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Contents page

Types of research
Methods of research
Primary research
Secondary research
Data gathering agencies
Purpose of research
Audience research
Market research
Production research

Types of research

Quantitative research is research that will obtain a high quantity of results

but they wont give much information. The dictionary definition of
quantitative research is Quantitative research is a more logical and dataled approach which provides a measure of what people think from a
statistical and numerical point of view. Questions that will receive a yes
or no answer or that are designed to give a multiple choice answers are
most commonly used in a questionnaire that will want to get quantitative
answers. An example of Quantitative data in regards to the music industry
is the hits that a music video has on YouTube.
This is an example of quantitative data as it is
numerical data which is factual and cant be
changed and is useful as it helps to determine
the success of a music video and helps the artist
see what is successful so they can do it again in the future and hopefully
become more successful in the music industry.
Qualitative research is research that will obtain the dictionary definition
of qualitative research is Qualitative Research is primarily
exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying
reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or
helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research.
An example of Qualitative research within the music industry is a review
of a music video or single.
In this particular example the reviewer is reviewing Taylor Swifts Blank
space music video. This is an example of qualitative research as it gives a
detailed analysis of a music video. It also has the reviewers opinions
voiced throughout so it is once again a good example of qualitative
research that is within the music industry. There are multiple reviews on
each music video all over the internet which have been written by both
professional reviewers and the general public who want their opinions on
the music video to be heard.

Methods of research
Primary research
A definition of primary research is Primary research is any type
of research that you go out and collect yourself. Examples include
surveys, interviews, observations, and ethnographic research. A prime
example of primary research that is done within the music industry in
surveys that a record label will make for the general public to complete so
they can market their artists around the results that they find.

Secondary Research
A definition of secondary research is Secondary research is based on the
findings from other people's research. It involves the gathering of the
results of other's research from books, reports or the Internet. In regards
to using secondary research as the chosen method of research with music
videos the researcher would simply just have to look in books, at others
peoples previous research and the internet to gather the information they
need. They couldnt however just take the research directly and use it as
their own, they would have to gather little bits of information from each
source, referencing as they went along to avoid breaking any copyright
laws, and combine it all together to get their own research.

Data gathering agencies

A definition of what data gathering agencies do is The roles of data
gathering agencies are responsible in collecting and maintaining
company-specific data and operating data entry devices. Data gathering
agencies are very useful for people in the music industry as they are used
to help collect data on artists that are similar to the one they are
marketing and help them figure out the most effective way to get the
most sales. They gather the data by doing both primary and secondary
research and collecting all the research together and putting it together
for the music label. RAJAR, which stands for Radio Joint Audience
Research, are a company who are a great example of a data gathering
agency. They are the official body that are in charge of measuring the
radio audience in the UK for the approximate 310 radio stations that there
are. They are a good company for music producers and music labels as
they can show them which radio stations have the most listeners so that
the music labels can try and get their artists music played on that station
to gain a larger audience of fans.


The dictionary definition of self-generated is made without the aid of an

external agent; produced spontaneously. So self-generated research will
be research that is done by a personal who isnt an expert in the music
field. This is useful within the music industry as it helps get the views and
opinions from other people who arent in the professional side of the
music industry but they do have a bit of knowledge about the subject that
is being researched.

Purpose of research
Audience research
Audience research is research that includes audience profiling,
demographics, geodemographics, consumer behaviour and attitudes,
audience data and audience awareness. It is a key bit of research for a
music label to do as it helps them determine their target audience in order
for them to gain the most profit from the artist. Audience research also
helps the music label understand how and where to promote their artist as
they will know the viewing habits and what they do as a whole audience
Market research
Market research is research that includes product research, competitor
analysis, advertising placement and advertising effects. Market research is
a key component of research for artists and their music label in the music
industry as it helps them find the most effective way of gaining the most
for their artist in terms of fans and sales.
Production research
Production research is also about the production costs for any production
being made. This is very useful within the music industry as it helps them
budget effectively by researching the cost of the locations, actors,
equipment and every other little detail and thing needed in order to
successfully make the music video. For example, if a music video is
wanting to be shot in the Maldives production research will enable you to
find out the cost of filming at the location and costs to get the cast, crew
and equipment over. Production research also includes researching all the
facts about the locations, cast, crew and equipment being used which
enables the music label to fully decide if they have made the right

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Primary research
Secondary research
Data gathering agencies
Audience research
Markey research
Production research

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