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1. (a) (Linear) sequence / order / arrangement / pattern of amino acids;


Description of H bond / attraction between dipoles e.g + and /

weak electrostatic bond
Between H and O;
In amine and carboxyl groups
Reference to the helix / secondary structure / - sheet/ strand ;
(Bond between) R groups in coiling / tertiary stucture / 3D shape


Max 3

Long chain / long strand / fibrils / reference to linear molecule

Repeating sequence of amino acids;
Many parallel strands lie side by side / eq;
Reference to a helix / (pleated) sheet;
Collagen has triple helix;

Max 3

2. Award marking points only in correct context


Consists of amino acids held together by peptide bonds (in either) ;

Insulin is globular and collagen is fibrous ;

Hydrogen bonds hold, secondary structure / (alpha) helix / beta strands, in shape
(in either) ;

R groups determine, tertiary / 3D, shape (in either) ;

Reference to named type of bonding in tertiary structure ;


Relatively small protein / 51 amino acids ;

Reference to, alpha helix / beta sheet ;

Two polypeptide chains / A chain and B chain ;

Reference to disulphide bonds ;


Reference to binding site for cell membrane receptor ;


Relatively large protein / over 1000 amino acids ;


3 polypeptide chains / triple helix ; [ignore alpha here]


Hydrogen bonds between chains ;


Regular amino acid sequence / repeating sequence ;


Molecules form (micro)fibres / cross-linking between molecules ;


3. amino acids / polypeptides / peptides ;

peptide ; [not dipeptide] [accept peptide / hydrogen / disulphide / ionic if peptide or
polypeptides given above]

condensation / polymerisation ;
() helix / (alpha) helix ;
hydrogen / H ;
4. (a)Folding of secondary structure / eq ;
To form irregular / 3D / globular shape ;
Maintained by, hydrogen / ionic / disulphide bonds / eq ;
Bonding determined by R-groups ;
Shape is important for function ;

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