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Grace Crowley

Pg. 3: Content
Pg. 4:
Target Audience
Pg.5: Resources
Pg.6: Cast
Pg.7: Production Schedule

Grace Crowley

For my FMP I will be creating a music video the song I will be promoting is
Klingande RIVA. I knew I wanted to create a music video for my final major
projects as this one of the things that completing over the two years I felt I
excelled the most in and since this point having learnt many more skills that
would help with this specific production I felt it would be something that I would
enjoy creating but a good representation of all the skills that I have gathered
since starting the course. I came up with two initial ideas both for different
songs, I had a lot more ideas for Klingande RIVA but to ensure that this idea
was going to be successful I created a questionnaire using survey monkey and
asked a group of people which Idea they most preferred; 8 out of the 9 responses
said they believed the idea for RIVA would be best as the narrative sounded
more exciting and individual so this is the idea that I chose to peruse in creating.
The idea for my music video came from the title of the song `restart the game
which gave me the idea to make the concept of the video a game. The video will
follow two people as they make their way through a game, I will use both
genders so one of the characters will be male and the other female they will be
wearing generic stereotypical colours, the boy will be dressed in blue and the girl
pink. The intention of the two is to finish the game but as the title suggests the
game keeps restarting and this ultimately means they are unable to finish the
game reason why the game keeps restarting is unknown to the audience and
wont be revealed.
I will use a number of different locations which will each be different from a busy
London high street to an abandoned school and various other locations, each
different location will act as a new level, in order to make the video run smoothly

Grace Crowley
and make it look like each different location comes together as one I will use fast
paced panning match cuts which I hope will help me to achieve the finishing look
I planned for but also match the action that would be expected of a game.
The production will use multiple cameras for ease from filming shot to gain
different angles of one specific shot, I will also be using a GoPro to gain point of
view shots of the actors this will add to the variety of shots.
In certain parts of the video I will be using coloured smoke flares, smoke flares
are most commonly used to signify when someone is in distress and raise alarm,
I will be using them in my production to add colour and make scenes look
aesthetically pleasing to audiences but more so I will be using them when the
song is nearing the end and the characters do not have long left to finish the
game to show distress and cause alarm. The video will end with a young boy sat
in front of the TV playing on his Xbox with the music video (game) with game
over graphics flashing.
In order to make my production look like a game I will be taking typical
conventions such as health bar, lives bar and compass (maps) in the corner of
the screen, I will create the graphics on Photoshop and add them to the
production when editing on Premier Pro.
I feel that my idea is unique and will stand out from other music video
productions that have been created especially for this particular genre of music;
House because when completing research I found that there werent many
others productions that were like mine apart from Californiacation Red Hot Chili
Peppers but this uses animated characters rather than real life actors and for this
reason I feel that it would be a profitable project.
The target audience I feel that this production would be best suited to is 16-24
year olds, When deciding my target audience there were 3 options that I
considered; 10-15, 16-24 and 25+ all of the responses I received from my survey
stated that they felt 16-24 would be most suitable. Both boys and girls will be
able to relate to my video because of the actors featured, To put my audience
into a socio-economic group I would say that it would be C2 as this is a group
which is not gender specific, the lifestyle in which they would lead is middle and
middle lower class having skilled manual jobs so a reasonable yearly income.
The majority of teenagers and young adults from the ages 16-24 would fit into
this class allowing them to spend their income on things that they enjoy doing
such as going clubbing and to venues to listen to live music.
I conducted some research into Klingandes target audience, not being able to
find any specific information on an audience solely based on this production
team I widened my search to house music listeners and found that this particular
genre of music is most popular in clubs as well as mainstream pop, and is even
strong in the underground scenes: alternate and indie audiences and so
therefore dividing the audience into three key groups. Those people who most
commonly attend clubs and concerts are teenagers/young adults so this helped
me confirm that the audience I had chosen was relevant. However I also found

Grace Crowley
that when House music first became popular was in the early 80s which
suggests that there are older audiences that still enjoy house music.
There will not be a specific location in which I intend on appealing to because
House music is popular across many different countries and Klingande being
French but his music being popular in the United Kingdom suggests that his
audience base is spread across different countries so in terms of location would
appeal to a mass audience although it will be easiest for me to promote it in the
United Kingdom.

The resources which I have used to gather market research from are: which I used to gather information about my
market competitor Robin Schulz, the website provided me with the songs chart
information; how many weeks it charted for and which countries it reached
number 1 in. gave me the figures my market
competition views on YouTube I also found information about YouTube itself and
why it would be a good place for me to promote my production on. allowed me to gain information about
Klingande and House music, I also used the EDM audience analysis report to gain
other information about traits of house music listeners

Grace Crowley

The production only requires two actors; the music video will feature a boy and
girl completing the game. The girl will be played by Abbey Fletcher and the boy
Nat Green. I have chosen these two in particular because I have used them
before in my past productions and they work well together being friends allows
for ease when filming, I will not have to worry about the cost of actors as both
actors are doing me a favour and happy to do it for free. In order to film the
production I do not need to hire crew members as I will be doing most of the
filming myself with the help of Abbey Fletcher and Courtney Wilsnagh for the
camera set up something I also do not need to worry about the cost of as we are
all happy to help each other with each of our productions.

Grace Crowley

My budget total is 220 pounds, as I have mentioned I will not have to pay
anything for the cost of cast and crew, the equipment I am using will either be
my own or hired from the college which fortunately is also free. The things that
are going to cost is travel, as I have said I will be using a number of different
locations and this will require moving from each location whether that be by car,
train or bus I have allowed 200 pounds for this taking into consideration each of
the cast and crew. I will also have to pay for the smoke flares which are fairly
cheap singularly but I will be completing test runs to ensure that they work and
burn for long enough before starting filming so I have put aside 20 for this cost.

Grace Crowley

My Production Schedule:

Week 1


Date :
Week 2







Grace Crowley

Week 3


Week 4
Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


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