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28/6/1436 Thoughts on the Avesta Gathas

Ahunavaiti Gatha
One's got to love how Yasna 31.2 lays out the reason for divine revelation and i
nspiration. I also love the statement of intention that distinguishes the spiri
tualist and the religious believer that is Yasna 28.1. The prayer of 34.15 is a
lso quite moving example of the goal of religion for society. Yasna 30-4-8 remi
nds of the stories about the fall of men and fire beings.
Ushtavaiti Gatha
At Yasna 43.10, I must surely say, "Amen!" We should all want to witness the pr
inciples we invoke in life. So much of this reminds me of Nabiyyim or the Proph
ets and Ketuwbiym or Writings sections of the bible; particularly Job and Isaiah
. Yasna 45.3 makes clear that the revelation and inspirations to a prophet are
not merely for mouthed prayers and armchair study.
Spentamainyush Gatha
Yasna 49.5 reminds us that praying for the good of this world to be bestowed upo
n ourselves and the righteous is very important. 50.1 teaches us that that true
st benefit is only through what is righteous and what is willingly God's; like t
he angels/ahuras. Yasna 50.5-8 teaches us that we help ourselves by aid of God'
s help.
Vohukshathra Gatha
It is interesting to try to thing of the verses as almost not mentioning angels
at all, but qualities instead. Yasna 51.13-15 speaks very well how the recompen
se of both wicked and righteous are just and understandable; both in this world
and the next. One can discern a series of methods by which the dregvaaitee or w
icked person can repent and become enlightened like the ashavanem or righteous.
Good company, like a pious spouse, is a clear way to make being saved easier.
Vahishtoishti Gatha
Yasna 53.5 makes a very important point regarding how marriage should be primari
ly for spiritual reasons. Alone or with another, maintain sincerity and steadfa
stness. Peace and war will come, but those who live in the moment upon what is
wrong will end up loosers in this world and the next.

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