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Artefact 1 Lesson Feedback

The following is the document where I received all my placement feedback. This involved what was done well and even better if. The
highlighted section is a great example of is.

Lesson Feedback: Tamsin Oski (3rd Year)

(Monday 17 November - Friday 12 December)

Teaching Requirements (please refer to feedback table below to see details)

Single lessons - lesson plans using university

proform submitted.

Half day control - including lesson transitions,

beginning and end of day routines

Tuesday 18th Nov - Religion (continuation)

Wednesday 19th Nov - Maths Extension (Traffic
Wednesday 19th Nov - publishing letters to
parents (yr6) and buddy (yr5) (continuation)
Thursday 20th Nov - Maths Extension (matchstick
Tuesday 2nd Dec - RE

Wednesday 19th Nov - 1st half of day including 1.

roll, meditation, day outline, transitions to lessons
and break times, instructions for students after 2.
break time.

Swimming Program
Tamsin also walked to and from the pool with a

Full day control - all lessons, transitions and a

weekly planner.
This must be negotiated with the teacher in
control of H as we work in a collaborative and
team teaching learning space

Friday 21st Nov - meditation, mental maths,

spelling, writing, walking to the pool
Monday 24th Nov - meditation, maths, religion,
spelling, writing, water safety, religion (wet day
program - inside both recess and lunch)
3. Tuesday 25th Nov - roll, meditation, maths,
writing, inquiry, water safety, finishing task,
4. Wednesday 26th Nov - roll, mass, finishing task,
writing, transition to library, inquiry and finishing,
5. Thursday 27th Nov - roll, meditation, maths,
writing, transition from recess, specialists, water
safety, finishing, dismissal

group of students accompanied by the associate

teacher (17th, 18th, 20th, 21st November)
Swimming Timetable Class:
Grade 3
Elijah Edwards
Max Vassallo

Grade 4
Adriana Caratti
Mariam Dawood
Chris Nguyen
Austin Thorne

Nathan Costello
Isaac Katsaros
Joshua Paino
Sean Struik

Grade 5
Bella La Bruna
Ben Mondry
Joshua Struik

Grade 6
Victoria Andrikopoulos
Clare Hegarty
Shannagh Leydon
Dev Panwar
Nicholas Parker

Hiruni Wijeyesekera
Georgia Katsaros
Damon Maurice
Tito Leong

Religion Lesson - Class Mass

Tuesday 18/11/14

WWW (What Worked Well)

Great assertiveness when you asked the class what they remember about
the task.

EBI (Even Better If)

Morning Routine
Maths Lesson - Traffic Jams

Wednesday 19/11/14

WWW (What Worked Well)

Morning routine:
Sitting down in front of the students to indicate that youre ready for the day.

EBI (Even Better If)

Morning routine:
Positive reinforcement for students who are doing well: Thank you for.
Expect the students to listen to you. Stop when they are not showing

Maths Lesson:
Good way to start, warmed up to the kids already with humour. It is good
that you can show the kids how to be serious and humorous at the same
I like how you ask the students to wait for all the instructions

Maths Lesson:
Be mindful with your voice projection at the same time as we are in a
shared space
Maybe go through the problem solving strategies with the students before

Good questioning: what are the key information?

Good that you put some students on the spot to encourage them to listen
Clarifying the problem by drawing it.
Challenging the kids with some of their suggestions: is that possible in the
real life situation? How would that look like in the real life situation? What
are you thinking here? Where did you get the number from?
Roving around immediately after you hand out the tasks, to check all the
kids are settled.
Good that model the way you expect them to interact with one another whisper. Making it as a game.
Good voice projection
Classroom management: group points.

you send them to do the task. Go through what each strategy may look like
with this problem.
Sit down at each table and challenge the students with their thinking
Encourage the students to focus on the thinking process, not the answer.
Success Criteria: something that I will need to go through with you properly.
To set an expectations for the students.
Ask for comments. Ask students to challenge each others response
Think about your response when students for the answers. Encourage them
to show more logical thinking processes rather than the answers
You may need to think of stories for students they can relate with.
Reflection of the lesson: go through what strategies worked and did not
work - challenges.

Reminding the students how much time they have left.

Spreading out the resources on the floor for the kids to have access to
Clear explanation when the kids are doing something right e.g. good that
you use a diagram, this is a good way to problem solve as well
Good to stop the students who jump into conclusion on how to solve it. The
students need to share the information they can gather. Listing the
information we know. Setting expectations - seconds and minutes.
Good to ask the students whether they have an idea how to approach the
Use a student to explain her thinking - stop the class and go through ideas
together (Catie)
Good modelling on the floor using materials.

Focus: half day


Morning Routine
Maths - Matchstick problems
Inquiry (continuation)

Thursday 20/11/14

WWW (What Worked Well)

Morning routine More assertive when calling out the roll, excellent
Clear expectations where to go for maths.

EBI (Even Better If)

The boys were given chance to share their experience at Orientation. Great
classroom management while Noah was sharing. Asking each child who
Matchstick problem
It is good to revise yesterdays problem. Choosing a few students to share
their findings.
Keep reminding the students of the expectations they need to follow while
they are on the floor.
Giving time the students for the first task
Silent teaching - whisper master works for these students. You know how to
approach and solve the problems immediately - writing whisper master on
the board.
You place the students you are working with closer to you, great set up.
Noticing the student who is disruptive - Tito and attend to him
Not allowing arguments with Nick when he was being moved
Checking the time with Anna - improvising the lesson
Keep challenging the students with why?
Going through mathematical terminology/language
Checklists for the students to refer to, asking for examples
Keep in the time allowed for the lesson - allowing only a few students to

Matchstick problem
More clear expectations before you send them to do their task - quiet work,
what you are looking for
Be more assertive when Nick tried to argue - I guess it depends on the
situation and whether you have a good rapport with the child
Would keep waiting work all the time? Do you have any strategies in place?
Acknowledge interesting discoveries students made e.g. by writing it on the
Think on the spot if you notice the kids are getting less engaged or more
engaged, use the opportunity. Takes time.
Keep attending to Noah and Dev.
You may need to plan for further questions or challenges for the students
e.g. when do use this skill? what skills are we learning/practising today?
Ask them whether they have achieved the success criteria
Challenge Tito when he said school work - further develop students

Thinking on the spot to organise laptop

Focus: Full day control

Roll, meditation, transition to morning block (mental maths, spelling,
writing), transition from recess (publishing letters), walking to and from the
pool, dismissal

Date: Friday 21st November

WWW (What Worked Well)

Meditation and roll - good voice projection, likes the fun facts you put on the

EBI (Even Better If)

Maybe ask whether there is any problems students have. List them on the

Mental Maths
Walking around the classroom while going through the answers. Breaking
up the answers - who got that right? who worked that out?

Position your body where you can see the students as well when youre
writing on the board

Reading the decimals correctly

Encourage the students to check answer with another person before

Get Cormac to show it at the front so other students understand his thinking

Good control of class

Keep challenging their thinking - how do you know? how did you get that
number from?
Great to show another way - looking at pattern
Good to ask the student to explain first before giving out the answer. Tell
me your working out first before you tell me the answer
Transition to spelling
Good that you stepped up to do Hirunis spelling.
Nice reference to a success criteria Vocabulary check - prejudice
You work well in a team teaching model - happy to have the conversation
with the students including many teachers - shows flexibility and ability to
reflect and respond to the students needs presenting in the lesson

Think about and constantly refer to time to enable you to complete all the
planned tasks for the lesson. This will keep the lesson moving and ensure
you stay on task.
watch you use of informal language my bad grab you are a model for the
students so be careful - there is a time and place for different styles of

voice projection is great - it engages students easily and use of intonation

makes the lesson interesting

Small Group - make sure you go through the reading with them first, you
may need to reread the text with them, read with characters voice

good to refer to your planning as you going so that you stay on track and
keep the lesson to the focus. Good instructions for the task and great
good to show sense of humor with students.
great way to get the students attention - clapping and use of voice
good questioning to deepen the students understanding. referred to
previous lessons to build students understanding.
Transition from recess
Clear instruction at the line.
Tamsin you have done very well with you first day of full control. You have
built such a good rapport with the kids within such a short time. You are very
confident. I like how you can see an opportunity to play games with the kids
- good class control. You have taken all my feedback on board and I can
see the improvement you are trying to do in the next lesson.

Focus: Full day control

Roll, meditation, maths, religion,spelling, transition from recess, writing,
water safety, transition from lunch, dismissal

Date: Monday 24th November

WWW (What Worked Well)

Great way to get the kids to come to the classroom in the morning - guess
how many jelly beans there are.

EBI (Even Better If)

Remind the prayer monitors to set up for prayers before everyone sits down
for prayer - check that they have a prayer ready

Clear expectation when were about to pray - stay quiet and the kids
understand that expectation just from the use of body language
Maths - Fraction
Good start of the lesson by getting the kids to move around the classroom

Maths - Fraction
Think about the language you use in front the kids my bad

I like your powerpoint presentation - clear visual representations

Maybe get the kids to read the fractions first

Good to challenge different kids - not the same kids to answer

Be careful when you say shading, divide this, colouring in. Think about
more appropriate mathematical language

Good to questions the response they have - why

Good to ask the whole class whether they agree or disagree
Good way to get the kids to stand, sit, move around the classroom
Great way to position yourself in front of the classroom
Good clarification of students explanation by drawing it on the board
Good to further challenge their thinking - get them to explain using correct
mathematical language. The question about and 11/12 they both only
have one difference

Make sure you check with Alice as she could not do a fraction in the board say something to her before she sits down
Think of using benchmarking - lets use half as our benchmark. Any of these
fractions are bigger or smaller than ? how do you know?
May need to find other resources to show the kids - may use the timeline
activity for tuning in for next session but faster.
Challenge them with 3/2 (any other improper fractions)

Good that draw and explain that the drawing is not perfect - fraction needs
to be equally divided
You sit with the students when one of the students are sharing
Correct mathematical language - whole, part
Good to rephrase your thinking for the Mia - what is of 8 so what about
Clear explanation of instructions of why they need to do. Repetition of what
to do - get your maths book, pair up and get a set of cards
Roving around to check all the kids are settled
When I finish speaking, you will need to ...
Good setting up in front of the classroom. Counting down to get the
students attention
Good to allow students time to choose the character to describe. Revising
what the previous lesson was about - this is continuation. Clear

May need to talk about success criteria
Clarify students thinking in the small group

expectations of what the task is about.

Small group- good revision of what they know about the text
Good to check with the other students - how much time they have left
Water Safety
Good way to introduce yourself at the start of the lesson
Good choice of resources - video, quiz on website, games.
Good to list students ideas on the board
I like how you keep your authorial voice and body language

Water Safety
Consider cybersafety - can the kids put all their details online. You will still
need to remind them about it.
You may need to explain where the quiz is from and the purpose of doing
this quiz.
Think about how you might like to finish to sum up the lesson e.g. where
can we find water?

Clear instructions to pack up.

Tamsin you are a natural teacher. It is great to see you working

collaboratively with us today for writing. You were able to jump in and out of
our conversation with the kids. That is to show that you are a flexible to
person to work with. You are also quick to improvise and modify your lesson
for the kids depending on the situations. You have a good understanding of
what level the kids are at and what further support they need to enhance
their learning. Please do not forget to explain the success criteria to the kids
at the start of the lesson.

Focus: Full day control

Roll, meditation, transition to morning block (Maths-fraction, writing),
transition from recess, finishing letter (continuation), inquiry, water safety,

Date: Tuesday 25th November

WWW (What Worked Well)

Asking the students who are rostered as prayer monitor to set up

EBI (Even Better If)

Great class control this morning. The kids listened to you beautifully.

Maths - Equivalent Fractions

Good revision from the previous session

Maths - Equivalent Fractions

Make sure you position yourself in the space so you know where every child
is working

Checking what equivalent fractions mean

You may need to explain why we double the bottom and top number

You have taken my feedback to get the students to read the fractions first.

Instead of saying parts shaded you might like to say how many parts it is

You use different ways to teach the lesson - using sticky notes to find
equivalent fractions. Sticking their answer on the board.
I like your powerpoint presentation - clear visual representations

You may need to sit next to students who you think may struggle with the
task e.g. Ben

Referring to the fraction wall to check your answer. You are showing the
kids different strategies to check their answer.
Good to use an example from a students book
Fantastic class management - you sent the kids to do their task beautifully.
Simple and clear instructions.
You gave an example (after Sophia asked) one way to prove their thinking
Writing down the success criteria on the board
You plan enough time for them to find the equivalent fraction for , not too
short and not too long
Being persistent so Mia still puts her answer on the board.
Using the correct mathematical language such as parts, list the vocabulary
on the board is a great idea, to remind you how to say the proper language.
I like how you kept referring to it.
Good language used to encourage thinking - good investigation Bradley
and who has different thinking
It is good to clarify the instructions even after you send this kids away to do
the task
Good to modify your questionings as you do not get much responses from
the students

Writing - Pimp my sentence

You may need a list of adverbs and adjectives in mind about the sentence

Writing - Pimp my sentence

Stepping up to Catie when she tried to argue with us.
Allow time for students to find adverbs and adjectives on the floor from the
sentence you have on the board

we looked at
Sharing some examples as the students are writing, Giving them some
Find students who may need further support e.g. Anthony J and Joshua S
You may need to read their work, so handing in their workbook to you

Inquiry/Letter Writing
Clear expectations on what they need to do
Reminding them about how to find legible sources and using them well
Water Safety
Good to point out who has been respectful (grade 3/4)
Checklists so students can refer to, even a list of resources to guide
students to follow the websites given. Find legible information from the sites
Grouping the kids based on interest and listing the group on the group
Better position when you are writing on the whiteboard
Sending the students to their task based on what theyre doing
Clarifying your expectations about planning to tackle their research e.g. role
allocation, how are they going to investigate their topic
Roaming around to check that all groups are settled and given tasks to do.
Having your ears ready listening to students conversation. especially when
they need help
Transition from lunch - making sure the kids line up properly before you
allow them in the classroom

Water Safety

Reading through the notes properly.
Another great today Tamsin. You are good at identifying what you can do to
consolidate students learning. I am thinking of the water safety unit. The
students are very much engaged and enjoying the unit. Doing a water
safety unit can be quite dry and you have managed to modify and pitched
the unit to engage the students at different level.

Focus: Full day control

Morning - roll, welcoming, mass, finishing (letters, graduation pp, 3 photos),
writing, transition to library, inquiry, dismissal

Date: Wednesday 26th November

WWW (What Worked Well)

Going through what the mass structure and expectations. It is good that you
list what they need to remember to do at mass.

EBI (Even Better If)

Finishing off tasks

Transition from recess
The children went into the classroom beautifully. They knew what to do and
sat down for your instructions. Clear expectations where they need to be in
the learning space Boys move forward please
Writing success criteria on the board to remind yourself and reading it for
the students
Listen to the closest group and join their discussion
I like how you refer to the childs group discussion
You are changing the wording of success criteria to encourage ownership,
being responsible with their learning
Doing different ways to share the discussion; first - verbally, second - having
it written on the whiteboard

You may need to explain what the success criteria might be about. What is
it that youre looking for?
You may need to go through the revised sentence with the students first
before you ask them to do it in pairs
Do not forget to remind the students how much time they have to complete
the task
Why we need this skill in our writing?

Asking a student to check the spelling of a word.

It is good to admit your mistake in front of the children and you know how to
move on from it quickly
Good to relate this lesson to their prior knowledge of poetry
Clarifying what task is about and good to ask students to share how theyd
approach the task given today
Good to show an example of someones work. Reading it out loud for others
to hear.
Keep inspiring and motivating the students e.g youre all doing a great job
Going around to check how the students are going
Gallery Walk - reminding them what they need to do, expectations (reading
their work only, not writing in the book)
Consolidating their learning by getting them to sit down on the floor and
have a discussion what they notice about this task.
Good to refer to the success criteria as part of reflection.
Transition to library
Fantastic class control
Guessing the number of jelly beans - very good to involve the mathematical
thinking and reasoning behind the guess
Today went well Tamsin. You are very good to sell a lesson. We always say
you fake it till you make it. Sometimes we know that were not confident with
certain subjects and it is up to us to sell the lesson. At the end of the day we
want the students to be inspired with what were teaching. Well done!

Focus: Full day control

Roll, meditation, maths, writing, water safety, finishing, dismissal

Date: Thursday 27th November

WWW (What Worked Well)

Using different stimulus for meditation - video clip from you tube. Sharing
why you chose this video clip for meditation
Choosing appropriate game in the morning - quiet game. Allow two more
guesses to make sure we finish on time for the next transition.

EBI (Even Better If)

You might like to allow time for discussion about the video. Why is it
appropriate for meditation? Have a discussion that meditation can be in a
different form.

Maths - fraction operation

Using different resources - using a youtube clip

Maths - fraction operation

Explaining success criteria. What is that youre looking for?

Stopping the video and having a discussion. Stop play stop play to
consolidate students thinking

You may need to revise previous lesson and see how it can be relevant for
todays lesson

Expecting the students to listen properly by positioning themselves in front

the board

You may need to stop the video earlier, when he talks about common

Getting new markers so students clearly on the board

I would stop the video when he is reading the fractions, see if the students
can read the differently. Avoiding the use of over.

Great visual listing the methods to solve the problem

Reviewing what has been shown in the video, following the 5 questions to

Have you asked them why need to change the denominator? Why cant we
just add the fractions together?

Students are very much engaged in their learning

Have a look at the two different ways listed and see which one would more

Asking different students to come up and explain their thinking - have you
got a different way to solve this?

Think how many kids you would like to be at one station - classroom

Good to list different ways of the same problem on the board. It is a good
opportunity to compare them

What does multiple mean? You may have to list the timetables for the kids
to understand

Setting up questions differently by spreading them around the room i.e

stations.The students find it less boring, getting them to move around as
Stopping halfway when they are working when you notice anything
interesting worth sharing
Great mathematical language - need to find the lowest common multiple.
Going through the answers with the kids. Ensuring that theyre reading the

fractions properly. Good to have your answers ready.

Writing - small group
Students: Josh S, Mia, Sophia, Nathan, Ben
Good explaining of what they are going to do at the start of the lesson

Writing - small group

Review the sentence and see whether they find the 5 senses in that

Brainstorming the words first at the start. Good to put each child on the spot
to come up with a word (verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs), listing the
words together.
Good to allow students to think about the food they are going to write about.
Good to revise the lesson when Nathan comes in halfway of the lesson and
putting him on the spot to come up with his own word.
Good to write the sentence together.
Tell me more about your chosen food, teasing out their thinking about what
they are going to write.
Good to have the first sentence written down together in their book so then
they can refer to it when they write their own sentence
Ask the student the highlight the literary devices of their own sentence.

Focus: RE Lesson
Roll, meditation, RE

Date: Tuesday 2nd December

WWW (What Worked Well)

Staying focus on the ids even though next class was quite busy

EBI (Even Better If)


Religion - Advent Unit

Good strategy to mix the kids around by randomly giving the Jesse day to

Religion - Advent Unit

Think about the prompting questions you would like the kids to think about

Good choice of tuning in resources - you tube video, selecting the relevant

You might like to think about the learning intention

for the lesson

Remind them about how theyre going to investigate

Summarising their understanding after watching the video

Clear expectations of the task, good to gather the students first before you
send them to get a laptop
Roaming around the room to check students working
Thank you Tamsin for taking on my feedback and suggestion about your
unit. It is good that you modify the unit based on your knowledge of kids
understanding as well as the resource availability.

Focus: Full control

Roll, meditation, RE, Writing, Inquiry, Advent Mass, Twilight

Date: Wednesday 3rd December

WWW (What Worked Well)

Great choice of video as meditation

EBI (Even Better If)

Quick explanation what the video might be about before prayer. Explaining
why you chose this video, how it is relevant for today. You might like to ask
them any questions they have about the video e.g. infertile. I will show you
the advent prayer app.

Good to discuss about the video - relating it to what theyre learning in RE

Religion - Advent Unit
Having the success criteria written on the power point.

Religion - Advent Unit

Need to be more clear when you asked to go back to their summary

Briefing about Jesse Tree. what they know about it so far?

Have something ready when some students are being stubborn and difficult

Reading what the kids have done so far on the google docs. Good to have
a slide about what they need to include in their summary

You may need to ask them to revise what they need to do

Sending the kids based on what theyre doing, not sending all of them

You may need to put them on the spot and check what they know about

Getting the kids to de brief on the floor and share what they have found so
Very clear for kids to stop when they are speaking over you
Good questioning - who are the people who made you as the star now

Good to ask for someone else when you are stuck with some of the
behavioural choices students made
Clear expectation on their art activity
Good to check what they know about symbols - who has questions?
Writing - Post Assessment
Going through the success criteria

Writing - Post Assessment

Reminding the students how much they have left. This is particularly good
for students with special needs and anxiety.
Allow thinking time to have a look at the picture, so they can have a bit
more idea what to write before they plan.

Tamsin took full control of the class on Thursday 4th December. The supervising teacher was at school planning for 2015 and there was an ET observing
Tamsin i the classroom.
Focus: Full control
Roll, meditation, SEPEP (sport), Writing, Religion, Flash Dance

Date: Friday 5th December

WWW (What Worked Well)

Writing - Post assessment
Good to check which students are not sure what they need to do e.g.

EBI (Even Better If)

Writing - Post assessment
Think about mentioning how much time the students have left, as some of
them started asking me (I did not mind), this is for future reference as some
kids get quite anxious during testing

Going through success criteria and lesson intention

Fantastic unit
The kids are really enjoying it. They love working with you.

How would the kids get to see what other people have written about their
work? maybe the each student completes their own assessment and swap
with someone else?

Great idea of assessing the kids. Self and peer assessment.

Think about the criteria whether it works for both self and peer assessment

Setting up the assessment time. Clear instructions in terms of setting out

the Jesse Tree and completing the assessment sheet
Flash Mob

Flash Mob

Good to type the words onto a powerpoint for the kids to read together
instead of reading from the sheet

Make sure you check what you type before you share with students
(grammar) in particular e.g. your youre

Focus: Religion Lesson - Unit continuation

Roll, meditation, RE, graduation rehearsal

Date: Monday 8th December

WWW (What Worked Well)

Shared reading to the kids about Christmas - showing different ways to

EBI (Even Better If)

You might like to ask them why you read this story to them

Good to ask the kids to compare the difference with the story they know
Clarifying the Nativity story

Be careful when you say 5 lines for summary. What does that mean?

You pitch the lesson at the right level e.g. ask questions about census, what
that means

You may need to come up with open ended questions instead of short
responses from them

You are showing more confidence with your prompting questions

Good choice of tuning in session with the sand bible - good that you had a
pre-discussion about the nativity story before you showed the video
Briefing about the video
Stopping the students while theyre working, when you discovered
something interesting
Good to debrief after the lesson what they have discovered
Packing Up
Good to be assertive with her expectation

Focus: Christmas Art

Roll, meditation, nativity play, art

Date: Tuesday 9th December

WWW (What Worked Well)


EBI (Even Better If)

Good to remind about the use of materials such as careful use of glue

Consider the time of the lesson. Early finishers task?

Organising the room before lesson

Good to ask how we should approach this art even though you encourage
them to use their creativity to produce their art work within reason and
The laying out of resources - great space, not all kids will be going in one
Reminding the kids to bring their own materials well advanced before
Allowing the kids who have brought in their materials from home to go set
up first
Noticing that the kids finish earlier than expected and improvising the lesson
as you go to meet the needs of the kids
Sharing and showing their art product
Relating the lesson to their previous lesson - KK and nativity
Allowed enough time to pack and clean up

Focus: Full Day

Roll, meditation, maths, religion, writing, graduation rehearsal

Date: Wednesday 10th December

WWW (What Worked Well)


EBI (Even Better If)


Prayer using Caritas App for everyday Advent reflection

Discussion and briefing about the reading and what it all means. Stop and
explain some of the vocabs.

Maths - revision
Good to estimate the product first before going through the process of
solving the problem. Its good to get the students to estimate and reason
with their thinking before they work it out.

Maths - revision
Maybe think about getting the kids to read the numbers out loud so they
know what their place value is.

Great to use the decimal places to estimate their answers

Clear process with the kids; multiply this and then..
Good prompting - whats next? why?
Good to get the kids to come up with the number
Putting kids on the spot to set up the sum
Sharing different strategies you have in mind e.g. crossing the numbers you
didnt need anymore

Check what that means by the numbers are not lined up?
It is ok to ask someone to explain it properly. I do that all the time with
Gauge the kids understanding on the floor. Do you need all of them to do
the second problem, is it worth sending them to do the tasks and only work
with a small group on the floor and the rest of the kids can practise the
To use a assessment sheet suggested by ACU when you are working on
the floor

Good to correct yourself after you said my bad to my mistake

Checking the students who work independently even though you have kids
on the floor
Going through success criteria and learning intention. Normally I would go
through learning intention, show tasks followed by success criteria
Relating it to your personal experience
Good to use the vocab defining believing in one God - monotheism.
Clarifying that most religions believe in one God.
Good to brief about the different religions before you share the video
Briefing with the kids about anything new they learnt
Checking the time to complete the tasks
Good choice of tools to suit the tasks e.g. comparison alley instead of venn

Some of the vocabs in the video?


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