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WHAP N-K 2009-2010

Spring supplementary reading homework

Attention brilliant scholars,

Because our year is so short, there are a few important things that we won’t have time for in
class. Therefore, we have to cover them outside of class. That means independent reading &
notes, in addition to the normal schedule of assignments and topics. On your own, at your own
schedule, you will read about three cultures and take notes. For each there is also a set of
questions to answer. A good set of answers will probably take front and back of a page,
handwritten. These are worth 20 pts each – 2x the normal notes assignments.

Each month one will be due – of course you may do the assignment any time during that month.
Then at the deadline we’ll have a quiz on it. You’ll rise to the challenge of having to manage this
floating assignment in addition to the regular work. To begin, first get your groaning out of the
way. Then smile and dive in.

Here are the three cultures and their readings:

1) China’s Ming dynasty – this is little time in our textbook. Read p 370-372, plus two
internet sources about the Ming dynasty. One may be the Wikipedia entry.

a. Provide full web addresses + the title of the website for both sources.

b. Compare the Ming to the Song period of China. Consider social things as well as
gov’t .

c. Describe Ming China’s relationship with its neighbors.

d. When was the Ming period? What other cultures that we’ve studied were around at
the same time?

2) Byzantine Empire – pgs. 269-282 Take notes plus answer these questions

a. When did it start and end? What other cultures that we’ve studied were around at
the same time?

b. How did the empire begin?

c. How did it end?

d. What was its relationship to Europe and to the Middle East?

e. What role did religion play?

3) Ottoman Empire – pgs. 425-429 + Wikipedia entry on Ottomans.

a. When did it start and end? What other cultures that we’ve studied were around at
the same time?

b. In terms of gov’t, which of the pre-Columbian American cultures we studied is most

like the Ottomans, and why?

c. What role did religion play?

d. What was its relationship to Europe?

e. What areas did the Ottomans control at their peak?

f. What was their capital city? Where else have we encountered that city?

Due dates:

1) Ming Dynasty – due March 1.

2) Byzantines – due April 1.

3) Ottomans – due May 1.

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