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Art in the beginning was the process of human beings, and therefore a synonym of

science. The essence of art can be seen in the expression of human creativity. It can
also be interpreted as something that humans created that contains elements of
Art is very difficult to explain and hard to assess. Every artist chooses his or her own
rules & parameters that lead him or his work, can still be said that its a process of
selecting the medium, and a set of rules for the use of the medium.
Art is also a set of values that determine what is appropriate to be sent through the
medium of expression, to convey beliefs, ideas, sensations, or feelings in a way as
effective as possible.
Whatever type of art, the best art is an art in favor of something. Because the
position of an artist who's turned on by the society dynamics. Art also carry a
message, so the art can convey a message to the progress of society. So the motto
"art for art" doesnt exist, everything in this life doesnt stand alone, but rather
relate to each other in a complex society.

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