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Sophie Formanek

March 10, 2015

Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye.
Iridologists believe that the iris of the eye represents some type of map of human glands, organs,
and other systems of the human body. They believe that the iris reveals physiological conditions,
psychological health risks, challenges or strengths of organs in the body, and personality traits.
Iridologists analyze the color, markings, changes, and other aspects of the iris to determine tissue
integrity throughout the body, which can help them acquire important health information.
Potential problems in a persons body may show up on the iris as spots, flecks, white or dark
streaks, and more. The texture and color indicate the persons general state of health. The four
principles that form the cornerstones of iridology are the condition of the nerves, the condition of
the blood and lymph system, adequate circulation, and nutrition (The Living Centre - EcoSpiritual Education Sanctuary).
Iridology is helpful because by studying the iris of both eyes, an iridologist can obtain
information about all parts of the body simultaneously. The iris reveals information such as
tendencies towards health problems, current health conditions, and gives warnings of what may
occur in the future. Iridology helps detect health problems at an early stage so that something
can be done to prevent it from getting worse (Knowledge Base).
Iridology is performed by a skilled practitioner that uses a hand held light source and a
small magnifying lens. For more extensive analysis, however, a special camera is used for
taking prints, slides, or digital pictures. When a photograph of the iris is enlarged, iridologists

can get a view of an ultra fine membrane of connective tissue that shows signs of degenerative
diseases prior to their formation in larger organs. Iridology can inform patients about a certain
problem they could inherit, and allows them to prevent it from spreading by getting special
treatment. This method is not harmful at all, as the camera used does not use a flash system, but
instead, it involves the use of fiber optics for lighting (Join ANPA).
Iridology was developed in the 19th century by Hungarian Dr. Ignatiz von Peckzely. As a
boy, Peckzely came upon an owl with a broken leg. He wanted to make sure the owl got better,
so he paid close attention to it, and noticed that as the owl made its recovery, there were certain
chances in its eye. When he first came upon the owl, he noticed a black mark in the birds iris.
As the owl healed, however, the black mark began to disappear. This interested him very much,
and he published his theories in 1881, and then went on to study more about this by becoming a
doctor and studying his patients eyes.
Soon afterwards, a Swedish doctor named Nil Lininquist added his own observations.
When he was in his teens, he got malaria and was treated with quinine and iodide. As the
medicine got into his system, he noticed that his blue eyes were turning a darker color. When he
later became a doctor, he found similar reactions in his patients eyes as well.
Iridology was not used very often, but it did become popular when Dr. Bernard tested it
in the United States. In 1950, he published a chart that showed the location of every gland and
organ reflected in each eye. The left eye corresponds with the left-hand side of the body, and the
right eye corresponds with the right side. The upper organs, like the brain, are at the top of the
iris, and the lower ones, like the kidneys, are at the bottom. Bodily systems like digestion, blood

and lymph glands and organs, muscles, skeleton, and the skin, appear in six rings around the
pupil (Iridology).
There are three main iris color types, and they are brown, blue, and grey, but there is also
a mix of brown and blue. The color of a persons eye refers to a specific type of constitution,
which can predict certain characteristics that a person might have. The blue eyed constitution is
known as the Lymphatic Type, the brown eyed constitution is known as the Haematogenic Type,
and the blue-brown constitution is know as the Mixed or Biliary Type. The Lymphatic Type is a
blue eye with loose wavy fibers, and is associated with congestion of the lymphatic system that
may experience immune function and elimination of toxins. Its inherent tendencies are reactivity of the lymphatic system, which include adenoid and tonsil irritation, swollen lymph
nodes, and sinusitis. I was interested to read about this because my sister is always sick. She has
had sinusitis and congestion all her life, and even got her tonsils and adenoids taken out because
they were causing her so much trouble. Whats interesting is that she had all of these problems,
and she has this exact type of blue eye.
Next, the Haematogenic Type is a brown iris with no underlying colors, and is more
prone to gastro-intestinal, liver, pancreatic, and blood disturbances. Some inherent tendencies
include anaemia, blood diseases, muscle spasms, arthritis, ulcers, liver, gall bladder, and
pancreatic malfunctions, and diabetes.
Lastly, the Mixed or Biliary Constitution is an iris with a blue background and a brown
overlay, often described as hazel. This constitution is prone to disturbances that both the
Lymphatic and Haematogenic Types experience. Its inherent tendencies include liver, gall

bladder, and pancreatic disturbances, diabetes, blood diseases, and gastro-intestinal weaknesses
(About Iridology).
I find iridology very interesting, and I think the reason why I chose to research it is
because I wear glasses and contacts, so my eyes have always been something I have had to pay
attention to. When I first heard about iridology, I wanted to find out more about it because all I
have ever known about my eyes is that they are not very clear, so I was intrigued to find out that
my eyes can actually give my insight into certain information about myself and my body. This is
so cool to me, and I think Ill have to go and give it a try someday. Id like to find out what my
eyes have to say about me.

Works Cited

"About Iridology." Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International. Guild of Naturopathic

Iridologists International, 2015. Web. 08 Mar. 2015.
"Iridology." Holistic Healing Center of Michigan, PLLC., 2009. Web.
8 Mar. 2015.
"Join ANPA." Iridology. A.N.P.A., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2015.
"Knowledge Base." WholeHealth Chicago. WholeHealth Chicago, 1993. Web. 08 Mar. 2015.
"The Living Centre - Eco-Spiritual Education Sanctuary." What Is Iridology. The Living Centre,
n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2015.

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