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(what you want the children to
come to understand as a result
of this lesson short, succinct







(a short, sharp task relating to the focus of


the lesson; sets the scene/ context for what

students do in the independent aspect. e.g.,
It may be a problem posed, spider diagram,
an open-ended question, game, or reading
a story)

(extended opportunity for students to work

in pairs, small groups or individually. Time
for teacher to probe childrens thinking or
work with a small group for part of the
time and to also conduct roving



- Enabling prompt


(to allow those experiencing difficulty to


engage in active experiences related to the

(focused teacher questions and summary to

initial goal task)

draw out the mathematics and assist

- Extending prompt

children to make links. NB. This may

(questions that extend students thinking

occur at particular points during a lesson.

on the initial task)

(should relate to objective. Includes what

the teacher will listen for, observe, note
or analyse; what evidence of learning
will be collected and what criteria will
be used to analyse the evidence)

Use of spotlight, strategy, gallery walk,


Session 1
Classifying a list of

Brainstorm words to do with

Give examples of events that

Group students on mat. Make

Extending prompt

Teacher to observe if

every day events

chance e.g. will happen,

will happen, might happen,

a class list of the events under

Extending students thinking

students are identifying

according to how likely

wont happen, might, wont

and wont happen.

each heading on a large chart.

by questioning if an event can

events with the appropriate

etc. (see key vocabulary) and

Ask students to work in pairs

For each section, ask students

be both might and will

chance of it happening.

put them into a probability

and write down 3 events using

to name 3 different ways of

definitely happen. Ask for

If there was a mistake, did

line from wont happen, least

3 different colours. In green,

explaining their prediction

justification of answer.

anyone notice it?

likely to happen, most likely

an event that will happen. In

(vocab work).

to happen, will happen.

orange, an event that might

Enabling prompt

Were students able to use a

Display in classroom.

happen. In red, an event that

Discussion if students dont

Relate to students day to day

variety of words from the

wont happen.

agree with the probability of

life. Questions such as

brainstorm list?

an event happening that

Will you go to the toilet

another student has written.

today? Yes. Will you fly

Discuss why that is? What

today? No.

they are to happen,

using the language of
chance, and explaining

should it be?

Mary Perkins 21/5/15 1:36 PM

Comment [1]: Four different teaching
strategies in one unit. Focusing on different
outcomes for the type of learning.

Session 2
To investigate the

Using probability line pose

Groups of 3-4.

Group discussion on wether

Extension prompt

Observation. Were students

probability of obtaining


Give each group 2 coins.

any groups predictions were

Try the same activity using a

using the appropriate

a head or tail when

What are the chances that it

Have students in each group

correct or not. How many out

standard dice. Was there a

(and/or varied) chance

will rain today? Will someone

toss a coin ten times and

of 10 did they predict

higher chance of being able to

vocabulary to describe their

have a vegemite sandwich for

record results of each flip (on


predict the correct number


lunch? Share predictions and

blank page).

Was it just lucky that they

rolled because there were

Were there justified

compare variation and

ask for explanations. If a

Add up how many heads/tails

were correct? Or were they

more options to land on?

explanations as to why there


student explains using one

each and compare group

able to predict it? If we

Enabling prompt

is always an equal chance of

word e.g. will happen, ask


flipped the coin 100 times

If needed, some students work

throwing a head or a tails?

how they could say it in a

Have students predict, based

would we have a better idea?

in pairs. Less chance for

Ask students to write any 3

different way e.g. certain.

on the results, what might

Prompt discussion on how it

confusion and more chance

things they now know about

happen in the next 10 flips.

is an EQUAL chance.

for questions and

chance. Collect.

coins are tossed.

Students learn to record

display results to

Finish questions on what are

Record prediction and result

explanations. Group higher

the chances of tossing a head

separately to first 10 flips.

student with lower.

or a tail on a coin.
Session 3
Investigating chance

Have 4 playing cards ready, a

I ten teddies in a bag. I have

Group students on mat. Ask

Extension prompt

Collect work samples. Were

when there is more than

Jack, Queen, King and Ace.

3 red ones, 4 yellow ones, 2

3-4 students to show their

Extend students with

students identifying that

two options

Write on board as J, Q, K, A.

blue ones, and 1 green Ask

sheet and how they

percentages and fractions.

once a teddy was taken out

Designate one corner of the

students to individually

documented the activity.

E.g. chance of getting red =

of the bag the chance of that

room to each suit. Before

predict what teddy will be


teddy being drawn had

picking a card, ask students to

drawn out of the bag and

On board, write the number of

Enabling prompt


predict what suit the card will

write it down. Explain that the

teddies in the bag. Question:

Dont hide teddies in the bag,

be and go to that corner.

teddy will be eliminated once

What is chance of getting a

but pick with eyes closed. So

What strategies were they

Record on the board by

drawn. They get 5 points if

red teddy? Green teddy? Etc.

students can see the chance.

using to predict what teddy

Students continue to
learn to record display
results to compare
variation and

crossing out cards as chosen.

correct, and lose 3 points if

Change amount of teddies e.g

Continue until there are no

they are incorrect. Provide

we now have 5 red and 5

Start with two teddies, one

cards left. As cards are

blank sheet to document all

green in the bag, how could

red one yellow.

Continue to observe

eliminated, ask what the

workings. Find highest and

we describe the chance of

Add one yellow teddy, then

language being used.

chance of drawing a certain

lowest score at the end of the

getting a red or green?

one red, one green etc.

card might be for the next


Equally as likely. If we had 3

Talk about chance of drawing

green and 7 red, green less

each colour after every

likely etc.



would be drawn next?

Session 4

Students brainstorm a list of

Recognizing the

possible people who could

Teacher labels a large dice

possibility of different

come to the classroom door

with three faces displaying an

Discussion on why or why not

Provide students with a cube

From tuning in task, are


today e.g. principal, a mother,

apple, two faces displaying a

students predictions were

stencil and allow them to

students identifying that

grandfather, student from

banana, and one face


create their own dice, and

every day activities involve

another class etc. As a class,

displaying an orange.

explain what the chances of


students discuss and rate

Students are asked to order

How could the class change

rolling what they have drawn

results to compare

people from least likely to

and record the fruits from

the dice to make it so the

on each side is.

variation and

knock to most likely to

least likely to most likely to

banana is most likely to be

students able to identify and


knock. During the day

be rolled.

rolled? How could we make it

describe possible outcomes

students record who comes to

After 6 rolls, students


the door, discuss findings at

the end.

Students continue to
learn to record display

Extending prompt

Anecdotal records are

Enabling prompt

and recognise variation in

compare the results with their

Begin with 2 or 3 of each fruit



so the chance is equal.

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