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12:43 PM PDT on May 5th, 2015 started the Bright Quarter or what used to be call

ed Summer.
That means 17/7/1436 starts Beltane. I offer this prayer of Exorcism for the Br
ight Quarter:
Thou art the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient.
You are over whom it is claimed to have rulership.
By the power of thy supreme name AL (The Strong Authority) over all spirits, bot
h superior and inferior of the infernal order in the Southern Quadrant of Fire a
nd Air, of Wands and Swords, I invoke and plead to you by your special and trues
t name.
By the mighty and powerful name YHWH (God is Established/God as a Noun and Verb)
who cast ShYTN (the Adversary) out of the Angelic Heaven together with all the
fire beings
By ALHYNW (Our God of Dwelling), and with power and virtue
By your name AChD RSh AChDWTW RSh YChDWTW TMRHZW AChD (Singular Primeumation, Si
ngular Beginning, One Essential that is One), whom commands the whole host of li
ght beings, may you cause, enforce, and compel spirit number ten through twentyseven and their six hundred and eighty four legions not to interfere with my pra
ctices and experiences inside and outside this circle.
Grant that those that come to me come in fair and goodly form; without doing har
m to me or any other creature, answering truly and faithfully.
Grant my requests; that I may accomplish my will and desires in knowing or obtai
ning anything by which you have determined is proper for performing or accomplis
By your power ALWHYM (All Divinity), is the creation, maintenance, and destructi
on of all things in this world; as well as the Telesial Kingdom, the Terrestial
Kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom, and the Outer Darkness.

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