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Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): ____Physical Education________________ Grade: _____1________

Teacher(s): ___Petah Kelsey_________ School: _Santiago_______ Date: April 2, 2015_
1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

1. ELD and State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical

Education, Visual and Performing Arts):

PE.1.3 Change speeds in response to tempos, rhythms, and signals while traveling in straight,
curved, and zigzag pathways, using the following locomotor movements: walking, running,
leaping, hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping.
1. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as

a result of this lesson?)

Students will perform the locomotor skills of jumping, galloping,
sliding, hopping, and skipping in straight patterns with cues from
Bloom's taxonomy level: synthesize

1. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson

important in the real world? Why are these outcomes essential for
future learning?)
It is important for students to be able to perform and work on
specific skills in physical education. These basic skills will allow
for the students to build skills upon these to be able to perform
them in the future. This will be essential for when they become
older they will be able to produce these movements and be able to
add to them.

I will perform the
locomotor skills of
jumping, galloping,
sliding, and skipping in
straight patterns when my
teacher tells me to.

It is important for me to
be able to perform and
work on specific skills in
physical education. These
basic skills will allow me
to build other skills upon
these basic skills so I can
be more agile.

1. Essential Questions:

What does jumping look like? What does hopping look like? What skipping look like? What
does galloping look like? What does sliding look like?


1. Class Information:

1. Total number - 25 students, boys and girls

2. EL/Special Needs - 7 are designated English Learners. Student 1 scored Advanced on his last

CELDT test, and is a potential candidate for redesignation. 4 of my students receive Speech
Services. They all have speech IEPs. Two students attend our Learning Center everyday.
Student 2 has an IEP for RSP services, but student 3 does not. He attends for intervention, and
as soon as he is caught up with the class he will move out and another spot will open up. First
graders in this district are not tested for GATE, but I have several high achieving students that
need to be challenged everyday. About a third of them are on free and reduced lunch.
3. Academic background in content area - There has been some instruction for PE but not as

much as my master teacher would like. They have done relays in the past but they have not
specifically taken the time to break down the exercises as I did.
4. Linguistic- All students speak English. The 8 EL students native language is Spanish.
5. Cultural/Health This class is culturally diverse. There are 5 students who are of Asian
descent, and 8 students who are Hispanic, 1 student is African American; The remaining 11
students are Caucasian. There are no other health concerns evident in the class.
6. Physical At this age, students are experiencing great differences in their abilities. Large

muscles in arms and legs are more developed than small muscles and children are still learning
to use small/fine muscles. Their sense of balance is mostly developed and a few students
struggle with this. Fine motor skills are where students have the most difficulty. Students at
this stage of physical development experience high energy.
7. Social - This class is a social group of students; this is typical at this stage of development.

They are a very helpful group who love to please their teachers. Working in a team is not a
problem for them they were more than happy to cheer each other on they crave the feedback
from their peers.
8. Emotional This class is at the stage of development where everything needs to be fair. They

want to make sure that everything is even between classmates. These students are become

emotional quickly; and require teachers to help to diffuse the situation.

9. Interests/Aspirations These students love to read and write. During down time in the

classroom they enjoy using the class iPods.

1. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think

students may have with the content?):

Some of the anticipated difficulties that I feel that I will have are the students being confused
on which group they are in. Also, my EL students may have a hard time remembering what to
do when the have been shown a card and to associate the card with a movement. I anticipate
that some of the IEP students will have a hard time producing the movements because
Students with IEPs and other special needs?
1. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you

going to make based on the anticipated difficulties?)

Instead of numbering the students off, I will have pre-determined who is in which group. I will
give a copy of the list to my Master Teacher (MT) just in case there is a mix up. For the EL
students, on the card I am putting an animal that they can associate the movement with.
Example, Bunny=hop. We will review the movements and the concepts before beginning the
activity. An adaptation that I will use with my ELs is that I will read the card to aloud to them
if they are having difficulties. For my special needs students I will model and allow them to
practice the movements before the game part of the lesson.
1. 21st Century Skills Circle all that are applicable




Critical Thinking

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson:
Collaboration- The students will be working in teams as they do the relays. Together as a team,
they will have to collaborate to make sure the action the students are doing is matching the cue
on the card so that the can complete the task.
Communication- The students will be required to communicate with each other in order to
complete the action on the card. They students will need to be positive and encouraging of
their teammates as the relay is happening.

1. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson?

The technology that I used was the computer to download the images to make the card. During
the lesson, I will display the images from the document camera onto the SMARTBoard.
1. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have

successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful
product/process? What does success on this lessons outcomes look like?)
a. Formative:
Through a relay, students will perform the locomotor skills of jumping, galloping, and sliding
in a straight pattern with cues from teacher with correct form. I will use a checklist for each
student, giving a 1, 2, or 3 for each locomotor skill, determining whether they struggled
partially succeeded, or mastered the skills.
b. Summative (if applicable):

c. (Attach rubric here, if applicable):

Name ___________________________________
Students will perform the locomotor skills of jumping, galloping, sliding, hopping, and
skipping in straight patterns with cues from teacher.

jumps with
correct form.


gallops with
correct form.


slides with
correct form.

Sometimes jumps with

correct form.

Never jumps with correct


Sometimes gallops
with correct form.

Never gallops with correct


Sometimes slides with

correct form.

Never slides with correct


Sometimes hops with

consistently hops correct form.
with correct form.

Never hops with correct


Sometimes skips with

correct form.

Never skips with correct





skips with correct


1. Instructional Method: Circle one Direct Instruction




1. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

Cards with pictures and the words jump, gallop, slide, hop, and skip printed
on them.

10 Cones

Clipboard with assessment sheet

1. Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including

questions that you are planning to ask.):


How many of you know, with a show of hands, knows what a bunny does? Call on a
student to receive answer of hop. How many of you know, with a show of hands, what a horse
does? Call on a student to receive answer of gallop. How many of you know, with a show of
hands, what a snake does? Call on a student to receive answer of slithers. Ill say, close but
lets use the word slide How many of you know, with a show of hands, what a frog does?
Call on a student to receive answer of jump. And we are doing one more skip. Does anyone
know how to skip?

Now we will be practicing these skills in PE today. Does everyone like to do PE? I do.
It makes me be healthy. Lets look at the board and read the objective by echoing me.
Objective: I will perform the locomotor skills of jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping in

straight patterns when my teacher tells me to.

Look at these cards I have, together lets read the words on the card. HOP, GALLOP,
SLIDE, JUMP, and SKIP. Now that we have the read the words I am going to demonstrate how
to do the movements and they will practice with me in the class.

Show movements have them join in after you show movement.

For all of you, if you forget what to do when you pick the card there is a picture that
will help you remember the movement.

We will be going outside to practice these movements as a team. I have already placed
you in teams. Here are the teams. I need you to pay attention.

Read teams off

Before we go outside I have to remind you of a few rules. When we go outside, we

have to stay together and listen to your teachers. After we practice the movements, we will be
playing a game but if we arent good listeners then we will have to come back into the
classroom and do some quiet work at our desks. Also, remember to only say nice things to
your teammates. There is some cones set up outside on the grass and I will show you all where
we are going. Follow me.

Set teams up behind cones. Remind them if needed.

Turn around to your teammates and say hi. Today we are going to be working on working
together as a team. In order to work together as a team, we have to listen to each other and
encourage each other (interpersonal skills). Do you think that we should say, Hurry! Hurry!
You are moving to slow. You arent good at this? What do you think will happen if we talk like
this? We will have to come back in and sit at our desks and do a quiet activity.

Demonstrate how they will be practicing the movements again.

When I tell you which movement to use, you will perform the movement to the best of
your ability. You do not need to be the fastest person out here. It is not a race. I want to make
sure that you are doing them properly. I will keep a sheet with anecdotal notes about each
students movements (individual accountability).

Say I told you to SKIP you will jump from this cone to the other cone like this. The
stop and wait for your team members to arrive. The next person cannot go until the person
before you reaches the cone.


Now its your turn. HOP, GALLOP, SLIDE, JUMP, and SKIP

Great job!

Now we are going to play the game. Remember I want good listeners please. Make
sure they are at starting cone.

For the game, the person in the front of the line will WALK. Not run but WALK to
their bag and grab a card. What are you going to do? Wait for answer. On the card, you will
see a movement that you must perform as you are coming back. If you become confused or

cannot read the card, come back to your team and they will help you figure out the movement.
Then, you will do the movement to the opposite cone. One at a time. When the person in front
of you arrives at the cone, the next person may go. Once your whole team is on one side, a new
person will go out and pick the next card. Repeating what you did before until the cards are
gone. Remember, I am watching you to see if you are doing the movement correctly. This is
not a race. Remember each student must pass the cone in order to complete the task. And the
team isnt finished until every member has completed the task (positive interdependence).

Ready? Go!

As we are going along with the activity I encourage you to stand at the cone and cheer
on your team (promotive interaction).

Perform activity

Great job guys and gals. Lets go back in class.


Now that we are back in the classroom I will ask the kids to sit at their desks. Then call
them over to sit on the carpet in their colored groups so they can talk together.
Did you enjoy the game? I enjoyed watching you all do the skills to the best of your ability.
Now, I want you to think to yourself for a count of five, do you think your team worked well
together and why? Then we will share with an elbow partner. Ready think. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Share
with elbow partner. Would any quiet student like to share what you said to your elbow partner?
Ill make sure to pick students that are on different teams, I will pick a student from each of the
teams to make sure everyone talks. I will display on the SMARTBoard a sentence frame of - I
liked it when________. Our group worked well together because we __________

Ill make sure to pick a person from each team in order to give the students a chance to talk
about how their team worked together (group processing).
You all did a wonderful job, I am very proud of you all.

1. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective?

I read the objective by having the students echo after me, I modeled the movements both inside
and outside of the classroom, I ensured that the students used interpersonal skills, individual
accountability, positive interdependence, promotive interaction, and group processing. Also,
before the game portion, I took the time to have the students perform the tasks slowly and
correctly so I could ensure that they were practicing the movements correctly. I monitored their
movements as it was their turn and stopped to correct them if needed.

1. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?

a) If so, provide student evidence.

See additional excel file.
Most of the students were successful at achieving the task. There was one child, Ethan, who
consistently received a score of a 2 but the rest of the students received two or less scores of a
2. The way that I grouped the students were by their reading groups, so it was interesting to see
that the red and green group struggled more with the tasks because they are the lower reading

b) If not, why do you think they were not able to achieve the lesson objective? What are your
next steps?
1. What would you change about the lesson and why?

Some of the things that I would change is to make the cones a bit further apart or I would have
the students go one at a time versus one person from each colored group, so that I could assess
them better. There were times when I had to ask my Master Teacher for help because I was
looking at another student. Another thing that I would do is label each cone with its color on
both sides so the students knew exactly where to go. There was a little confusion but it was
quickly resolved because the students are familiar with the groupings. I would also allow for
more time to really practice the movements so that the game is completed without rushing it. I
thought that 30 minutes was enough to explain in the class and walk out and perform the tasks.
I needed about 5-10 more minutes.

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review
and reflect on student work related to this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high,
middle, and low, and write your comments on the copies.

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