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Eva Creasey
2A Honors English 10
January 6, 2015
Rave parties are okay so long as you dont take Ecstasy. But as soon
as you start, you think people who advise you to stop are idiots. You start to
believe you have found something great and others must not try to tell you
the contrary. When you start liking Ecstasy, its too late, youre sunk Pat.
They say its the imaginary love pill with the mask off this is one of many
lies that are spread about the drug (What Does Ecstasy Do?). Although
ecstasy is a drug that causes multiple problems, long term and short term,
and many people dont realize how dangerous it is, there are solutions to fix
the growing problem.
Ecstasy is a club drug; most popular with teens, usually found at bars,
clubs, and raves (John Wiley & Sons 2014). Its popular because of its
inexpensive cost and it makes a high within a person. Ecstasy tablets are
supposedly made up of the primary ingredient
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), but as the ingredients required
to make synthetic drugs are becoming more difficult to obtain, the
formulation of pills marketed as ecstasy can vary greatly. Some signs and
symptoms after using ecstasy are dilated pupils, sweating, nausea,
confusion, teeth grinding, and hallucinations, which are the short-term

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effects. Some long-term effects or consequences of using ecstasy include

chronic sleep problems, anxiety, severe depression, and even death. There is
a greater risk of physical and psychological harm as a result of taking
ecstasy for those with the following conditions: heart disease, diabetes,
epilepsy, liver problems, hypertension, panic attacks or a history of mental
illness ("Ecstasy Facts").
Ecstasy is a drug used among teens and young adults and is growing in
popularity. Using the drug comes along with dangerous short and long term
effects which is one of the reasons its a problem in the world today.
Substances have no medicinal use in the United States, and have a high
potential for abuse (Ecstasy Health Issues). If the problem of ecstasy is
not addressed, people who become involved may get addicted and is a very
dangerous thing. Something should be done and there are solutions to this
spreading problem.
Notably the government has been involved in some cases having to do
with Ecstasy. But, if the government could take more action, then the
problem of ecstasy could fizzle out and maybe even go away. "Congress
passed the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act in July 2012, which
controlled 26 compounds by name. But there are hundreds of compounds,
and every time the government makes one illegal, chemists alter the formula
slightly to make it a substance that is no longer controlled. But it's difficult
for law enforcement to keep track of all the chemicals (Griffin). In other
words, people are experimenting and altering other chemicals that are not

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illegal. Unfortunately, there are some advantages and disadvantages for

government involvement. If the government takes more action, then the
spread of the drug could lessen. But, people could also act out badly and
more different forms of the drug could be made.
Secondly, another possible solution is to make more awareness within
everyone. Without more awareness, the drug will just keep becoming more
popular. The fastest emerging drug problem in the United States is the
synthetic drug market, which now includes Molly. The chemicals in Molly
have been found in nearly every state in the U.S. making it a growing
problem (Griffin). Just a little bit at a time to make more awareness, for
example, posters, organizations, and maybe even someone who has had a
bad experience with ecstasy to share their story and how effecting it is.
Along with this solution, there are also advantages and disadvantages. One
advantage would be that people will know how awful the use of the drug is.
One disadvantage would, once again, be the growing popularity of ecstasy.
Finally, the third solution to solve the ecstasy problem is better
treatment. It seems that nowadays people arent as aware of the problem so
they dont worry about the treatment of people with an addiction. People 25
years or younger make up 80 percent of ecstasy related hospital emergency
department visits (John Wiley & Sons). Treatment is highly uncommon
because people who have an addiction dont usually seek help. An
advantage to better treatment would be less people would become addicted
and would be less likely of death. Also more awareness could be involved

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too. Fortunately, there arent any disadvantages to better treatment; all it

will do is help.
Given these points, ecstasy is a problem that can be easily solved with
solutions easy to put effort into. The most popular club drug comes with
drastic and dangerous side effects and it should be put to a stop. It can
cause death and is bad news in terms of long and short term consequences.
If the government were able to be involved more, there was more
awareness, and if there was better treatment, than the use of the drug could
lessen. No one should have to deal with the tragedies that Ecstasy has on a
person. All in all, ecstasy is a world problem and something can be done.

Works Cited
"Ecstasy Facts." Drugs Campaign. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2014.
"Ecstasy Health Issues." Ecstasy Health Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2015.
Griffin., Drew. "9 Things Everyone Should Know about the Drug Molly." CNN. Cable News
Network, 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. <>.
Lane, Stephanie. Ecstasy. Detroit, MI: Lucent /Thomson Gale, 2006. Print.
PART FIVE: Health Issues Throughout Life - Adolescent Health. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons,
Inc, 2004. ProQuest. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.

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"What Does Ecstasy Do? Get The Facts About MDMA - Drug-Free World." What Does Ecstasy
Do? N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2015.

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