had a guilty conscience. I know more than one person felt
the same way and knew that they were committing a crime.
Disagreed that the student cheated:
The students did not cheat because the professor generated the
test from a test bank, which could have been obtained by anyone
else who had access to the Internet. The students simply studied
the test they accessed from online to help them pass the test.
Cheating is doing something unethically wrong, and the students
did not do anything unethical by using their resources to prepare
for the test. The students who used the online test question still
have to know the information. The online test was used as an
online supplement.

Teachers Cheating
Although many believe that when it comes to academic dishonesty the
students are the ones who need to be watched, that is not always true.
Situations where teachers have cheated
Study done in Chicago of cheating by school personell

Academic Dishonesty in Schools

Public Schools vs. Private Schools

Public Schools
Secondary schools are the concern for increasing rates of cheating
A nationwide survey of 36,000 secondary students found that 60% admitted to
cheating on test and assignments.
When 3,000 students chosen for scholastic recognition in the prestigious Whos
Who among American High School students were asked. . . 80% acknowledged
cheating on teacher made and state tests.
Private Schools
Educators in Catholic schools are called upon by the church to educate students not
only academically, but morally and ethically as well. A key aspect of a Catholic
school education is the integration of religious truths and values with the realities of
everyday life.

Reasons why students cheat

1) Need good grades in college.
2) There is not enough time to do the work
3) Everyone else is cheating.
4) This course is not important to me
5) Other

How to Reduce Cheating

Create an academic honesty policy
Identify the criteria that will be used for evaluating the quality of performance.
When students know in advanced the criteria by which their work will be
judged, they can concentrate on the work without being anxious and reporting
at the end I wasnt sure if this is what you wanted.
Allow students to reflect, revise, and improve their final product.
Having access to suggestions from classmates who have read their work and
being expected to revise their product supports perseverance and teaches
students how to accept constructive criticism.

Academic Integrity: Preventing Cheating with the Implementation of an Honor Code. (2012). Retrieved
from http://
Jacob, B.A. and Levitt, S.D. (2004). To Catch a Cheat. ProQuest Education Journals, 1-5. Retrieved from http://
Jones, D.L.R. (2011). Academic Dishonesty: Are More Students Cheating?. Business Communication Quarterly,
74, 141-149. doi:10.1177/1080569911404059.
Strom, P.S. and Strom, R.D. (2007). Cheating in Middle School and High School. ProQuest Education

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