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Name: Petah Kelsey

Name of Student: Paige

January 30, 2015
Age: 7
Grade: Second
Location assessment administered: Her house
Length if Time Each Assessment took to Administer:
Phonemic Awareness: 11:48
Phonics and Decoding: 4:27
San Diego Quick: 2:40


1. What did you notice as you listened to the recording?

While listening to the recording I noticed that I was very encouraging of
her. I made sure she knew that she was doing a good job. I front-loaded
her to know that she may not know all of the words and that it was
okay if she didnt know some of the words. I was making sure she knew
the difference between the silly (pseudo) and real words. I didnt want
her to think that she didnt now how to read them. Another thing I
noticed was I would say the H sound and then say H and not the
sound that it makes.

2.What comparison do you make between the assessments you

planned/envisioned and the ones you conducted?
I didnt have any real comparisons between the tests before I started
them. I didnt look at the scoring until after the tests were finished.
Once I had scored one of the tests I then assumed that her test scores
would be higher that I thought. Since, she is in second grade, I
assumed that she would be in the second grade column for the San
Diego Quick and struggle in the third grade column but instead she

was fine and only made a slight error in the fourth grade column.
Looking back now, I wish that I had checked the next column just for
3. What are some of the things you did to make it go well or
not so well?
I feel that by encouraging Paige and making sure she knew that she
was doing the right things helped the testing go extremely smooth.
The only thing that did not go as planned or as smooth as I would have
liked was the Phonemic Awareness. I had a hard time being able to
make the proper sound with out giving the word away. When we were
practicing with the prompts before the test began I messed up. Luckily,
it was only the practice ones.

4. What learning(s) do you want to take with you when

conducting future assessments?
Something that I could take away with this and bring with me to the
next assessment is the ability to stay positive. The positivity in my
behavior transferred over into the testing. While she was doing the test
I was smiling and confirming that she was doing a good job. If she did
struggle then I would still compliment her on trying to sound out the
word even though may have not gotten it correct. I would say, I know
it is a hard word, good job sounding it out.

5. Interpret the results of each assessment separately. Address

the following questions for each assessment in your

What does the student know?

Paige knew all of the words and what to do right away when I
said the directions. The person that had the troubles was me,
blending is not my strong area I guess. I only had to repeat
myself at the end when the concept was getting more complex. I
dont feel that I over helped her in any of the concepts.

With what did the student struggle?

The only thing that she struggled was thinking of words that had
the same letter in section two. When I didnt explain the concept
clearly, I found that I had to repeat the directions again for her.

If you were this students teacher, how would you focus

your instruction for this student based on the
assessment results?
Paige is a very focused person. You can see that she takes
reading and phonics very seriously. After the test was finished,
her mother told me that her current teacher works with them a
lot on phonics. If I were her teacher, I would continue to teach
phonics and the sounds that each letter makes. I would throw
the auditory element into the repertoire versus only having

worksheets. She needs to be able to listen to the word and figure

out what I am saying. I would also throw the substitution in as
well. I liked that it did challenge her to really think about what I
was saying.

What feelings or attitudes did the student display during

the assessment?
She was happy and ready to try more techniques with me. I
would make jokes with her and she would laugh. Overall, very
satisfied to help me with my assignment.


What does the student know?

Paige knew all but three words; qued, fout, and chirp. This
means that she knows her short vowels, di/trigraphs, short
vowels and consonant blends, long vowels, vowel diphthongs, rand l- controlled sounds. Overall, I was very impressed at the
level in which she excelled at. There were some words that I had
to look at and think to myself how would I pronounce this?
Paige took all of this in stride and went along with the program.

With what did the student struggle?

The only thing that I feel Paige struggled with slightly was the
pseudo words. She had to take her time and figure out the

blending sounds or what vowel sound to make. With the real

words there was no real struggle.

If you were this students teacher, how would you focus

your instruction for this student based on the
assessment results?
If I was Paiges teacher I would continue with exposing her of the
pseudo words to make sure that she has a clear understanding
of how the sounds work together to form words. This will create
a deeper understanding. I could make a game out of the silly
words and she could help me come up with some of the pseudo
words herself. By having Paige help me set up this game she
would have to apply the grammar rules.

What feelings or attitudes did the student display during

the assessment?
We were laughing and giggling at the silly words. Her overall
attitude was very pleasant and clam.


What does the student know?

Paige is a smart little girl. She is reading with ease and is very
confident. She does know how to sound out the words to help
her break down the syllables. Paige does make some mistakes
but if she is unsure she will slow down and try to sound out the

word. Most of the words that she did know are: one, two and
some three syllables words. (Carefully but I assume she knew
the root word.)

With what did the student struggle?

I dont feel that she really struggled with this assessment. She
tried to sound each word out and made the best attempt at each

If you were this students teacher, how would you focus

your instruction for this student based on the
assessment results?
If Paige were my student, I would start to focus on three
syllables words. She has the basics down but I would
concentrate on showing her how to find the root words and how
to add prefixes and suffixes, if applicable. One way in which I
feel that could expose her to harder words would be by reading
higher-level books. Exposing the words to her and even having
her read to figure out context clues to be able to figure out the
word. Another way would be to read it together I could read it
and she could follow along to see how to pronounce the word.

What feelings or attitudes did the student display during

the assessment?
Paige was in a happy, giggly mood. She seemed like she enjoyed
the test.

Petah Kelsey
EDUG 543
Assessment Reflection
Due: February 2, 2015
Submitted: February 2, 2015

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