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Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing, Reports, LEQ 1, Day 1

Essential Question:
Where can I find facts about my topic?
Objectives & Assessment:
Given a statement, the student will identify if it is a fact or opinion.
Formative Assessment- Students will identify if a statement is a fact or opinion.
Activating Strategy:
Students will watch the YouTube video: Fact versus Opinion- Educational Music Video-Song
Teaching Strategy:
-Chart Paper, vocabulary sheets
-Skittles, post it notes
-Fact and Opinion game and cards
Part 1: Teaching the Lesson
1. Students and teacher will work together to build a schema chart for fact and opinion.
2. Vocabulary Fact and Opinion
a. Students will work together with carpet partner to discuss possible definitions for the
vocabulary word fact.
b. Students will share what partners came up with and create a vocabulary sheet.
i. True information that you can prove.
c. Students will work together to discuss possible definitions for the word opinion.
d. Students will share what partners came up with and create a vocabulary sheet.
i. Someones thoughts or feelings.
3. Schema Chart
a. Key words for facts
i. Numbers, dates, events, can be it be proven, etc.
b. Key words for opinions
i. Think, believe, -er/-est words, feel, most, like, etc.
c. Skittles- Hand each group a pack of skittles.
i. Students will work with their tables to create two facts about skittles and two
opinions about skittles. They will write these on sticky notes.
ii. The students will come back to the carpet and share what they came up with. Tap
the sticky notes to the schema chart.
4. Fact v. Opinion Game
a. Teacher will hand out fact and opinion cards to each student.
b. Teacher will read the sentence to the students.
c. Students will determine if the statement is a fact or an opinion. Students will hold up the
correct card to show their answer.
d. Teacher will call on students to explain why the sentence is either a fact or an opinion,
emphasizing the keywords and definitions.
Summarizing Strategy:
Teacher will ask the student to determine if the statement is a fact or opinion. If student answers it
correctly, they can get their Writers Workshop folder.
Students will work on their Writers Workshop piece for the last 10-15 min.
Pictures on word cards, students working with partners before sharing, and students explain why to
reinforce understanding of topics.

Acquisition Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing, Reports, LEQ 1, Day 2

Essential Question:
Where can I find facts about my topic?
Objectives & Assessment:
Given a statement, the student will create three facts and three opinions on ice cream.
Formative Assessment- Students will write facts and opinions on ice cream on a WS to be turned in.
Activating Strategy:
Students will sort as a class 12 winter sentences into the fact or opinion category. Teacher will read the
sentence. Students will discuss with their partner then share as a class (clap for fact & hands on head for
Teaching Strategy:
-Schema chart
-Fact and Opinion sort (1 per table & 1 for board)
-Vocabulary Sheet (topic)
Part 1: Teaching the Lesson
5. Use schema chart to review the definitions and key words of fact and opinion.
6. Fact and Opinion Sort
a. Students will work together with people at their table to sort out the cards into fact and
b. As a class review which cards go under fact and which go under opinion.
c. Discuss why the cards under fact belong there and why the cards under opinion belong
7. Vocabulary- Topic
a. Play fly away for students to figure out the word topic.
b. Students talk with their carpet partner to figure out what they believe the word topic
c. Write the definition of topic on a vocabulary sheet.
d. Write examples of topics
8. Ice Cream Fact and Opinion
a. Show a picture of an ice cream cone.
b. Ask students to figure out what the topic would be if we wrote facts and opinions based on
this picture. (Ice Cream)
c. Show worksheet going to use. Tell students they will need to write the topic in the box at
the top.
d. Students will work independently to write three facts about ice cream on the ice cream side
and three opinions about ice cream on the opinion side.
Summarizing Strategy:
Once students are done with both sides, they can get it checked. If there are no corrections to be
made, they can get their Writers Workshop folder.
Students will work on their Writers Workshop piece for the last 10-15 min.
Students struggling with writing facts and opinions will get opinion sentence starters and CLOZE
sentences for writing facts. Students work with their tables to sort the sentences so students can help
each other if having difficulty.

Acquisition Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing, Reports, LEQ 1, Day 3

Essential Question:
Where can I find facts about my topic?
Objectives & Assessment:
Given a pile of fiction and non-fiction book, the student will identify the non-fiction books.
Formative Assessment- Students will physically sort the books with table partners.
Activating Strategy:
Read non-fiction Penguin article to students one time. Ask students to retell all of the facts that were told
in the article. When students struggle, ask them what could be some strategies for being able to
remember all of the facts in the article. Explain that we are going to write reports on Arctic Foxes.
Teaching Strategy:
-Word Splash paper
-Discovery Video
-Books (both non-fiction and fiction)
Part 1: Teaching the Lesson
9. Explain that reports are non-fiction and are filled with facts about a certain topic. If a topic is what
we are writing about, what will be our topic? Arctic Foxes
10. Before we can write a report, we need to find facts about arctic foxes. Where are some places that
we could look to find facts? Discuss with carpet partner where they could look to find facts. Create
a word splash with possible locations.
11. Video
a. Watch video to build background knowledge on research. Discovery Education Video:
Researching: A Dog History (3:59)
12. Information Graphic Organizer
a. Introduce the graphic organizer. Explain to students that this graphic organizer will be
used to help us learn about the three ways we can find facts about our topic- arctic foxes.
b. Ask students to look at the word splash again. If we had to categorize these into three ways
of looking for information, what could we use? Talk with your carpet partner.
c. Write possibilities on the board.
13. Books
a. Read riddle to help us figure out the first one.
b. I have lots to say, but I never speak. I open, but you cannot walk through me. I have a
spine, but no bones. What am I? (Book)
c. Have students guess what it could be.
d. Ask students, If we are looking for facts on arctic foxes, what types of books should we
look in? Fiction or non-fiction?
e. Why would we look in non-fiction books? (Because they are filled with facts or true
information about topics.)
f. How do we know if a book is fiction or non-fiction?**Connect to reading** (Fiction books
have literary elements, non-fiction books have text features.)
g. Students will work with people at their tables to determine which books on arctic foxes are
fiction and which are non-fiction. Sort them into two different piles.
Summarizing Strategy:
Once students are done with both sides, they can get it checked. If there are no corrections to be
made, they can get their Writers Workshop folder.
Students will work on their Writers Workshop piece for the last 10-15 min.
Students struggling with writing facts and opinions will get opinion sentence starters and CLOZE

sentences for writing facts. Students work with their tables to sort the sentences so students can help
each other if having difficulty.

Acquisition Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing, Reports, LEQ 1, Day 4

Essential Question:
Where can I find facts about my topic?
Objectives & Assessment:
Given two videos, the student will identify which video is appropriate for finding facts on a topic.
Formative Assessment- Students will be assessed on their answers in the whole group setting.
Activating Strategy:
Read students another riddle to figure out the second place to find facts about arctic foxes.
I have a mouse, but Im not an animal. I have lots of keys, but they dont open doors. You can surf me, but
Im not water. What am I? (Computer) Students guess what the second type could be.
Teaching Strategy:
-What Does a Fox Say? Video
-Discovery Video
-Database World Book Online
Part 1: Teaching the Lesson
14. We can use our computer to search on the Internet for facts about out topic. We can look for
videos, websites, or databases to help us learn about a topic.
15. Show two videos
a. What does the fox say? (2:45)
i. Ask students what the authors purpose was with the video. (To entertain.)
**Connect to reading**
ii. Would this be a good video to use to help us find facts on the arctic fox? Thumbs up
for yes, thumbs down for no. (No because it does not have any facts.)
b. Show students the first minute of the Discovery Education Video: Finding Food in Early
i. What was the authors purpose in this video? (To inform) **Connect to reading**
ii. Would this be a good video to use to help us find facts on the arctic fox? Thumbs up
for yes, thumbs down for no. (Yes because it is a real video with facts about the
arctic fox.)
16. Databases
a. Explain to students that special places that are filled with facts about topics. Explain that
for most databases you need a username and password to access the information. For our
report we are going to be using the database World Book Online.
b. Show students how to find the database, log in, and search for a topic.
c. Go through some of the articles to show how they can provide us with facts about arctic
d. Username-UAread
e. Password UAread
17. Graphic Organizer
18. Fill in the second part of the graphic organizer. The top box will say computers. The bottom box
will list Internet, websites, and videos with an adult.
19. Discuss with students that when using computers to find facts they should only look at places
where an adult has told them is a good place to look. Explain that on the internet, anyone can write
whatever they want and can lie, make things up, or put inappropriate things up.
Summarizing Strategy:
Students will work on their Writers Workshop piece for the last 10-15 min.
Graphic organizer written on board for students to copy.

Acquisition Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing, Reports, LEQ 1, Day 5

Essential Question:
Where can I find facts about my topic?
Objectives & Assessment:
Given a 321, the student will identify three places to look for facts, write two facts, and one opinion.
Formative Assessment- 321
Activating Strategy:
Review the word splash and graphic organizer. Ask students to discuss with their carpet partner the two
types of places that we can use to find facts on arctic foxes. Ask students to look at the word splash and
think in their head what the third place could be. Play fly away to figure out the word people.
Teaching Strategy:
-Word Splash paper
-Expert WS
Part 1: Teaching the Lesson
20. People can be a resource for us to use to gather information about a topic. When we use people as
a resource, we need to make sure that they are an expert on the topic. What does it mean to be an
expert on a topic?
21. Discuss with carpet partners before sharing.
22. If I wanted to find out about the job of being a principal, who could I ask? (Principal)
a. Who is a principal we could ask? (Mrs. Archibald)
b. Why? (She is an expert.)
c. Would she be a good expert on arctic foxes? (No, because she is not an expert.)
23. Explain that when we are looking for information, we need to consult an expert.
24. Expert WS
a. Students will work in pairs to figure out who would be the expert. There are 10 questions;
each asking the students to identify which person would be the expert.
i. On the back, students will brainstorm types of people that would be best to get
information on arctic foxes. **Students who finish the WS early, will have more time
to create the list. **
b. Students will turn in the WS and meet the teacher on the carpet. As a class, go over the
answers to the questions.
c. Create a word splash of different people they could ask information about an arctic fox to.
25. Fill in the last part on the graphic organizer
a. In the first part- people.
b. In the second part- experts-people who study it
26. 321
a. Students will independently fill out the 321
i. 3 places to find facts on a topic
ii. 2 facts
iii. 1 opinion
Summarizing Strategy:
Once students have filled in the 321, they will get their Writers Workshop folder.
Students will work on their Writers Workshop piece for the last 15 min.
Graphic organizer written on board for students to copy. Students will be paired strategically to allow for
support while completing the expert WS.

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