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BNP 20903 Soil Mechanics and Foundations

Open book, 90 minutes

Geotechnical lab. Answer 5 questions ( Q1, Q2 and the rest 3 from Q3 to Q6 )
Q1. From the Figure 1, determine :
The percentage of gravel, sand and (silt + clay).
The value of coefficient of uniformity and coefficient of curvature
Determine the types of this soil
If % passing the sieve no 200 (0.063 mm) on the same curve is 20 %, LL = 67 %,
PL = 22 % , Whats the type/name of this soil
Given, clay 2 m ; 2 m Silt 60 m ; 60 m Sand 2000 m
( D30 ) 2
C u 60
D60 D10
2000 m Gravel 60000 m ;

(20 marks)
Q2 The following are the results of a field unit weight using sand cone method :
- Callibrated dry unit weight of sand = 16.6 kN/m3
- Weight of jar + cone + sand (before use) = 5.88 kg
- Weight of jar + cone + sand (after use) = 2.76 kg
- Weight of moist soil from hole = 3.25 kg
- Moisture content of moist soil = 12 %
Determine the dry unit weight of compaction in the field.
Explain the weakness of core cutter method compared to sand cone method
(20 marks)
Q3 A specific gravity determination of the soil particles, using a density bottle yielded the
following data:
mass of density bottle/pycnometer and stopper m1 = 25.001 g

mass of density bottle plus stopper plus oven dried soil m2 = 36.909g
mass of density bottle plus stopper plus soil plus distilled water (after taken out from
dessicator) m3= 62.587g
mass of density bottle plus stopper plus distilled water(without soil) m4 = 55.212 g

Calculate specific gravity !

Explain why the pycnometer should be placed in dessicator for around 1 hour .
(20 marks)

Q4 From the following graph,


calculate Cv using Taylor method formula Cv = 0.808H2/ 4t90 in m2/year

Given : average thickness = 18 mm

(ii) In the process of soil consolidation, what happen with : soil settlement, pore water pressure
and effective stress

(20 marks)
Q5 (i) Explain the differences of falling head and constant head permeability test
(ii) During constant head permeability test, the head difference between 2 pipes should be
maintain constant, explain why !

(20 marks)
Q6 The following is data of the 3 (three) samples of pure sand (SW) which was sheared in direct
shear test (DST), Size of the sample is 6 x 6 cm,
Normal load (kg)
Shear stress (kPa)
Calculate strength properties of this soil.


Explain the differences between DST and UCT

(20 marks)
Good luck!

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