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So much has changed in the world around us.

The rate of technological change has

transformed everything. And it will continue to. Many of the things that we think are so
smart and groovy just now will be discarded within ten years. I mean, I think if you show
your grandchildren your iPad, they will smile at you with a kind of patronizing look of how
quaint it was that you thought this was so exciting.

The rate at which technology advances today is staggering, but it shouldn't be surprising.
The technology of the future is built upon today's technology and with today's
technology, and the more advanced the technology, the easier and faster it is to make
new things with it.
French novelist Jules Verne is credited as being one of the founding fathers of the science
fiction genre. His writing has inspired countless authors and not only: from submarine
designers to explorers, astronomers, and even rocket scientists all pioneers of the
technology and space ages have credited their inspiration to Jules Verne and his works
of fiction.
This goes to show that fiction and reality are very closely related. What was make-believe
a century ago and a luxury only the obscenely rich could afford a mere decade ago is
now a common household object.
We've already surpassed our forefathers' wildest dreams. 3D printers a relatively recent
invention have caught on and are being used on an increasingly wider scale. We can
print virtually anything now, from pictures to small decorative trinkets to actual organs
that can and are being used in transplants. Science, it seems, has caught up with fiction
and is now racing to surpass it.

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