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Stephanie Paul

EPS 513
Interim Data Analysis
Our school just started using the ANET tests this year. ANET stands for the achievement
network. ANET is aligned with the new PAARC exam. The ANET is a test that is administered
quarterly. Each quarter there are different topics on the test that are aligned with the common
core standards that each respective grade is supposed to be learning. The ANET gives teachers an
idea of what they should be teaching each quarter to their students to prepare them for the
PAARC exam in the spring.
We administered the ANET test a few weeks ago as their first quarter test. We were to
give the students up to two hours to take the test. According to the ANET quarterly guide third
graders should come into the school year and start learning multiplication. However, we did not
feel this was appropriate for our students because they still didnt know how to add or subtract.
How can a student learn multiplication if they dont know how to add, since multiplication is
repeated addition. The week the test was administered was the week before we taught
Therefore, most of the data that we got back from the first ANET test was not accurate a
week later, when our students were taught multiplication. If we were to give the first ANET test
again we would have a much better idea of what we need to reteach to our students. The point of
the ANET test is the data that the test provide teachers with. Teachers are able to send in their
ANET tests and receive their graded tests with data two days later. That is a very fast turnaround.
The data provided is actually very impressive. The questions are broken down into groups based
on each common core standard the question assesses. Then you can see each question students
got wrong and what percent of the class got that question wrong based on each standard. The
data also compares student scores to all the other students who took the ANET exam. We are
unsure about what types of schools are also taking these exams and how these schools compare
to our population of our schools students.
This data can give teachers a sense of what types of questions their students and whole
class are getting wrong. Then you can look at the common core standard the question goes with,
or strategy to pinpoint why students may be getting these questions wrong. Teachers can then
group students into small groups based on what students need to be retaught, based on the data.

At Tarkington we are required from the administration to schedule six days of reteaching in small
groups based our ANET data. Specifically as stated above this data that we have from ANET is
not really accurate because our students were tested on multiplication when they have not been
taught this.
Since the data is not accurate it is hard to put it to use during our small group reteach
days. We already have a small group rotation set in place in our classroom. However, we are
using the ANET test to help teach our students strategies as far as reading the problems,
answering the problems, etc. For example every day in the morning we go over a math problem.
We cut up the problems from the first ANET test and use these problems. Another example there
was a question on the test that was mutliselect. All of our students got this question wrong. For
our exit tickets we will start including mutiselect questions to get them familiarized with
answering them. On the ANET test our students got all of the division problems wrong. This
make sense because we havent taught division. But keeping this in mind as we go into division
we really have to make sure our students understand our instruction.
ANET could be a very useful tool to help teachers to plan instruction around the common
core standards, and to make sure they are ready for the states standardized tests. If the material is
taught, not like our classrooms case, the data can be also useful when reteaching skills. I think
that schools should look into some type of program like this to help increase student success.

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