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Shyleigh and Monique

Students Prior Knowledge:

What do you know about St. Patricks Day?
-Make connections
-Students Interests

Content objectives:
Objective: Students will listen to a Read Aloud of "The Night before St Patrick's Day",
Play a game using academic vocabulary, and create a sentence given the subject and noun, in order
to gain understanding of the meaning of the following words:
Language Objectives:
ELL Stage I: Kindergarten Language Strand
Standard 1: The student will identify and apply conventions of Standard English in his or her
Basic: The student will demonstrate knowledge of parts of speech by: B-2: forming a sentence using
a given subject and verb (S-V). .

Read Aloud/ Introduction to


"The Night before St Patricks


Game time
"Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Where's your Coin?" (Similar to, Doggie,
Doggie Where's your Bone?)
-Take turns playing the role as the Leprechaun
Leprechaun sits with their body pointed away from the
so they cannot see with which child the coin is hidden.


The rest of us will be working together to try to trick the

We will be trying to trick the Leprechaun by hiding a Coin
him or her. Students say the word "Coin" and we
pose the
question: What is a coin?

-While the "Leprechaun" is turned around, and when we finish making

the coin vanish behind someone's back by the student clasping it in their
hands, we will whisper "Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Where's your
Ask students to repeat the word "whisper", in a whisper voice.
Explain what a whisper is. We will expand/elaborate on their responses.
(We will do this with each vocabulary word).

Review/Assessment: Reviewing key vocabulary and content concepts,

providing regular feedback, and using a variety of assessments of student
comprehension and learning throughout the lesson.
Throughout the Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Where's your Coin?" game
we will ask the students what they think the different vocabulary words
mean and then explain the definition of each. Along with the definition of
the word we will check to see that the students understand what the words
mean by observing their actions during the game.

After the students complete their

sentence frame we will walk around and
listen to each peer present their sentence
to see if they use a vocabulary
word/words correctly.

Students come up and use the word wand to point to
the vocab words on the board, say the word, and give
or act out the definition.

Thank You!!!

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