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Third Order of St.

List of Observances Required of the Rule

Recite either 1. Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the Dominican Rite
or 2. the entire Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Make an effort to be present, as far as possible, at the daily Sacrifice of the Mass and to
follow the priest with devout attention during the course of the Mass.
Devote ones mind to mental prayer and take part in pious works suited to the spirit of
the Order.
Daily Liturgical Prayer
Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Eternal rest for the living and the dead of the
whole Order.


Fast on Fridays


Approach the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist at least twice a month
unless legitimately hindered.


It is strongly recommended that a retreat of three days, at least once a year

Fast on the vigils of the:
o The Most Holy Rosary (October 7)
o Saint Dominic (August 4)
o Saint Catherine of Siena (April 30)


Worldly Vanity should be shunned in ones manner of dress

Cultivate a special devotion based on a particular attraction toward the most faithful
Patroness of the whole Order, the Virgin Mary; Saint Joseph, her spouse; our Blessed
Patriarch, Dominic; Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Patroness of the Third Order; and all the
Saints and Blesseds of the Order.
Refrain from visiting places of worldly amusement. Do not go to dances or worldly
banquets or frivolous shows
Show the deepest reverence for the Bishops and the priest of their respective churches
Devote ones life to the glory of God and the salvation of their neighbors in an ardent and
generous spirit.
Labor in behalf of the truth of the Catholic Faith and for the Church and the Pope, in
word and deed, showing themselves to be ardent defenders of their rights in all things
and at all times.

Help in apostolic works, particularly those of the Order.

Assist the parish priest in pious works and particularly where there is a necessity in
imparting religious instruction to boys and girls.
Within eight days immediately following the death notice, each member of the same
Fraternity shall recite a third part of the Rosary, hear one Mass and apply one
Communion for the repose of the deceased members soul.

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