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Cystic fibrosis

o Something about atrophic muscle or mucosa

Preg teenager need permission for?
o Breast augmentation
J tube is continuous only? TRUE
Toddler eats only one food on his plate at a time
o Physiologic anorexia
Mom, dad, sibling in room with pt, no visitors
o Closed family
7 mths fontanels are open
o not ok notify physician
Child pain
o Use face scale document flacc scale
What should you do to prevent SIDS (Multiple multiple)
o All answers were correct except do not put formula in
Most important for TEF
o Continuous Suctioning
Know tanner stages (My question was stage 4)
o Continous swallowing
Respiratory infection w/fever
o Give fluids
o Dont assess mouth!
Barking cough
o Croup
o Humidify nasal cannula
Cleft Palate
o Burp Frequently
Red Jelly Stool
o Intusseption
Baby says no
o Independence/Autonomy

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