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How to Avoid Cyber Bullying

By MacKenzi Melanson
Cyber Bullying, What Is It?
Cyber bullying is when
someone emotionally or
physically hurts or harms
someone else over the
internet, social media or via
text message. Tormenting
someone to get rid of your own
problems is not okay. There are different reasons to why people cyber bully,
like with how they get treated at home or how they get treated in general.
Sometimes the bully is a victim towards him or herself; you and a bully
might have a lot in common.

Ways to Avoid Cyber Bullying:

- Dont be a Bystander. A bystander is someone who
watches the harmful behavior and does nothing to stop it,
such as telling an adult.

- Tell Someone. Many teens or even adults in some cases, do not want to
tell an adult; or someone they even trust that they are being cyber bullied
because they are ashamed.

- Do not avoid it: for someone could get harmed very bad and even
eventually experience physical bullying, which consists of, kicking, pushing,
pinching, slapping, punching, tripping etc.

Aftermath of Cyber Bullying:

- Severe depression, anxiety, or any other
stress-related disorder.
- lower self esteem.
- mistreatment towards others, or even
breaking out towards family by yelling.

Someone being cyber bullied, might beat him or herself up more than the
bully him or herself. They might yell or get angry quickly. They may be
nervous or mad after using cell phones or any social media.
People such as Amanda Todd, have turned to death for this. Todd got
harassed all over Facebook, talking to an anonymous person online, ended
up choosing suicide.
There was a girl named Ashley (last name not stated). Someone had given
her phone number, address and school name out on social media. She had
to enroll to a different middle school.
13-year-old Ryan Halligan, choosing suicide because of the fact he was
getting bullied on on his email account, his father, three days
after Ryans funeral, saw this on his account.

How To Tell If Someone is Being Cyber Bullied:

- Someone is being jumpy or very nervous when getting a text message by
someone else or the bully him or herself.
- Being secretive towards their family about digital life.
- The victim is binge eating or skipping meals simply because the bully will
tell them too.
- The person has unexplainable injuries.
- The person has destroyed clothing,
jewelry, books, notebooks,
Some people dont say anything at
all, which is extremely sad, because
they could be targeted, too.

Different Types of Cyber Bullying:

- Verbal

Hey Stupid, Get over here!

- Physical Kicking, Punching, Slapping.

- Mental (telling someone that they have problems, or hurting them
- Cyber

tormenting someone online or on social media.

Laws on Cyber Bullying

it is actually illegal to publicly harass someone, or bully someone online, for
the following topics:
- color
- religion
- age
- sexual orientation
- gender identity and expression
- national origin
- physical appearance
- weight
- family status
- other distinguishing characteristics
- association with another person identified with such characteristics
- gender
- socioeconomic orientation
- ancestry or ethnicity
- physical, mental emotional or learning disability
Thats how you survive cyber bullying.

Sources Cited

- "Cyberbullying." Cyberbullying. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, n.d. Web. 10
June 2015.
- "Cyberbullying." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed. Larissa
Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01 June 2014. Web. 10 June 2015.
-"What Is Cyberbullying." What Is Cyberbullying. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015.
- Hoffman, Jan. "Online Bullies Pull Schools Into the Fray." The New York Times. The New York
Times, 27 June 2010. Web. 10 June 2015.
- "The Amanda Todd Story." NoBullyingBullying Cyber Bullying Resources Advice. N.p., 21 Apr.
2013. Web. 10 June 2015.
- "Suicide of Ryan Halligan." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015.
- "Policies&Laws." Policies&Laws. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015.

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