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I am one, but no where near are much as The One.

I have fun, but I'm limited as to whatsoever I run.
I operate as a unit and strive to do more so before I'm done.
The decanate today is Sun and Mars in Aries.
The Mercurial Prince wishes to have won before the Eleven of Pleiades usher in t
he dry then the wet..
Formerly seven, they are now Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta, Pl
eione, Celaeno, Sterope, Asterope, and one more to the set.
The Seal of the Prophet's eyes let in a twelfth!
Adventurous Sword Bearing Prince is no pet!
Then, sorrow would require a vet.
Suicide is but Hell's net!

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