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Collegiate Corner

Collegiate Corner
Grace Demerath NAfME-NYSSMA Collegiate President 2014-15, Ithaca College

Serving as the President of CNAfME-NYSSMA this year has been an amazing honor. Being
a part of NYSSMA has helped me grow as a student and future educator, which I will forever be thankful for. It is so great to be a part of a group that has a positive impact on so
many students across New York State.

The NYSSMAExecutive Board has been so welcom-

the NYSSMA winter conference all throughout college

ing and supportive since I first met them. I can tell you

now and I can say that as my role in NYSSMAincreased,

with certainty that they all truly care about each and ev-

so did my experiences.

ery music student in the schools of New York, as well

as the NYSSMA members and collegiate members like

the only real chance we have to be involved with NYS-

myself. Serving as the CNAfME-NYSSMA President has

SMA is at the summer of winter conference. But there

made me more career ready in a way that few future edu-

is so much more that you can do! Dont be afraid to reach

cators are able to experience.

out to teachers in your area to ask if they need help with

During this year I have made countless

new connections with my own collegiate

colleagues, as well as with the NYSSMA
Executive Board and other NYSSMA members. I have also learned more than I even
imagined I would about the workings of
NYSSMA and similar groups.

For so many of us college students, we may feel like

NYSSMA events and festivals. I cannot

Serving as the CNAfMENYSSMA President

has made me more
career ready

While I believe that learning about this

even count how many NYSSMA members

have told me how much this helps their
events! You can also reach out to NYSSMA
members to provide workshops for your colleges own CNAfME Chapter.
As my year as CNAfME-NYSSMA
comes to a close and graduation draws

organization will greatly benefit any collegiate student, I

nearer, Im thankful for the time that I have spent in this

think it has especially benefited me because unlike many

group and the voice they have given me. Being able to be

of our collegiate members, I did not grow up in the NYS-

a part of NYSSMA Executive Council meetings and write

SMA system. I believe that having experiences in two

monthly articles for School Music NEWS has been incred-

different state organizations will help me to better un-

ible and has made me feel like I can already impact the

derstand and, I hope, be able to bring more ideas to any

world of music education.

state organization that I may find myself being a part of

after graduation.

I want to thank the NYSSMA Executive Council, NYS-

I look forward to my prospects for the future, and

I encourage you all, whether youre a collegiate

SMAmembers, Dr. Sang, Dr. Gaines, and, of course, my

member, regular member or retired member, to find a

Collegiate Executive Board and fellow CNAfME-NYSSMA

way to become more involved in NYSSMA. Whether it is

members for the experience and support that you have

through adjudicating, presenting at the conferences, vol-

all given me. I especially wish the best of luck to my

unteering, submitting articles for publication, or running

successor, Anastasia Polashenski. I wish the best of luck

for office. As is in most things in life, the more you put in

to you all, and I know that I will be leaving you all in

to something, the more you get out of it. I have attended

great hands.



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