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Annotated Bibliography: Animal Rights

"Do Animals Have Rights?" Barnes & Noble. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar.
2015.People who support animals welfare are look for a humane methods way of looking of our
animals friends. There have been laws made to protect animals but is having a animals as a
pet a part of animal cruelty. Id say no most animals that are pets are treated as family there
treated just as well or even better than people. When considering that pets are being treated
bad this would bring up the topic of animals in conservation animal in a zoo, are they
included in animal cruelty? Animals in zoo for the most part have have a pretty good
life.There are animals that are not that lucky they are used as test dummies for companies
that test make up, hair products, and many other things on them. Some of the companies like
LOreal and Proctor & Gamble use around 1.2 billon dollars on a alternative testing methods.
Now cruelty-free cosmetics are available in most mainstream stores, including drugstores.

Gleason,Carrie. Animal Rights Activist. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub, 2010. eBook K-8
Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 25 Mar. 2015. The average person will eat 1,000 chickens, 30
sheep, and 20 pigs in their lifetime. (Veganism) People who refuse to eat meat think of the
face that piece of meat had because they feel for those poor animals that died for the people
eating them they also live a vegan lifestyle that does for food, clothing, or any other
purpose.Almost three percent of Americans and four percent of Canadians,today are
vegetarian.Most animal rights activists believe it is unethical to eat or use the flesh of
animals.Vegans do not eat eggs or dairy products, such as cheese, milk, or ice cream, or
desserts and candies that contain gelatin, which is made from animal bones.They do not use

any kind of products that come from animals.Animal Rights activists think is wrong to have
animals as pet of to keep them in cages they object to having animals as entertainment thing
like movies,circuses, and TV shows.

Ritter, C. (2008). Animal rights [Ebook]. Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub.

Do animals have rights do smarter animals deserve more protection and better treatment than less
intelligent species?This is one of the questions that gets asked as people debate weather or
not animals showed be tried with respect and if so what level of respect.After the equal
rights around 1960s equal rights for all races ,Many want more rights for animals that
include things like is it right to consider animals as human property and is it ok to harm them
for the greater good. The greater good when we harm others for the the greater good of the
majority. T he American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was
established in1866.The American Humane Association(AHA) was established in 1877,And
American Anti-Vivisection Society(AAVS) was founded in 1883 these group are some of the
oldest animal protection organizations in the US that fight hard for animal to be treated right.

Sherry, Clifford J. Animal Rights : A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO,
2009. eBook High School Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 25 Mar. 2015. What are humans
animals so why give animals a lousy treatment like hurting them for no good reason we feel
pain they feel pain. humans share 96 percent of their DNA with chimps (Ze et al. 2005).
That is where the idea of evolution comes in to play which is why animal rights activists
believe in giving animal more respect the respect that they deserve.On the other hand there

are the things that keep us apart such as the fact that animals dont think the same way we
do.occurs in the brain, especially the cerebral cortex. The cortex is a convoluted layer of
nerve cells, comprising nearly 90 percent of all the nerve cells in the brain, which forms the
outer surface of the cerebral hemispheres. The major difference in the cortexes of humans
and of other organisms occurs in the frontal cortex. This appears to be the site of selfawareness (i.e., individual humans recognize that they are unique individuals separate from
other individuals and from their environment and that they have a past and a present)

Watson, Stephanie. Animal Testing: Issues and Ethics. New York: Rosen Pub., 2009. Print.The
book Animal testing writing by Stephanie Watson. Animals and humans have the similar
biological that is the excuse we use to test on poor animals that cant defend then selfs. Many
animals get tested on many being hurt for no good reason we could stop that. The reason
some people dont do anything is because some think animals dont have souls, others say
they dont feel pain, And do they deserve to be treated with equal respect as humans? I feel
like animals do deserve the same respect as humans but this book makes you look at the fact
as cruel as they are thats the way they are, that the treatment for these animals is for the
greater good. The background of the writer seems to not agree or disagree she just seems to
give both pros and cons and give facts.

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