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Fourth & Fifth Grades

Supplies List
Teacher: Ms. Arceo
1-8.5x11 white, dry-erase board
1-pack of Expo Low Odor Chisel Tip Dry-Erase Markers (assorted, 16 pack)
12-spiral bound notebooks
2- packs of wide rule paper (minimum 100 count)
1-roll of scotch tape with disposable dispenser
2-red pens
12-black or blue pens
24-no. 2 pencils
1-gummy eraser
1-hand-held pencil sharpener
1-pack of multicolor highlighters
(must have 4 of the following 5 colors: blue, green, yellow, pink, orange)
1-pencil pouch or box (for all of your writing tools)
1-student planner
(Please have the student select this as they must bring it to school daily, so I want
them to like it!)
1-scissors, 5 pointed
1-TI 30X (or newer) calculator
1-roll of 1 masking tape
1-box of 24 colored pencils
1-box of 24 markers
1-pack of multi-colored Sharpies
1-fine tip black Sharpie
1-hardback sketchbook (found at Barnes and Noble in Valpo for approximately $10)
1-simple sketching kit (found at Concept Art on rt. 30 just east of Big Lots)
1-simple watercolor kit (found at Concept Art)
1-art smock (Concept Art) or old T-shirt to be used for that purpose
1-pack of water color paper (Concept Art)
1-pack of multi-colored construction paper (any craft shop)
8-glue sticks
1-bottle of Elmers glue
12-pocket folders
1-milk crate
2-boxes of tissue
4-rolls of paper towel
2-dollar store cups or glasses (cheap but at least 6 oz)
3-containers of Clorox wipes

Not included: Supplies for specials classes.

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