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Jonathan Propst

P. 5
Energy Essay
Solar Energy
Humans use energy almost everyday. We use it to power our devices,
provide light, use it for air conditioning and so much more that we dont even
realize. There are many types of efficient energy sources out there, such as wind
or water, but one source seems to stand out. This source is used a lot here in
Arizona, and it is very environmentally friendly and cost effective. This source is
solar energy. Like every source of energy there is advantages as well as
disadvantages. Solar power has been started to be used much recently,
prompting me to find out why. Is solar energy the most economical source of
The sun has produced energy for billions of years. Solar energy is the
sun's rays (solar radiation) that reach the earth. This energy can be converted
into heat and electricity.(Solar,n.d.) Solar energy is a very simple idea. It
harnesses the suns rays and converts it to power. Since we already have
sunlight it provides a eco-friendly and simple way to supply power. The rays are
captured by solar panels and stored in, almost as a battery would store energy.
That sunlight is exerted whenever we turn on the light, plug in our phones or
anything that needs electricity. Solar panels are often found on the roofs of

homes and in some areas they have solar plants, where thousands of them are
lined across the ground to harness as much as possible and distribute it to
nearby locations.
Solar energy isn't all perfect. The panels that are found on roofs or in
plants can often contain hazardous materials. The PV cell manufacturing
process includes a number of hazardous materials, most of which are used to
clean and purify the semiconductor surface. These chemicals, simili to those
used in the general semiconductor industry, include cloridrico acid, sulfuric acid,
nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and acetone.(Union of
Concerned,n.d.) While these are meant to clean, they can put of toxins into the
air causing pollution.
Another downside to solar energy is that the plants can often take up
valuable ground space. Depending on their location, grande utility-scale solar
facilities can raise concerns about land degradation and habitat loss. Total land
area requirements varies depending on the technology, the topography of the
site, and the intensity of the solar resource. (Union of Concerned
Scientists,n.d.) Depending on the location, panels can take up space that could
have been used for farming or animal habitat. With wind power, animals can still
inhabit the area, but with solar, the ground space is all taken up. These small
cons obviously arent good, but the advantages to solar energy great outweigh
the few negatives like these.

There are so many pluses to solar energy that you cant get with regular
electricity. First off is the effect it has on the environment, fossil fuels often put
out pollutants into the sky and destroy our environment, solar energy just takes
energy from the sun and does no harm. If you have solar energy you also are
immune to power outages because the solar panels have a battery like system
that stores the suns energy. Solar lights work even during cloudy days. During
daylight, even when overcast, the solar panels solar generators charge long-life
batteries, which store the energy until needed, up to 5 days for solar
systems.(Category,n.d.) This means that your electricity will still work on cloudy
days and at night, the internal battery stores enough energy to last almost a
whole month of darkness! Solar energy is also the most found form of energy; it
only takes one hour of sun fall to power the entire world for a year!
Another positive to solar energy is that it is renewable because the
sunlight is never going to go away, it is not wasteful and it will never be in danger
of running out. Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is
a relatively new idea. (Solar Energy,n.d.) Solar energy is a fantastic idea that
has just recently started to be found often. Solar energy is also one of safest
forms of energy in the world as they contain very few hazardous materials and
there is never any damage of explosion or fire caused by the panels. Solar
energy is also very efficient in that they last for around 30 years and rarely ever
acquire maintenance. Solar panels, once installed are almost free, as they never
acquire alterations or fixes to them.

One huge advantage to solar energy is the fact that is very helpful in the
pricing are. Solar energy actually will reduce your monthly payments and dont
cost much to install, meaning the are a great investment. Installing a home solar
systems dramatically will significantly lower your electric bills. Many homeowners
save 50% on their electric bills some even completely eliminate their electric
bill. (Benefits of Solar,n.d.) While reducing prices so heavily it is obviously very
cost effective, it also eliminates the possibility of having to deal with rising energy
costs. Electricity costs have climbed more than 21% during the past five years
Solar power locks in your electrical costs and protects you from escalating utility
costs. (Benefits of Solar,n.d.) With this stability cushion you are safe from
increasing prices and financial issues that may go along with it. Overall, after a
couple years you will easily make your money back and increase the value of
your home. In Bakersfield, CA, you can install a 5.75 kW system at a net cost of
$20,670 after rebates. Your payback period would be just 5-6 years and a
compound annual growth rate of 9%. And depending on the weather conditions
during the month, you could save up to 78% off your electric bill. (Benefits of
Solar,n.d.) With this example it is easy to see that it is a profitable investment
and should be one that you look into.
Solar energy is such a great thing for the people who own it and,unlike
many other sources, good for the environment. Solar is just better than many
forms we use today due to limitations and many other reasons. While a majority
of the current electricity supply is generated from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and
natural gas, traditional energy sources face a number of issues including rising

prices, security concerns over dependence on imports from a limited number of

countries Solar power generation has emerged as one of the most rapidly
growing renewable sources of electricity. Solar power generation has several
vantaggi over other forms of electricity generation (Why Solar Energy?,n.d.)
Fossil fuels used to be used for the majority of power but now renewable sources
are emerging, especially solar energy.
Renewable sources are becoming better than fossil fuels by the minute,
but solar has advantages over all. First of all is its environmental advantages,
there are little to no environmental risks with solar energy and compared to
others, the best in this category. Solar energy can also be used in any location.
The only requirement is that there needs to be light, which there is all across the
earth. Solar energy is also good because it is reliable, almost never has
malfunctions, and require little to no maintenance. Finally, solar energy also
comes with government incentives. Having solar energy actually gives you
money back in yearly taxes, helping the investment. Once your panels are payed
off, you can be making straight profit on your source of energy.
Solar energy has its negatives, but the positives far outweigh them. Other
sources of energy are excellent and make sense in some areas. California gets a
lot of wind, so wind power makes sense to be used there. The Hoover Dam uses
water to get power, the water is there anyway, they may as well take advantage
of it. Solar energy can be used anywhere though, everywhere has sunlight so it
just makes sense for people to make the switch to solar power. It is good for the

environment, aside from a few possible hazardous materials, it does not pollute
nearly as much as fossil fuels would. Solar energy is also very cost effective,
ultimately saving you much more money. Overall solar energy is a great
investment and is the best energy source.

Works Cited
(n.d.). Union of concerned scientists. Retrieved from
Bag, B. P. (n.d.). The advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.
Retrieved from
Category. (n.d.). Solar energy facts.Solar Lighting. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Seia. SEIA. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Department of Energy. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Solar Energy and renewable energy education.Solar Energy International.
Retrieved from
(n.d.). Solar. EIA Energy Kids. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Solar energy | solar energy.Solar Energy. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Solar power-advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved from
Gromicko, N. (n.d.). Advantages of solar energy. InterNACHI. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Benefits of solar panels - save money on your electric bill. Retrieved from
Sector, B. (n.d.). Solar energy. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Solar energy. Retrieved from
(n.d.). Energy resources: solar power. Retrieved from

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