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Gilbert L.

IT 203 – Programming Paradigms
Assignment No. 1

Implement Stack on the following Programming Languages.(Code and .2

Stack in C

>include <stdio.h#
>include <graphics.h#
>include <dos.h#

define SIZE 6#

{static struct stack

;int top
;int items[SIZE]

;void push(struct stack *,int)

;int pop(struct stack*)
;int stacktop(struct stack*)
;int empty(struct stack*)
;int search(struct stack *,int)
;void insert(struct stack *,int,int)
;void replace(struct stack *,int,int)
;void del(struct stack *,int)
;void printline(void)
;void startscreen(int,int)
;void shell(int,int)
;void close(void)
;)(void start_screen
;)(void press_esc

;int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy

)(void main
;char c
;int i,temp
switch (c)
;case '1': gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("What element do you wish to push?")
;case '2': gotoxy(3,17)
;case '3': gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("Enter the element you wish to search?")
if (temp==-1)
;printf("Sorry! No results Found!")
;printf("The element is at index %d",temp)
;case '4': gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("Enter the POSTION and ELEMENT you wish to insert?")
;scanf("%d %d",&i,&temp)
;case '5': gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("Enter the POSTION and ELEMENT you wish to replace?")
;scanf("%d %d",&i,&temp)
;case '6': gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("Enter the POSTION you wish to delete from stack?")
;default : gotoxy(3,17)
;printf("Invalid entry! Try again!")
for (i=0;i<=6;i++)
;printf("Do You wish to contine?")
if (c=='y')
;printf("\t\t\t\t\t") gotoxy(3,17);
;goto START

void push(struct stack *sx,int x)

if (sx->top==SIZE-1)
;printf("\tSTACT OVERFLOW\n")

int pop(struct stack *sx)

if (empty(sx))
;printf("\t STACK UNDERFLOW\n")
;)" "(printf

int stacktop(struct stack *sx)


int empty(struct stack *sx)


int search(struct stack *sx,int n)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j,result=-1
for (j=sx->top;!(empty(sx));j--)
if (n==stacktop(sx))
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void insert(struct stack *sx,int pos,int ele)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;printf("Invalid Position!")
for (j=sx->top;j>=pos;j--)
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void replace(struct stack *sx,int pos,int ele)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;printf("Invalid Position!")
for (j=sx->top;j>=pos;j--)
for (j=i-2;j>=0;j--)

void del(struct stack *sx,int pos)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;printf("Invalid Position!")
for (j=sx->top;j>pos;j--)
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void printline(void)
;int i
for (i=0;i<40;i++)

Sample Output
>include <iostream.h#
>include <graphics.h#
>include <dos.h#

define SIZE 6#

{static struct stack

;int top
;int items[SIZE]

;void push(struct stack *,int)

;int pop(struct stack*)
;int stacktop(struct stack*)
;int empty(struct stack*)
;int search(struct stack *,int)
;void insert(struct stack *,int,int)
;void replace(struct stack *,int,int)
;void del(struct stack *,int)
;void printline(void)
;void startscreen(int,int)
;void shell(int,int)
;void close(void)
;)(void start_screen
;)(void press_esc

;int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy

)(void main
;char c
;int i,temp
switch (c)
;case '1': gotoxy(3,17)
;"?cout<<"What element do you wish to push
;case '2': gotoxy(3,17)
;case '3': gotoxy(3,17)
;"?cout<<"Enter the element you wish to search
if (temp==-1)
;printf("Sorry! No results Found!")
;printf("The element is at index %d",temp)
;case '4': gotoxy(3,17)
;"?cout<<"Enter the POSTION and ELEMENT you wish to insert
;cin<<"%d %d",&i,&temp
;case '5': gotoxy(3,17)
;"?cout<<"Enter the POSTION and ELEMENT you wish to replace
;cin<<"%d %d",&i,&temp
;case '6': gotoxy(3,17)
;"?cout<<"Enter the POSTION you wish to delete from stack
;default : gotoxy(3,17)
;"!cout<<"Invalid entry! Try again
for (i=0;i<=6;i++)
;"?cout<<"Do You wish to contine
if (c=='y')
;printf("\t\t\t\t\t") gotoxy(3,17);
;goto START

void push(struct stack *sx,int x)

if (sx->top==SIZE-1)
;"cout<<"\tSTACT OVERFLOW\n

int pop(struct stack *sx)

if (empty(sx))
;"cout<<"\t STACK UNDERFLOW\n
;)" "(printf

int stacktop(struct stack *sx)


int empty(struct stack *sx)


int search(struct stack *sx,int n)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j,result=-1
for (j=sx->top;!(empty(sx));j--)
if (n==stacktop(sx))
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void insert(struct stack *sx,int pos,int ele)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;"!cout<<"Invalid Position
for (j=sx->top;j>=pos;j--)
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void replace(struct stack *sx,int pos,int ele)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;"!cout<<"Invalid Position
for (j=sx->top;j>=pos;j--)
for (j=i-2;j>=0;j--)

void del(struct stack *sx,int pos)

;int arr[20]
;int i=0,j
if (pos>sx->top)
;"!cout<<"Invalid Position
for (j=sx->top;j>pos;j--)
for (j=i-1;j>=0;j--)

void printline(void)
;int i
for (i=0;i<40;i++)

Sample Output

;*.import java.util

{ public class Stack

{ public static void main(String[] args)
;)(Stack stack=new Stack
;stack.push(new Integer(10))
;System.out.println("The contents of Stack is" + stack)
;System.out.println("The size of an Stack is" + stack.size())
;System.out.println("The number poped out is" + stack.pop())
;System.out.println("The number poped out is " + stack.pop())
;System.out.println("The number poped out is" + stack.pop())//
;System.out.println("The contents of stack is" + stack)
;System.out.println("The size of an stack is" + stack.size())

Sample Output

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