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Philosophy of Classroom Management

I believe students are capable of controlling their actions, handling emotions, and dealing
with common situations arising during the school day. This is especially true when
classroom management is being successfully implemented. Classroom management is
essential to student learning. Good classroom management allows students the greatest
possible opportunity for learning. Good classroom management involves:
Fair rules
High expectations
Familiar routines and transitions
Student developed rules and consequences
Successful classroom management results in:
Smooth transitions between activities
Greater on-task time
Safety and security in the classroom
Active participation and engagement
Successful classroom management outlines the expected student behavior. Students are
aware of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They understand the discipline and
consequences accompanying failure to comply with the classroom rules and behavior
expectations. Students feel safe in the classroom. As a result of the rules and policies,
students are able to learn more because they arent worried for their emotional or physical
safety. Students can devote their time to learning. Smooth transitions are organized and
allow for greater on-task time and time for students to learn.
Rules and Expectations
Students are expected to be kind and considerate to others. We will work to accept
everyone no matter the differences. Students will use the physical education lesson
materials and equipment in the proper way. Students are expected to have fun but remain

respectful during my physical education class. They are not permitted to talk while I am
talking. At the beginning of the year, students will help me develop rules and
expectations. They will follow: Being kind and respectful, use equipment in the right
way, do not harm others, and have fun.
Conflict Resolution
Step 1: Stop the aggressive behavior immediately
Step 2: Gather information about what happened and define the problem
Step 3: Brainstorm possible solutions
Step 4: Test the solutions generated through brainstorming
Step 5: Help implement the plan
Step 6: Evaluate the outcome
Implementation Statement
I will treat all students equally, striving for fair and consistent management. I will be a
trustworthy educator who cares for all of her students and wants the best for them. I will
make sure to go over the rules the first day and continue to implement the rules,
consequences, and reinforcements every class for the duration of the academic year.
I will make sure that I take care of my emotions and myself so that I can maintain my
composure and frustration, and prevent taking an action I would regret. I will have a plan
for myself, if and when those situations occur.
If a student breaks a rule, they will be given a verbal warning and after the first time, they
will be taken aside and spoken to. If a student continues to break the rules, additional
action will be taken where a student will go to the principals office and a possible
detention will be assigned.
Criticism will be used sparingly with much positive feedback and encouragement, both
individual and as a group. I want students to succeed and learn to love Physical
Education. I will strive to learn students names quickly and will learn what types of
activities they enjoy, so that we can work together to find something they like.

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