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Gender Equity Policy

Meeting with Ryan Vernosh, 10/31/2014

Student, driven
Students have felt the marginalization
Gone through 10 or so drafts.
Met earlier this month (the BOE, the policy team, and OFE). Once a month
meetings, and as needed, more as it leads up to the January reading.
Meetings are usually to go oer the policy draft, review any new information thats
coming up and a time to touch base with board members about it. the Board Drs.
Anne Carrroll, Broderick and Doran.
Only 3 people can be on this or it would have to be an open meeting.
The next one, is tentatively
December 4 in the morning, the state High School league will take action on a
Transgender Student Athlete Policy
week of December 8 in the morning

History: Fall of 2013

STudent identified as transgender. Identified as a female and wanted to play on the
female basketball team, the Athletic Director Association's practice has been unless
a person has gone through a sex change medically, they could participate. That's
what raised thi iue upt o the forefront foor the board.
Working on a policy to provide clarification to follow suit.
Poicy prposal was put together It wasn't good, still relying ont heir old practices.
They had since started makng more progressive revisions.
MN High school league have backtracked and succumed to pressure from
From Oct. 1 to Oct. 2 the HS league reised the policy into a single pag edocment
Table the meeting until December 4 and will make task force recommendadtions.
Largest percentage of homeless students are LGBTQ students, because they are
outed. Some kids are outed by the school. They are not out at home sometimes
but they are at school.

We are going to honor students' rights.

The policy would apply for all students.
Changing CAMPUS will have an age cut off , there's been talk about age of 13 years
Dispelling the myths of people who are biologically male paticipating in female
sports, there will be a mad rush of boys wanting to play on girls' teams and cause
Tenet #4 (facilities) is where the most resistance is.
Ryan is on the Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee to try and plan gender
neutral facilities.
We want to do the best for youth's rights, but the community is not ready for #4 , so
they will try to pass the most important tenets while comproemoisng some of the
other goals.
Study out of Canada.
Always been interested in the intersection between policy and practice.
tried to take the approach to big that gap.
MN Teacher of the year in 2010. This opened a lot of doors to get more involved.
2 years ago he worked with Secretary Duncan about federal policy and seeing how
that trickles down to state and local. Main work that he did was PreK for All
between the WHite House and the Dept. of Ed. the Waiver Requirements and
Teacher Preparation.
2nd year of this role: Policy Strategic Planning and Interovernmental Affairs
Degree is undergrad in El E., K-12 ESL, no formal deggree in law or policy. High
school and college. High School in Green Bay.
Grew up in Green Bay, Hmong farmers in the community
UW Madison, changed to el. ed. because he noticed that all the kids were not
receiving an equitable treatment.

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