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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC Art for Children
Katie Leingang
Unit Title & Big Idea: (Define the Grade Level/Class Periods Required: 3rd grade, 3 class periods required
BIG IDEA?) What is the big idea
that is being investigated in this
lesson? How will you connect the
big ideas about art and artists work
with the art making part of this
Title: Life CHANGES...
Big Idea: Change. Students will
investigate changes in the
classroom, world, and their own
lives. Then, students will
investigate how certain artists
utilized change, or how their
artwork has changed. Then
students will create their own
artwork about change drawing
upon techniques utilized by the
studied artists.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Unit Overview/Summary:
Why is this important to teach?
What do you hope to accomplish?
These last few years in field, I have
noticed a few of the students
struggle with changes in their lives.
I believe that in order to learn
content material students'
emotional needs must be met. As a
teacher, I want to help them work
through their emotions in a positive
way. Since I am not a counselor,
and since I am in charge of
educating not just a few students
but the whole class, I plan to
incorporate this Big Idea of Change
by integrating Art, Math, Reading
and Writing. I hope students will
learn positive, negative, and neutral
forms of change, what is
fundamental about themselves that
will not change, how to use art to
positively channel their emotions,
and how to better express
themselves. I hope to learn more
about where my students are
coming from so I can act
empathetically and support them in
the best possible ways, whether it
be through setting up times to meet
with the counselor or rejoicing
together over growth and

Materials/Equipment/Etc: MATERIALS, TEACHING RESOURCES/REFERENCES- (Books (Teacher and

Childrens), posters, articles, websites) and PREPARATION REQUIRED- what materials, tools, and resources do you
need for this class? What do you need to practice and prepare for this lesson? What did you learn from creating your
teaching exemplar?
Materials Needed: (Day 1)
-The example video clips
-A way to display these clips
-iPads or any tech. for the students to film their own clips
(Day 2)
-The Book Once I Was... By:Niki Leopold & Illustrated By Woodleigh Marx Hubbard
-Top Hat or any hat
-Paper squares, 3"by 3", 3 squares per student
-Additional art supplies like crayons, markers, appropriate magazines, and objects that can be glued/taped down
(Day 3)
-PPT on Famous Artists
-Writer's Notebooks & pencils
-Paper & printer
-Computer or iPad with photo editing capabilities
-Crayons, markers, construction paper, scissors, glue, other additional art supplies (optional)
Resources needed for this class?
Hosmer, K., (Aug. 16 2012). The United Nations of Ant Farms. My Modern Met. Retrieved from
What do you need to practice and prepare for this lesson?
-Come to school 10-15 minutes early on day one to change up the classroom
-Come with an example of the video clips, Before ? After game, and the Andy Warhol styled selfie change art piece
-Read through the book Once I Was... at least once before exploring it with the students
What did you learn from completing your teaching exemplar? I learned how may possibilities there are for filming
and creating examples for change. I also learned how much easier it will be to explain now that I have a model. In
addition, it was much easier for me to organize my ideas and purpose with the teaching exemplar created.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Key Concepts (3-4)

What will students learn and

KNOW about art and art making
from this lesson?
List as facts about art and
artists and works of art. What
will they learn from an art, art
history, and art criticism
discussion? What will they learn
from the art production part of
the lesson? What key concepts
from other core subjects will they
Students will learn and know
-Art expresses emotions
-Three famous artists, Andy
Warhol, Robert Smithson and
Yukinori Yanagi and, at least one
piece, of their artwork
-Before, after and what caused
the change
-Context has influence

Essential Questions (3-4) What questions guide the investigation in this lesson?
What will students discover and investigate both about art and art making? What will you ask that will guide the
purposeful exploration of materials and ideas that will produce meaningful content to the creative production?
What has changed in the classroom? In the world?
How have artists utilized change or depicted change?
What in your "world" has changed and how did that change you?
How can you represent this change in your artwork?

Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at

What learners will DO? List beginning with the student will
*(NOTE: Evidence of the objectives and concepts attained make up your assessment criteria below)
-The students will capture two short video clips, in the same location, at different times, and be able to find and record similarities and differences that occur
in the clips.
-The students will display their knowledge of before, after and how it is being changed by creating the Before ? After game that displays a probable example.
-The students will create selfie artwork, in the style of Andy Warhol, that displays, through context, a change in their lives and their emotions surrounding
that change.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Grade Level Expectations

Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards) (3-4)
(GLEs) (3-4)
1A Grade Level 3
3A Grade Level 3
3C Grade Level 3


National Core Art Standards

(http://www.nationalartsstanda -CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.A.4
Creating Anchor Standard
Responding Anchor Standard
Connecting Anchor Standard
Content Areas Integrated:
1. Visual Art
3. Math

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that connect the art form with the other identified subject
-Reflection- thinking back on and considering various options
-Equation- formula/procedure to reach conclusion

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Lesson Titles in
Sequence/Order with TIME
and MATERIALS needed for
each portion
1. Change in our
Classroom and World
Time: 45 minutes
Materials Needed: The example
video clips, a way to display
these clips, iPads or any tech. for
the students to film their own

Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each)

2. Before ? After
Time: 45 minutes
Materials Needed:The Book
Once I Was... By:Niki Leopold &
Illustrated By Woodleigh Marx
Hubbard, Top hat or any hat,
paper squares, 3"by 3", 3 squares
per student, additional art
supplies like crayons, markers,
appropriate magazines, and
objects that can be glued/taped
down (optional)

Before ? After: The teacher will read to the class the book Once I Was... By:Niki Leopold & Illustrated By
Woodleigh Marx Hubbard. A discussion on what is happening to cause the before and after will follow. For
example, before there was a child, after this same child is an adult, so the passage of time causes the change.
Then, the students will each be given three paper squares-one for before, one for after, and one for the cause of
change. Students will draw or use materials to create their own example. Finally, the students will play a
guessing game with their squares. The creator will put the Top hat over either the before, after or cause of
change square and classmates must figure out, using the other squares, what the hidden square is.

3. Change in My "World"
Time: An Hour and 40 minutes
(can fluctuate though)
Materials Needed: PPT on
famous artists, Writer's
Notebooks & pencils, paper &
printer, computer or iPad with
photo editing capabilities,
crayons, markers, construction
paper, scissors, glue, other
additional art supplies (optional)

Change in our Classroom and World: The teacher will begin this lesson by moving the students desks, moving
the teacher's desk, moving the rug, adding colorful posters to the wall, and/or anything that will cause the
students to wonder "Why does the classroom look different and what has changed?" Then, the students will
watch the example video clips the teachers creates that shows the same location at two different times of day.
The class will then discuss what they noticed in the clips, what was the same and what changed. Now the
students will have the chance to create two movie clips in the same location at different times of day. Next,
students will have the chance to guess what the Big Idea is and hence why the classroom looks different.
Finally, the students will engage in a discussion on change they noticed in the classroom and in the world.

Change in My "World": The teacher will show a PPT of Famous Artists that utilize change in their art or how
their art has been changed. Then, students will write about/brainstorm times in their lives that they have
experienced change and how they felt about it. Next, the students will create selfie art in the style of Andy
Warhol and incorporate their emotions and the context of the change into the artwork piece. This artwork
should stem from the conversation that although life changes there are things that don't change like the fact that
you have dignity for being who you are, hence selfie, but some things do change, hence context, and that it is
okay to have feelings about the change, hence emotions shown. Finally, the students will write a reflection in
their notebooks and time will be built in for a wrap up reflection/discussion.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon?

-Use of Technology in taking photos and editing photos
What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
Describe, specifically, how you will allow the students to engage with the media, the concepts, and other objectives in a playful manner
before they are excepted to produce the final work. This section should accentuate how the PROCESS informs the product
The students will be allowed and given time to experiment with recording short movie clips before they are expected to actually film their final.
This way the students may have a better idea what they want to film, how much to zoom in, what times to do this at, etc. Also students will be
given time and encouraged to experiment with the different colored photo filters before they are required to print. This way students can
capture their emotions in the colors and not just choose something because they have to do it quick. Also, class and individual brainstorming
and reflecting are built in throughout the lesson.

How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Deeply describe how this lesson allows for students to solve problems, aesthetically as well as scholastically? What about this lesson allows for
divergent outcomes?
I believe that in order to learn content material students' emotional needs must be met. This lesson helps meet these needs by providing a
positive artistic way for students to express their emotions and think through change. Therefore, students can concentrate on content material.
Also, throughout this lesson students work with technology such as video recording and photo editing with color filters. They will gain
experience from using these tools. In terms of math, students explore the set up of equations and finding the missing variable throughout the
Before ? After game. Any of the elements, before, after or reason for change can be hidden in order to find the others and they can all be used to
find the other hidden variable. The book we will be reading as a class Once I Was... will challenge students to identify the reason for change.
Also, it will provide discussion starters. This lesson allows for divergent outcomes because students have unique perspectives and life
experiences to draw upon. This lesson is flexible and students can express themselves with a variety of different materials, in a way of their
own choosing.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?
What art talk questions can you engage your students in that will help them in reflecting not only on the product, but also the product? What reflective
practices can you think of that will help them in transitioning from start to stop?
"What do you notice about this piece of art?" "How did the artist go about creating this piece? Did he/she just wave a magic wand and the work appeared or
what else may have happened? "How can we get there? Can we try what this famous author tried?" "How can we make this art our own?" "What things do
I like that are meaningful to me?"
Reflective practices- Journaling, giving prompts, drawing thoughts instead of writing, small group and large group diolage
How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
What opportunities will you allow your students to display, describe, or evidence their learning?

(Describe what student success looks like and what evidence you have that learning has taken place). You should include formative and summative
assessments. (See Beattie and Stewart/Walker texts)
I will make sure every student has completed the art work and I will discuss with each child his/her reasoning behind what he/she creates. Also, I will read
the reflections written up on the experience. I will be assessing the students understanding as we discuss, as a class, examples the students create and their
thoughts from the book we read.
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
Students will always be allowed to revise and improve their work whenever they want. They can start over with the activity if they choose too. They can
improve their understanding by talking to their peers, family members, and me.
What happens when revision is needed? How will you handle that in this situation?
If students simply don't put forth enough effort, I will individually ask the students to keep working on their piece and looking for ways to make it more
meaningful, more personal, etc. If the student doesn't understand the before, after and cause of change, then I will work through an example with the student
using scaffolding questions.
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?
If time permits, students will be given the opportunity to share their videos with the class and ask the class questions about it. Also, students will be playing
a game with their Before ? After artwork and hence their work/learning/understanding will be shared with a partner or group. Finally, if the students feels
called to share their selfie art they will be given the opportunity too. They will not have too though as this could get personal.
Presenting the work in a meaningful way. How will this be accomplished?
Students will be allowed to hold up their artwork in the air to show and discuss with the class. Students must listen respectfully to everyone. Also, if
students are comfortable, some artwork can be hung up in the halls.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?
How will you differentiate for your diverse classroom population? How will you keep students engaged? What will you do to challenge students who are
highly talented? What have you planned for those who finish early?
I will differentiate for my diverse learners by providing a choice of materials to work with. Markers, crayons, magazines, and around-the-house objects will
all be options for use. Also, I can get copies of the PPT for students who would benefit from those. I will keep students engaged by making it relevant to
their lives and passions and by allowing them to take an active role in their learning by creating. Those who are highly talented can look more in depth into
one certain topic or event. Perhaps I could give them an event in history to research and find what changes resulted from it. Those who finish early can also
go more in depth or else create more videos, Before ? After games, research more information on the famous artists or experiment more with changing the
filters on photos.

TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.
-Students work hard and remain focused
-Students provide meaningful examples and dialogue
-Students show improved photo and video skills
-Students are excited after the activity to find out what kind of art they will be doing next
-I learn new information about my students, specifically what they may be dealing with when I am not around

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

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