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Design for Learning

Instructor: Victoria Rivera

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 3rd, Mrs. Norris
Lesson Title: Identify Predator or Prey
Date: March 3, 2015
Curriculum Area: LA Arts
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Standards Connection: AL Language Arts (42) Acquire and use accurately gradeappropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases,
including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships [L.3.6]
Learning Objective(s): Students will be able to correctly identify match their vocabulary
words with the correct definition on an exit slip with 100% accuracy.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today boys and girls, we are
going to be learning the words: identify, predator, and prey.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): Students will be given an exit slip for their
vocabulary words: identify, predator, and prey. On this exit slip, there will be three
definitions. The students must determine which term correctly matches each definition.
Students must correctly match all three terms, 100% accuracy.
Engagement: The teacher will read the book Safari So Good!: All About African
Wildlife by Bonnie Worth to introduce the lesson. The teacher chose this book in honor of
Dr. Seuss week. The main character of this book is Cat in the Hat. The teacher will ask
the students to make predictions before reading the book about what kinds of animals that
the students think they would see on an African safari. Okay boys and girls, I would like
you all to quietly push in your chairs and come to the carpet when I call your table. The
teacher will call all of the students to the carpet by table. Today, we are going to be
learning about three new vocabulary words, but first we are going to read the book
Safari So Good: All About African Wildlife! We are going to be reading this book in
honor of Dr. Seuss week! The teacher will ask the students to make predictions about
what kind of animals they will see on a safari. Before we begin reading the book, can
anyone tell me what a safari is? Students will respond. Very good! A safari is a trip that
people can go on to hunt or look at animals! Where do people usually go on safaris?
Students will respond. I think that I will see people going on a safari in Africa! What kind
of animals do you think that you would see on an African safari? Students respond! I like
all of your answers! While I am looking reading this book, I want you all to pay very
close attention to the animals in this story because they are going to be important later
during our lesson. The teacher will read the story to the students. After she reads the story
she will revisit their predictions from earlier in the engagement. Now that we have
finished reading the book, I want you all to think about the kinds of animals that you said
you would see on an African Safari. Were your predictions correct? Students will respond
with either yes or no. These were some great predictions you guys! Today we are going to
learn about words that will describe these animals.
Learning Design:
The teacher will introduce three new words to the students. Ok boys and girls, as I
said earlier, we are going to be learning about three new words. These words are
identify, predator, and prey. As the teacher says these words she will write them on
the whiteboard so all of the students can see the words and how they are spelled. The
first word that we are going to be learning about is identify. The word identify
means to recognize someone or something. An example of this word would be: After

we read our book we are able to identify different kinds of animals that we could see
on a safari. Can anyone tell me another way that we can use this word in a sentence?
Students will respond with their own examples. The teacher will call on a couple
students that are sitting quietly and raising their hand. I really like how you guys used
this word in your sentences! It seems like we have a good understanding about the
word identify! Now that we understand our new vocab word lets think about our
book from earlier. What kinds of animals could we identify or recognize on an African
safari. The teacher will make a list on the board of all the animals that were discussed
during the book. (LIST, GROUP, LABEL) The teacher will write down the animals:
elephant, lion, giraffe, warthog, leopard, cheetah, rhino, zebra, hippo, buffalo,
baboon, python, hyena, and antelope. Great job your guys, I can really tell that you
were paying attention while I was reading the story! We could identify all of these
animals if we went on an African safari. Our next word that we are going to be
talking about is predator. A predator is an animal that hunts other animals for food.
For example, the predator was watching the mouse behind the bushes, ready to
attack. What kind of animal do you think would want to eat a mouse? Students
respond. I think that a cat would want to eat a mouse! Lets think about another way
we can use this word in a sentence. Can anyone use the word predator in a
sentence? The teacher will call on students that are sitting quietly. Good job friends! I
now that I would not want to run into a predator! Lets look back at the list that we
just made about the animals that we could identify on an African safari. I am going to
write the label predator down on the board. We are going to look at our long list of
animals that we could see on an African safari and try to identify which of these
animals could be considered a predator. I would like you to TURN AND TALK and
discuss with your neighbor about which animals you think could be considered a
predator and why. The teacher will write the words predator and prey on the board.
As the students explain their thinking behind each animal, the teacher will write the
animal underneath the label predator if the animal is a predator. The teacher will give
the students time to discuss with their neighbor. When the teacher believed that she
has given the students enough time she will redirect their attention. Ok class, lets
settle down and refocus! Based on your conversations, what animals did you say was
a predator and why? The teacher will begin to call on students and ask them to
explain their thinking about why the animal they chose could be a predator. The
teacher will only call on students that are quietly raising their hand. Students begin
answering. I agree that a lion is a predator! Why do you think a lion is a predator?
Student will explain thinking. Very good! Lions like to chase after their food and eat
what they catch. What other animals that we listed could be considered a predator? A
python. Why do we think that a python would be considered a predator? Very good! A
python hunts other animals. Another student responds. A hyena! Oh thats a good
one! Why did you believe that a hyena would be considered a predator? Student
responds. I agree, hyenas enjoy eating meat and feeding on animals that are dead or
wounded. Now its ok if we dont identify all of them right now, we can come back to
our list of animals after we learn what the word prey means. The last word that we
will be learning today is prey. Prey is an animal that is hunted by another animal for
food. For example: The prey was chased down by a lion because it was hungry. Can
anyone think of their own sentence that goes along with our new vocab word?
Students will respond with their own sentences. Great job you guys! It sounds to me
like you guys have a pretty good understanding of the word prey! Lets try to identify
or recognize animals from our list earlier as prey! Looking at these animals that we
wrote on the board, what animals do you think are considered prey and why. I would
like you all to TURN AND TALK with the neighbor next to you and discuss what
animals you think would be considered prey. I will give you some time to discuss. The
teacher will give the students time to respond. When the teacher believes that she has
given them enough time to discuss she will redirect the students attention. Ok class,

1, 2, 3 all eyes on me. Lets discuss some of your answers. We are not going to shout
out our answers. I would like all of you to raise your hand until I call on you. Once I
have called on you I would like you to tell me the animal you chose and why you
believe it would fit under the prey label. The teacher will begin to call on students that
are sitting quietly on their bottom. The teacher will then call on the first student. The
teacher will give the student time to respond. As each student responds, the teacher
will write each animal underneath the label prey once the student has explained his
or her thinking. Students begin responding. Good thinking! I think that a zebra is a
prey as well! Predators such as lions or cheetahs often hunt down zebras! Can
anyone else give me an example of prey? Another student responds. I like the way you
think! An antelope is considered prey because they can be chased down by predators!
The students will continue to respond until all of the animals in the original list have
found a place under the label predator or prey. The teacher will then move into the
opportunity for practice.
Opportunity for Practice:
Now we are going to have the opportunity to practice this for yourselves! I would like
you all to quietly return to your table and wait for my further instruction. Once the
students have returned to their table the teacher will give the students further
instructions. The teacher will hand each table group one worksheet with a set of
animal cards. In this activity, the students will work with their table group to decide
which animals are considered to be predator and which are considered to be prey. The
students will glue down the animals under the appropriate label on the worksheet. The
students will then need to explain their thinking underneath each set of animals. Ok
class, I have given each table group a set of cards with animals on them. You must
either identify these animals as predator or prey. Once you think that you have
identified these animals correctly you will need to glue them down. Dont worry
about getting the glue; I will give each table a glue stick. After you have glued down
all of the animals, you must explain your thinking behind why they believe it is a
predator or prey. Now remember, this is a group effort, I do not want just one person
doing all of the work. You must work together! When you have finished please stay in
your seat until all of the other groups are finished. We will go over the worksheet and
explain our reasoning after we have all finished. You may begin when I have handed
each table group a glue stick. The teacher will walk around the class and answer any
questions about the worksheet. The teacher will wait until all of the students have
finished and then will review the worksheet with the class.
After the students have completed their opportunity for practice, the teacher will
move to assessing the students knowledge about their new vocabulary word. The
students will receive an exit slip. On this exit slip there are three definitions and three
terms. The students will need to correctly match all three terms with their definition in
order to be considered proficient. Ok friends, now that we have been able to practice
and work with these new vocabulary words, I want to test your knowledge about
these three words! I am going to give you a slip of paper. On this sheet there are
going to be three definitions and three terms. I would like you all to match the term
with the correct definition. When you have finished, I would like you all to put the
assessment in the paper try on my desk!
The teacher will review the definitions for the vocabulary words that were learned
during the lesson. Ok boys and girls! I would love to hear you guys talk about what
our three words mean. Will someone please tell me what the word identify means?
Student responds. Very good! Identify means to recognize someone or something. Can

someone tell what the word predator means? Student responds. Great! The word
predator is an animal that hunts other animals for food. Can anyone identify some
examples of a predator? Students respond. I enjoy seeing how close all of you paid
attention to the lesson. Can anyone tell me what our last word, prey means? A student
responds. Great! A prey is an animal that is hunted by another animal for food. What
are some examples of prey? Students respond. Very good! You guys did a great job
today learning about our new words.
Materials and Resources:
White board
Safari So Good!: All About African Wildlife by Bonnie Worth
Exit slip
Worksheet for Opportunity for Practice
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Green: The students in green will create an interactive game of charades that deal with
the words predator and prey. Students will need to be able to act out the animals that are
Red: The students in red will be able to play this game of charades. The students will pick
an animal out of a bag and they will need to identify the animal as predator or prey and
then act out what they animal acts like in the wild!
Data Analysis:










Can you identify predator and prey?

Glue down each animal underneath the correct label. Once you have glued down each
animal please explain your thinking underneath each set of animals.





Please correctly match the following words with
their correct definition.
1. To recognize someone or something.


2. An animal that hunts other animals for food.

3. An animal that is hunted by another animal for
food. _______

A. Predator
B. Prey
C. Identify


Please correctly match the following words with
their correct definition.
1. To recognize someone or something. C. Identify
2. An animal that hunts other animals for food. A.
3. An animal that is hunted by another animal for
food. B. Prey

A. Predator
B. Prey
C. Identify

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