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Marie Myers

Prejudice Images
Prejudice is a rigid and unfair
generalization about an entire
category of people (Sociology).
Because prejudice is commonly seen
in the form of stereotypes, this
image perfectly captures an example
of prejudice. Stereotypes can be
described as a very general
description that is put on a people
within a common category. This
picture displays the stereotype of
all mexicans being lawn workers
Discrimination is something
commonly seen in U.S. society. It is
defined as unequal treatment of
various categories of people in
Sociology. Some categories that often
receive some form of discrimination
include those of religion, sexual
orientation, and race. This image is a representation of
homosexual people who are often discriminated against for their
sexual orientation and preference. Currently, homosexuals are
fighting for the legalization of gay marriage and equal right
between homosexuals and heterosexuals.
Although it is less commonly
seen in todays society with the
new-coming generations, racism is
still prominent in the United
States. Racism, a subcategory of
prejudice, is described as the
belief that one racial category is
innately superior or inferior to
another (Sociology). This image
shows the hotdogs all looking at the
banana with some form of negative expression, showing that they
feel he doesnt belong there and is inferior to them.

Marie Myers
Prejudice Images
Of the many theories of prejudice,
the Scapegoat Theory suggests that
people of higher power often blame
those within a minority group for
their own problems(Sociology).
Here, a black man is being pointed
at by many fingers of white people.
This represents the beings with
fair skin in America blaming those
of darker skin for their problems,
using the colored man as a
Culture Theory
The Culture Theory of prejudice
states that prejudice is a learned
practice (Sociology). One is not
born prejudice, society guides them
to be that way, even if it isnt on
purpose. This image of the children
of obviously different races
hugging each other, showing that as
they are still young, there is no
prejudice present, proving that one must learn prejudice, not be
born with it.
Conflict Theory
The Conflict Theory of prejudice
describes that prejudice is used as a
tool by powerful people to oppress
others (Sociology). Adolf Hitler was a
ruler in Germany that used his power to
oppress many, including his soldiers,
secret policemen, and the Jewish that
he forced into concentration camps and
killed extreme amounts of. He did this
by abusing his excessive power over Germany.
Works Cited
Banyal, Neha. "ExiStEnCe.." ExiStEnCe.. N.p., 12 Jan. 2013. Web.

Marie Myers
Prejudice Images
16 Apr. 2015.
"Adolf Hitler." Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
"EP.#12- Is The "Blame The Black Man" Game Real?" Tariq Radio.
N.p., 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
James, A. "Racism in the Modern Arab World." Guardian Liberty
Voice. N.p., 7 July 2013. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
Macionis, John J. Sociology. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.
"EP.#12- Is The "Blame The Black Man" Game Real?" Tariq Radio.
N.p., 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
Van-Golliaz. "- AGAINST RACISM -." By Van-Golliaz on DeviantArt.
N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

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