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2015-06-01 14:02:40,682 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10096] The workflow i

s deployed to the application. : application = [Application] : workflow = [wf_Sa

2015-06-01 14:02:40,705 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10005] Starting workf
low initialization. : workflow definition ID = [application:wf_sales_transaction
] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ]
2015-06-01 14:02:40,801 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10113] The workflow i
nstance has the following recovery options. : recovery = [Disabled] : automatic
recovery = [Disabled] : maximum recovery attempt count = [5]
2015-06-01 14:02:40,801 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10083] The workflow i
nstance was started by a user. : user/security domain = [Administrator/Native]
: Integration Service = [DIS] : node = [node01_localhost]
2015-06-01 14:02:40,856 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10008] Workflow insta
nce started successfully. : workflow definition ID = [application:wf_sales_trans
action] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ]
2015-06-01 14:02:47,887 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [ACTIVITIMSG_10008] Processing w
orkflow variables.
2015-06-01 14:02:47,890 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [ACTIVITIMSG_10009] Completed pr
ocessing workflow variables.
2015-06-01 14:02:53,473 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10055] Starting to ru
n the task. : execution ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : task name = [mt_m_Cust
2015-06-01 14:02:53,493 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: Found Task [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Join
er1] in Workflow [wf_Sales_Transaction]
2015-06-01 14:02:53,555 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [ACTIVITIMSG_10026] Updating wor
kflow state to register an in-progress task. : execution ID from execution ctx =
[U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1] : task ID =
2015-06-01 14:02:53,556 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10116] The task is ru
nning with the following recovery strategy and run count. : task name = [mt_m_Cu
st_Trans_Joiner1] : task recovery strategy = [Disabled] : task run count = [0]
2015-06-01 14:03:02,103 <pool-6-thread-3> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10069] Publishing wor
kflow task statistics. : state = [RUNNING]
2015-06-01 14:03:02,145 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10059] Runn
ing the task work item. : execution ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : task name
= [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1] : mode = [NORMAL]
2015-06-01 14:03:04,449 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10002]
Creating a log for the Mapping task. : log name = [C:\Informatica\PCExpress\tom
0150601_140253_494.log] : Mapping task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1] : workfl
ow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ]
2015-06-01 14:03:05,227 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10072]
Setting the Mapping task configuration properties. : date format = [MM/DD/YYYY
HH24:MI:SS] : high precision = [true] : optimization level = [2] : trace level =
[normal] : sort order = [binary] : Mapping task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1
] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,342 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10022]
The Mapping task completed. : Mapping task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1] : w
orkflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : status = [Success]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,342 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10023]
Total rows processed by the Mapping task. : Mapping task name = [mt_m_Cust_Tran
s_Joiner1] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : processed rows
= [3167]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,342 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10046]
Input rows encountered by the Mapping task. : Mapping task name = [mt_m_Cust_Tr
ans_Joiner1] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : encountered i
nput rows = [9116]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,342 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [TaskHandlerMsg_10047]
The Mapping task could not process some input rows. : Mapping task name = [mt_m
_Cust_Trans_Joiner1] : workflow instance ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : unpro

cessed input rows = [0]

2015-06-01 14:04:12,370 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10060] Comp
leted running the task work item. : execution ID = [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] :
task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,371 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10061] Star
ting task completion processing because the task is synchronous. : execution ID
= [U:qJ1Ncgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ] : task name = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,371 <AsyncTask-pool-1-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_10069] Publ
ishing workflow task statistics. : state = [COMPLETED]
2015-06-01 14:04:12,420 <WorkflowAsynService-pool-4-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_1
0049] Starting task completion. : task ID = [U:y9LSdgg4EeWMi2xWxtF-tQ]
2015-06-01 14:04:26,354 <WorkflowAsynService-pool-4-thread-1> INFO: [ACTMGSCMN_1
0210] Evaluated a conditional sequence flow. : sequence flow = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_
Joiner1_to_End_Event] : condition = [] : result = [true]
2015-06-01 14:04:26,354 <WorkflowAsynService-pool-4-thread-1> INFO: [ACTMGSCMN_1
0211] Taking the sequence flow. : sequence flow = [mt_m_Cust_Trans_Joiner1_to_En
d_Event] : condition = []
2015-06-01 14:04:28,547 <WorkflowAsynService-pool-4-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_1
0013] Workflow instance completed. : completion state = [COMPLETED]
2015-06-01 14:04:28,548 <WorkflowAsynService-pool-4-thread-1> INFO: [WFCCmnMsg_1
0048] Closing the workflow instance logger.

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