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Standard Addressed


Standard 1: Know Students

and how they learn.

This grid shows a working knowledge of the different ways students

learn. This artefact meets this focus as its underpinned by current
relevant educational research on the way students learn. The
1.2.1 - Demonstrate
planning for this task was inspired by the ideas of Gardeners
knowledge and
Multiple Intelligences and Blooms taxonomy (McGrath & Noble,
understanding of research
2005). I used this research to guide my teaching strategies for this
into how students learn and activity. The implications of this research is that students learn in
the implications for
different ways and this can be seen in this activity I have designed.
I created this activity for a stage two class for NAIDOC day and used
it to differentiate the learning for the children in my class. I allowed
the students the opportunity to choose the level of activity they
completed with different targets given to the students based on their
ability levels. This encouraged the students to take responsibility for
their learning, which created a sense of ownership within the
students. Students self-efficacy also increased as all students were
able to feel challenged and achieve success in this activity. These
factors helped to foster the students intrinsic motivation which is an
integral part of increasing cognitive engagement and higher
levels of achievement (Nagel, 2013, pp. 135).

Standard 2: Know the

This activity demonstrates multiple content strands and learning
content and how to teach it. areas integrated into the theme of Indigenous Australians. This
artefact meets this focus as it was designed to use ICT in a
2.6.1 - Implement teaching
thoughtful, quality and engaging manner. The ICT activities were
strategies for using ICT to
chosen as tasks designed to expand on previous learning areas of
expand curriculum learning the students. These open-ended tasks allowed students to build
opportunities for students. upon previously known skills and expand these skills with guiding
This activity was designed for a class that had access to classroom
computers and the internet. Correct procedures for using the ICT
were already established when I joined the room. As a teaching
strategy I re-affirmed these procedures and expectations during my
time with the class before any ICT use. The students learnt how to
use the equipment in previous lessons. This lesson allowed the
children to show independent use of the ICT with guidance of topics
and assistance from a parent helper and teacher. Use of e-learning
in the classroom is shown to increase student motivation,
engagement and performance (Intel, 2012). The students during this
activity demonstrated a high level of intrinsic motivation and
engagement. Performance was also of a high level with students
staying on task and showing keen research skills.

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