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Technology Integration

How does technology integration support students with access to

21st Century skills?

Juwan Byrd
May 1st ,2015
Senior Seminar
Ms. Hill
Technology has made a great impact on society especially for students. Technology
integration supports students with access to 21st century skills. First, using technology
comprehensively to develop proficiency in 21st century skills. Second, use technology
comprehensively to support innovative teaching and learning. Then, facts about computer
literacy and how useful it is in the 21st century. Next, use technology comprehensively to create
robust education support systems. Finally, using multimedia. Using these skills in school helps
students prepare for the future.What is Technology? It is stated by that
Technology is a broad concept that refers to use and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how

these tools and crafts affect our ability to control and adapt to the
Technology has transformed over the decades. Technology was made for a certain
purpose. Technology is something that has helped humans for decades and still continues to
evolve and help.Just like many other things in the world technology has a purpose of why it was
created. According Chuck Piazza he stated Technology has a purpose which is to aid in
sustaining life, humanizing the world, and empowering people to reach their fullest potential as
individuals and collectives (2014,pg.1). However, the 3 ways that were mentioned before are
what we use in our daily lives while using technologies. The author proclaimed that The 21st
Century is a sociotechnological world where machines are integral, essential aspect of the human
environment(Piazza,2014,pg.1). Technology is explained to be a applied intelligence that goes
against capabilities that humans have and makes the human condition better. How we think is
beginning to change as well. From due time Technology has changed over the centuries.
According to the author The current Knowledge Revolution is driven by a new set of computer
tools that empower peoples minds rather than their bodies (Collin and Halverson, 2009,pg.10).
However, John Seely Brown argues that with a different opinion on the subject. The new tools
that we are using are reshaping the nature of work. Collin and Halverson explain that
Enthusiasts like Brown argue that competent adults will need to master computer tools to
accomplish their tasks in the future (2009,pg.10); However, most of the knowledge from a
human being has made a way to the internet. The author stated that People will need to develop
skills to find the information they are looking for, to evaluate its usefulness and quality and to
synthesize the information they glean from the different sources they locate(Collins and
Halverson,2009,pg.10).Therefore, these skills are needed for everyone to cooperate and learn.

Technology Integration is the use of technology tools general content areas in education
in order to allow students to apply compute and technology skills to learning and problem
solving. Seymour Papert, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who became the
first person to ever recognize the potential of technology. He recognized the potential of
technology fundamentally when it came to the learning enterprise. It was designed for students
who did not yet have proficient mathematical comprehension skills. From reading the article the
author stated that With minimal instruction, they were able to write -- and debug -- programs
that controlled the movements of a turtle robot (Boss,2011,pg.1). Additionally, they began to
have a better understanding on geometric concepts also with other programming. Since Paperts
work has been created, there has been many different tools that have begun to be available. Also,
when it came to learning it increasingly became more powerful. Then again theres been some
barriers of technology that has been steadily diminished.
According to the author 21st century skills is explain as a broad set of knowledge, skills,
work habits, and character traits that are believedby educators, school reformers, college
professors, employers, and othersto be critically important to success in todays world,
particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces (Education
According to, 21st Century Skills is generally used to refer to certain core
competencies such as: collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that
advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world
(Edweek,2010,pg.1). However, a different website that explain the importance about the 4cs and
says differently that the 4cs are critical thinking and problem solving, communication,
collaboration, and creativity and innovation. NEA stated that critical thinking and problem

solving is defined the following: Use various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as
appropriate to the situation(NEA,n.d.,pg.8),Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each
other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems (NEA,n.d.,pg.8). The similarity between
critical thinking and education is evident. No one cannot learn well without being able to think
well. According to the article the author stated that Critical thinking contributes to career
success, but also to success in higher education(NEA,n.d.,pg.8). Therefore, critical thinking
being taught to students is essential for them. The author also proclaimed that Learning critical
thinking leads students to develop other skills, such as a higher level of concentration, deeper
analytical abilities, and improved thought processing(NEA,n.d.,pg.8). Additionally, citizens
have to be critical thinkers in order to succeed in todays society. Ways to integrate critical
thinking into your classroom can be made according to NEA, it is stated that P21 forged
alliances with key national organizations that represent the core academic subjects, including
social studies, English, science, geography, world languages, mathematics, and the arts
(NEA,n.d.,pg.9). Additionally, those examples can be integrated in classrooms with teaching and
Students must be able to analyze the amount of overwhelming communication in their
lives that they live. NEA claims that communication can be defined as the following:
First,Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication
skills in a variety of forms and contexts second, Listen effectively to decipher meaning,
including knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions, next, Use communication for a range of
purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade)Then,Use multiple media and
technologies, and know how to assess impact and their effectiveness a priori , and finally
Communicate effectively in diverse environments (including multilingual and multicultural) A

communication rubric, created by the Amphitheater School District, can be

The website states that While education has emphasized fluent reading, correct speech,
and clear writing, there is evidence that students are not mastering these most basic skills
(NEA,n.d.,pg.13); However, students need help grasping these skills so they can use them in the
real world. There are statistics that shows that High school graduates tend to fall under the
category that copes with this issue of not being able to grasp the skills of fluent reading, talking
correctly, and having understandable penmanship 72% of employers are the cause of this
groups inadequacy in writing in English, and 81% are also the cause for their deficiency in
written communications. As technology evolved to the global work team which exspan things
such as the following: time zones, nations, and cultures.However, it is important for
communication be clear for graduates and effectively in many variety of different languages. In
the article it is stated that Communication skills are especially critical in the expanding service
economyestimated to be 81 percent of jobs by 2014where relationships with customers and
fellow employees are of vital importance (NEA,n.d.,pg.13).However, different communication
skills such as: effective listening, empathy, and effective communication skills are very important
for everyone who is in the service economy. Ways to integrate communication in classrooms are
the same as for critical thinking and problem solving. In the article it is stated that P21 forged
alliances with key national organizations that represent the core academic subjects, including
social studies, English,science, geography, world languages, mathematics, and the arts
However, these example will help students develop better skills after high school.
Collaboration skills have been accepted to be essential to achieve major results.
According to the source collaboration is defined as the following: first, Demonstrate ability to

work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams second,Exercise flexibility and
willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goaland
finally ,Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual
contributions made by each team member(NEA,n.d.,pg.20). NEA states that In the past
decade, however, it has become increasingly clear that collaboration is not only important but
necessary for students and employees, due to globalization and the rise of
technology(NEA,n.d.,pg.19). However, a good example of collaboration is the Global Learning
and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program. This program is a worldwide,
hands-on, primary and secondary school-based program on science and education. This
collaboration was to help impact global problems that students, teachers, and many more have
been supported and are being promoted by GLOBEs vision. It is also to be collaborated on
inquiry-based investigations about things that are happening in the environment. In addition, the
Earth System with programs such as: NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
(NOAA) and the National Science Foundation which is (NSF). NEA stated that Over 1.5
million students have participated in GLOBE, contributing more than 21 million measurements
to the GLOBE database for use in their inquiry-based science projects(NEA,n.d.,pg.19).
However, many scholars and authors have shown the importance of collaborations.
Creativity in todays world, has global competition and task automation. Creativity has
been defined as the following: use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as
brainstorming),create new and worthwhile ideas (both incremental and radical
concepts),elaborate, refine, analyze, and evaluate original ideas to improve and maximize
creative efforts. Good design is increasingly used as a means of differentiating different objects
of a mass production. Creative design skill also in labor force is in highly favor. Creativity can

help build new for the economy. The author stated Similarly, author Richard Florida stated, I
call the age we are entering the creative age because the key factor propelling us forward is the
rise of creativity as the primary mover of our economy(NEA,n.d.,pg.24). However, creativity
being something novel it will branch out something for society. From reading a article the author
proclaimed that there is statistics that shows In one middle school, for example, standardized
math scores increased by five percent for sixth graders, 42 percent for seventh graders and 24
percent for eighth graders (p21,n.d.,pg.8). The author received this statistic from middle
schooler using laptops in school the students math scores went up from the students developing
skills from using the laptops in their classroom while doing their work.
There are many pros and cons about technology being used in classrooms. Some of the
pros are that it promotes independent learning for the students. Students learn already from
teaching themselves. According to the article the author stated that They are just going to surf
the internet in order to look for the lessons they need to study. Quick accessibility and wellequipped with the skills and knowledge in operating a computer would be very helpful for the
students(Occupy Theory,2014,pg.1). Showing that, students are becoming more proficient with
the technology. Easiness in Studies and Answering for their Homework: Technology has made it
easier for students so they do not have to bring books to class. Things would be easier for them
to access by searching everything in a search engine.The author stated The time since through
the use of some of their technological gadgets they can already access to the internet and surf
what they are looking for. All the answers for their homework can already be answered as soon
as you surf the internet(Occupy Theory, 2014, pg.1) Therefore, students will eventually never
need books and can always use technological gadgets. Promoting a exciting way to educate
students:There are many different types of media on computers for students to look at. The

author proclaimed that This is very important in order to arouse their interest in
studying(Occupy Theory,2014,pg.1); Therefore, the students will always be interested because
there is something that is getting their attention.
The cons about the technology being in the classrooms are that there is laziness in
studying,Students are not trying to work hard when it comes to their work. According to the
article it is stated This is not good since there are some claims that computers are not reliable
for the students to be learned. They are not anymore reading books and answering their
homework since there are already specific answers in the computer(Occupy
Theory,2014,pg.1).However, the author is explaining that now students are actually working hard
and do their work the computer is doing it for them. Forgetting the Basic Way of Studying:
Problems with technology integration is believed that since there are anymore books then
students will always rely on technology instead of doing the hard work of studying. The answers
are already there for you on a computer. The author stated that Even simple problems and
homework that they need to answer, they are more of seeking the assistance of computers
already(Occupy Theory,2014,pg.1).
When it comes to 21st century education systems dealing with technology. Technology
must be used in a comprehensive way only to support the students so they can have a better
understanding of technology and how it is used. Students can begin to master the full range of
information that they need to learn about. Students must be able to have ample opportunities.
Having ample opportunities to be able to use modern technology. According to the article the it is
stated that Technology can be a means to access content on any topic, a tool for thinking and
creating a connection to peers and experts, and a window into other cultures (p21,n.d.,pg.6).
However, things like multimedia content can make the curriculum more interesting. Therefore, it

allows the teachers and students to be more interested in the technology. For example students
who attended the Oracle Education Foundation sponsored by the ThinkQuest International
Competition. The students did an online competition that is a collaborating learning contest.
Multinational teams of students create websites that are educational on the topics the students
choose. The topics had to be from the categories like the following: Science and Technology,
Health and Safety, Arts and Entertainment, and Mathematics.
Technology is something that has to be used in a comprehensive and purposefully way in
order for students to understand and support their learning skills with innovative teaching and
learning practices. According to the article the author proclaims that Mastering content
knowledge takes more than rote memorization or drills. Students need to understand the essential
underpinnings of mathematics, science, history and literature, for example, to be prepared for
higher-level courses and complex subject matter (p21,n.d.,pg.9). However, some students come
to school without that knowledge and need help with it.
According to the author These approaches to teaching and learning are well grounded to
respected research and best practices about how people learn (p21,n.d.,pg.10). Therefore, these
skills are very useful for students and any easier way for them to comprehend. In order for
students to cope 21st Century Skill learning environments need to be created by the education
system. When creating this it can benefit the students and the educators. they begin to create a
culture of Knowledge-Sharing , which gives them an opportunity to challenge themselves to
recognize and solve problems, a chance to learn and grow, and finally, be rewarded for original
solutions they created. The author states Technology can be a compelling hook that engages
and motivates students to succeed as well (p21,n.d.,pg.10). However, because of the
technology being able to make students find interest in it they begin to get use to the tools and

become proficient at using technology. Students will gain interest and use technology as a tool
for learning, communicating, sharing, creating ideas, and , most of all for school work.
According to the author to the author 50 percent of students with online access say they use
social networking services, such as Facebook and Myspace, to talk specifically about
schoolwork(p21,n.d.,pg.10) Therefore, students can find interest and use social networks and
use it for good things and use things that they are use to.
To elaborate on that information, computer literacy is something else needed in order to
function in todays world. Computer literacy is defined as basic, non-technical knowledge about
computers and how to use them;familiarity and experience with computers, software, and
computer systems (,2015,pg.1). This definition gives an exact meaning of
computer literacy and gives examples. To be able to work in todays world, and being able to
understand how computers work in just a basic skill. The skills include manipulating a mouse,
being able to format and print out a document, being able to search on the web, and playing any
audio or video on a computer.
In 21st century education system technology is something that must robust education
systems. The reasoning for robusting them is because of standards and assessments and etc.
Educators has to be able to master 21st Century skills in order to be most effective in their
careers including staff members. Educators are provided by technology with instant, on demand
access to different sources they are able to use to transform and provide education to students. By
using technology, things such as the following states and school districts, are able to update their
standards more often. Therefore, this reflects the changing in demands. Assessments can be
created with a important key element which is technology. From the educators being able to cope
skills makes it easy for them to teach and pass it on to students. According to the author

Technology can support administration in providing instructional leadership, managing learning

environments and professional learning communities, and making decisions that support
proficiency in 21st century skills (p21,n.d.,pg.13). Therefore, the skills have to be coped by the
educators also so it can be taught so students can understand and be able to use them for school
work and other different subjects or situations.
There are technologies which are new and that have opened up many different avenues
that made communication beyond what it has become now. In todays world it is possible to
communicate with different things such as the following: sound,video,text,animation, and
photos. To be able to literate with this complex stage requires for capability in manipulating the
different multimedia elements. Elaborating on that, according to a different source the author
proclaims that Enthusiasts not a contemporary transition of similar magnitude with the
blossoming of new communication technologies: Video, computers, the internet, video
conferencing, and so forth (Collins and Halverson,2009,pg.24). Additionally all of these
different things are beginning to merge into one big network. People are beginning to turn
technology into technologies of different creation. The different types of media in today's world
can amplify the learning skills, dealing with different type of learning styles and capability of
students and using appropriate media that can be learned.
In conclusion, when students incorporate technology into their studies they gain better
21st century skills. First, by using technology comprehensively to develop proficiency in 21st
century skills. Secondly, using technology comprehensively to support innovative teaching and
learning. Then, computer literacy and how useful it is. Next, using technology comprehensively
to create robust education support systems. Finally, using multimedia and learning about

different types of multimedia used in todays world. Ultimately, using technology to its full
potential can result in a positive expansion for everyone in the 21st century.
Annotated Bibliography
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education. (2014, May 26).
Retrieved March 13, 2015, from
I used this website because it was use for to get the pros and cons of what can happen
while having computers in classrooms. Some different schools do not approve of it because of
the websites and social networks that kids get on that may be harmful to the learning
Collins, A., & Halverson, R. (2009). Rethinking education in the age of
technology: The digital revolution and schooling in America. New York, NY: Teachers
College Press.
This book was helpful because it had a lot of information on my topic and dealing
with technology integration. I got this book from my mentor.
Lewis, G. (2009). Bringing technology into the classroom. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
This book was helpful because it had information on my keypoints and gave good facts.

Maximizing the Impact The pivotal role of technology in a 21st century education
system. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from
Reason for using this website was because it had my main key points on here. This
website was very useful because it gave a lot of information and some statistics about students

using computers and the different things they learned and were able to do by using technology in
Piazza, C. (2014, May 3). Technologys Ultimate Purpose: An Altruistic
Approach. Retrieved from
I used this website because it was giving me a background on 21st century skills and on
technology but mainly the purpose of it.
Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17,
2015, from
This website gave me information on the 4Cs of technology. This website was very useful
because it gave me the definitions of each key and how it is used.
Technology Integration: A Short History. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2015, from
This website was to get a background history on how technology integration started. It
was useful because it gave me plenty of facts on the topic and gave me history on how it started
and how it evolved.
What is technology? - eXtension. (2011, May 16). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
This website was mainly to get the definition of technology in a better defined meaning.
It was useful because it gave a lot of information on technologies meaning.
21st Century Skills Definition. (2013, May 15). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from
This website was mainly for the definition of 21st century skills.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from literacy
This website was to get the definition of computer literacy it was helpful because it gave
a simple definition.

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