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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)

Background Information
Date: 3/31/15

Teacher: Richard Bergstrom

School: Cleveland Elementary

Lesson Focus: Basketball rebounding

Facilities: Outside (blacktop) basketball court.
Equipment: 10 basketballs, 10 polyspots

Grade Level: 4th

# of students: 20

Safety Considerations:
Students must be aware of their surroundings at all
times. Students must respect each others personal
space. Equipment should never be thrown at another
student unless it involves a student throwing an
object for the intended purpose of catching it.
Physical injuries, bullying, or any misbehavior will be
reported to the person in charge on campus.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: Misbehaving, playing with Previously Learned Skills: basketball dribbling,
equipment when told not to, talking when shouldnt passing, shooting, defense, and triple threat.
be talking, touching others, and calling others

inappropriate names are all examples of behaviors
that arent tolerated. NEW policy: 1st offense: sit out
for a few minutes. 2nd offense: sent inside.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive teaching
Academic Language: defense, dribbling, passing,


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Psychomotor (P): SWBAT get in position and rebound the basketball off of a missed shot.
Cognitive (C): SWBAT understand positioning of the body in terms of where to stand when a
basketball is shot from a certain angle.
Affective (A): SWBAT participate and cooperative during the lesson without disrupting the
lesson, and show support for peers during activity.
H-R Fitness (H): SWBAT participate in MVPA at least 50% of the lesson time.

I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies
that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity
and fitness.
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

Describe the pre-class arrangement

Teacher: Standing in front of homebase (sideline of the basketball court)

Students: Sitting on homebase (sideline of the basketball court)

Equipment: Polyspots set up for activity shown in the diagram below

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Diagram the pre-class arrangement


Content Development

Instant Activity: Mirror basketball
min. defensive movement Students
will spread out across the sideline
and all face the same direction
towards one of the baskets. I will
be facing them as well. I will get
into defensive stance and so will
the students. They will mirror
every move I make. I can take big
steps to the left, tiny steps to the
right, shuffle quickly to the left,

(Illustration of formations)
Diagram Instant Activity
* Diagram below

a) Goal Orientation for

each task

CA Standard I-V and
NASPE Standard I-V
because students are
engaged in a physical
fitness activity that
incorporates basketball
locomotor movements.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

etc. The goal here is to have
students moving and shuffling
their feet for correct footwork and
movement while following the

Set Induction:
min. So far we have learned offensive
strategies and just yesterday you
learned defensive stance and
footwork. Today we will go over
rebounding. Who knows what is
rebounding? Rebounding cues: 1)
athletic stance, 2) hands up, 3)
explode off ground.

Rebounding is important in
basketball because when a shot is
put up, your team wants to grab
the ball for an(other) offensive

min. After the dynamic warm-up and
when students have returned to
homebase, I will have them sit
quietly and wait for further
instructions. I will separate them
by 1s and 2s to go to their
designated basket.

(Illustration of formations)

a) Goal Orientation for

each task

Start/Stop Signals:
Go to start
Freeze to put equipment down
and stop what theyre doing

Grouping Strategies:
I will number the students by 2s. 1s
in a line facing the one basket and
2s in a line facing the other basket.



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15



Content Development

(Illustration of formations)

Lesson Core - Task 1:
Diagram Task 1
Rebounding students will be
* Diagram below
divided, half of them being on one
basket and the other half on the
other basket. The activity will be
the same for both groups. There
will be a polyspot in front of the
hoop (1-5 feet away depending on
the students skill levels). The
shooter will shoot from that
polyspot. There will be a student
underneath or beside the basket
to rebound the ball. There will be a
polyspot at the three-point line of
where the remaining students will
stand behind. When the student
shoots the ball, the rebounder will
retrieve the ball, and pass it to the
next person in line. The next
person in line will then become
the new shooter. The original
shooter will be the new
rebounder. Students at the other
basket will perform the same task.
The cycle will keep going until I say
to stop or freeze.

Demonstration Plan:
I will demonstrate the rebound
step by step saying the cues
simultaneously. Then I will have a
student demonstrate the rebound
with me throwing the ball off the
backboard. Ill have another
student to demonstrate it so

a) Goal Orientation for

each task

CA Standard I-V and NASPE
Standards I-V because the
students will be
rebounding the basketball
according to the cues and
passing the ball to another

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

students have a clear

Questions to Check Understanding
What are the cues for rebounding?
1) athletic stance, 2) hands up, 3)
explode off ground
Where should a student stand to
rebound when a shot is put up?
Near the basket, specifically on the
opposite side of the basket where
the shooter shot the ball.

Regression: Throw ball in air,
student catches or retrieves it.
Progression: Shooter takes a few
steps back. Rebound will most
likely bounce off the basket further
so the student must be prepared
and positioned well to predict
where the ball will be going.

min. Students will return to homebase,
sit down, and wait for instructions
for the next activity.

Lesson Core - Task 2:
min. This activity will require students
to perform dribbling, shooting,
passing, and rebounding all skills
learned in the basketball unit thus
far. Look at the diagram first to

(Illustration of formations)

a) Goal Orientation for

each task



Diagram Task 2
* Diagram below

CA Standard I-V and

NASPE Standards I-V
because they will
performing several
basketball skills while
working with other peers.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

follow the following description of
this activity. Students will start the
baseline. There will be 3 lines. Line
1 is the rebounder, line 2 is the ball
handler, and line 3 is the shooter.
Student #1 (S1) is the designated
rebounder. S1 will throw the ball
off the backboard and rebound the
ball. That student will turn toward
Student #2 (S2) and pass it to
him/her. S2 will dribble towards
the center of the court and
continue towards the basket. S1
and S3 will run in line with S2. S1
runs on the right of S2 and S3 runs
on the left side of S1. S2 will pass
the pass the ball to S3 and S3 will
dribble towards the basket and
shoot the ball. S1 will rebound the
ball. All students will return to the
baseline and choose a different

Demonstration Plan:
I will demonstrate it with 2
students. I will demonstrate as the
rebounder. I will instruct the
students and tell them where to go
and what to do as they perform
the demonstration.

Questions to Check Understanding
What is the role for each student
in the activity? Student 1 is the
rebounder, student 2 is the ball
handler, and student 3 is the

(Illustration of formations)

a) Goal Orientation for

each task

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

What do students 1 and 3 do when
student 2 dribbles towards the
other basket? Student 1 runs on
the right of student 2 and student
3 runs on the left side of student 1.

Regression: 2 lines instead of 3.
One line for rebounding/shooting
and other line for ball

Progression: Instead of running
aligned together, they will perform
a weave. Players start at one end
of the court in three lines, one in
the middle and one near each
sideline. The middle player O1
starts the weave by passing
(dotted line) to one of the sideline
players. O1 then cuts wide around
and behind player (O2, indicated
by solid line). O2 now passes to
the opposite sideline player (O3)
and cuts around and behind O3.
O3 now passes to the original
middle person (O1) and cuts
around O1. And so it goes (see
diagram). No dribbling is allowed
except for one dribble to finish the

(Illustration of formations)

a) Goal Orientation for

each task

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

Transition: Students will assist in
min. collecting equipment and putting

them away. Students will return to
home base for lesson closure and
sit quietly.
min. Review:

Today we learned to rebound the

basketball. Who remembers the

cues? (Review cues and provide

demonstrations). We also applied

offensive skills like dribbling,

passing, and shooting in an

activity. What was the most

difficult part of the activity?

Tomorrow we will go over some

offensive and defensive activities.

References Used:

(Illustration of formations)

a) Goal Orientation for

each task



Diagram The Closure

* Diagram below


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Instant Activity

Rebounding activity


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Outlet drill
1) student 1 will grab rebound, 2) student 1 will pass to student 2, 3a) student 2 will dribble towards mid-
court and towards the basket, 3b) student 3 will run on the left side of student 2 towards the basket, 3c)
student 1 will run on the right of student 2 and towards the basket, 4) student 2 will pass it to student 3,
5) student 3 will retrieve the pass from student 2 and shoot the basketball, 6) student 3 will retrieve the
basketball on a make or miss. Students will walk around the perimeter to their lines so that the next group
can perform the activity.


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15



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